WHAT'S ON THIS DISC? \EOS16\*.WAV - 16-bit sound files in Windows .WAV format. \EOS8\*.WAV - 8-bit sound files in Windows .WAV format. \MENU\MAIN.EXE - DOS main menu. You can browse a list of files on the CD or get more information about the CD from this menu. \WINMENU\EOS2.EXE - Windows front end program. You can play the sound files from this menu. \MENU\WAVS.TXT - List of files on this disc. \MENU\README.TXT - Information about this disc. \MENU\RESTRICT.TXT - Usage restrictions for the sound files. \MENU\WHATIS.TXT - This file. \MENU\WAVS.COM, \MENU\README.COM, \MENU\RESTRICT.COM, \MENU\WHATIS.COM - Same as the above files, but in self- displaying format. **************** 8-bit .WAV files **************** 2MIN#08.WAV Jazz score 30SEC#18.WAV Jazz clip 30SEC#68.WAV POP clip 3MIN#48.WAV POP score 4MIN#28.WAV POP score 4MIN#38.WAV New Age score 4MIN#58.WAV Country score 4MIN#68.WAV Country score AC8.WAV Air conditioner sounds ADC8.WAV Logan Airport departure contl. ANNOUNC8.WAV "Announcing!" APLAUSE8.WAV Applause APPOINT8.WAV "I have an appointment" APU8.WAV Jet engine APU start (B737) ARCADE18.WAV Arcade sounds ARYANA8.WAV Fetal heart beat ATIS8.WAV ATIS airport terminal info. BACH18.WAV Classical clip BACH28.WAV Classical clip BACH38.WAV Classical clip BAL8.WAV "Break a leg" BARSUNS8.WAV Crowd sounds in a bar BARTOK18.WAV Classical clip BELLS18.WAV Echoing Bell Sounds BELVTHS8.WAV "You're not gonna believe this!" BETOVN18.WAV Classical clip BETOVN28.WAV Classical clip BLIZ8.WAV Blizzard Broadcast BOSSIN8.WAV "Is the boss in" BROOK8.WAV Running brook sounds BUBBLER8.WAV Water Bubbler BUY8.WAV "You can't buy a better product!" BYPRODT8.WAV "You can buy our products at your local computer store!" CALCLR8.WAV Calculator sounds CARWASH8.WAV Car Wash CAS8.WAV Several different car alarms CCS8.WAV Cuckoo Clock Sounds CFW8.WAV Cockpit fire warning (B737) CFWB8.WAV Cockpit fire warning (B757) CGW8.WAV Cockpit ground warning (B737) CHECIT8.WAV "Check this out!" CHREG8.WAV Supermarket Checkout CLOSE8.WAV "Close" COMEHR8.WAV "Come here" COMING8.WAV "Coming soon to you!" COMREF8.WAV Commercial refrigerator motor sounds CONCLSN8.WAV "In conclusion" COOL!8.WAV " That was cool!" COPIER8.WAV Copier Sounds COPTER8.WAV Helicopter sounds COSW8.WAV Cockpit over speed warning (MD80) CRKF8.WAV Creaking floor CRKPOP8.WAV Cork Popping CRSECL8.WAV Reading of cockpit start engine check list CS8.WAV Bucket crane lifting sounds CST8.WAV Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (B737) CSTMD8.WAV Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (MD80) CSW8.WAV Cockpit stall warning (B737) CSWMD8.WAV Cockpit stall warning (MD80) CSWR8.WAV Country sounds with rain CYMBLS78.WAV Cymbal Sounds DIFFRNT8.WAV "And now for something completely different!" DINBELL8.WAV Dinner Bell DJ18.WAV Disk jockey sounds DRUM38.WAV Echoing Drum Sounds DRUMBT18.WAV Drum sounds DRUMBT28.WAV Drum sounds DRUMBT48.WAV Drum sounds DRUMBT58.WAV Drum sounds DRUMROL8.WAV Drum Roll DUB8.WAV Motor boat dubbing EATING8.WAV Eating sounds ECHL8.WAV Echoing laughter EDIT8.WAV "Edit" EFW8.WAV External APU fire warning (B737) EXPIRES8.WAV "Please act soon because this offer expires soon!" F48.WAV Fourth of July, 1993 FAROUT8.WAV "Far out!" FAXSOND8.WAV FAX Machine Sounds FFX18.WAV Modulated cymbals FFX28.WAV Whistling Cow Bell FFX38.WAV Modulated Cow Bell FILEDOR8.WAV File drawer sounds FILGHTY8.WAV "Don't forget your flight to New York" FIRE8.WAV Crackling fire FISH8.WAV Latin percussion instrument FL8.WAV Forklift moving materials FLK18.WAV Folk dancing with crowd sounds1 FLK28.WAV Folk dancing with crowd sounds2 FLK38.WAV Folk dancing with crowd sounds3 FRG8.WAV Frightened girl FRST8.WAV Forest Sounds FUN8.WAV "It was real, it was fun, but it wasn't real fun" GARBCSH8.WAV Sounds of garbage being crushed GEESE8.WAV Real geese sounds GHA8.WAV "Go home already" GIGGLES8.WAV Giggles GMC8.WAV "Good morning campers" GRDF8.WAV Grandfather Clock Sounds HANDEL8.WAV Classical clip HD8.WAV "Thank you for erasing your hard drive, have a nice day" HEBUSY8.WAV "He's busy" HECKLS18.WAV Night Club Sounds HECKLS28.WAV Night Club Crowd Sounds HELPYU8.WAV "May I help you?" HERALD8.WAV Heralding HIHATS8.WAV Hihats (cymbal type sounds) IHE8.WAV "I've had enough" INMAIL8.WAV "It's in the mail" KEYBRD8.WAV Computer keyboard sounds LABO18.WAV Construction sounds LABO28.WAV Construction sounds LGCRWD18.WAV Large crowd sounds1 LGCRWD28.WAV Large crowd sounds2 LOGOUT8.WAV "Log out" LTRK8.WAV Large truck sounds LTTRUCK8.WAV Light truck revving motor MACH28.WAV Cockpit MACH1 speed warning (B737) MAKEAPP8.WAV "I'd like to make an appointment" MBO28.WAV Motor boat in ocean2 MBO8.WAV Motor boat in ocean1 MBTA18.WAV MBTA train sounds in tunnel MBTA28.WAV MBTA train sounds outside MBTA38.WAV MBTA train ride from inside with crowd sounds MODEM8.WAV Modem Sounds MORE!8.WAV "And there's more!" MOTOR8.WAV Gas motor sounds MOZART18.WAV Classical clip MOZART28.WAV Classical clip MOZART38.WAV Classical clip NEAT!8.WAV "That was neat'o!" NWSF8.WAV "News flash! ODCS18.WAV Out door crowd sounds1 ODCS28.WAV Out door crowd sounds2 ODCS38.WAV Out door crowd sounds3 OFFICE_8.WAV Office Sounds1 OPEN8.WAV "Open" ORDER8.WAV "Where the heck is my order?" PASST8.WAV Truck passing (stereo effect) PCAR8.WAV Car passing (stereo effect) PEEPERS8.WAV Small frog sounds PENCIL8.WAV Pencil scribbling PENCSR8.WAV Electric pencil sharpener PHAT!8.WAV "Man that was phat!" PIG8.WAV Real pig sounds POLCRSH8.WAV Police Chase & Crash POLR8.WAV Police radio sounds PORWAT8.WAV Pouring Water RAD!8.WAV "And rad!" RAP8.WAV Rapids sounds RB8.WAV Runway background sounds READY8.WAV "What do you mean it's not ready yet?" REASONS8.WAV "There are countless reasons to choose our products!" REST8.WAV Restaurant sounds RIPPING8.WAV Ripping material sounds ROCK18.WAV Rock mining ROCK28.WAV Rock mining SAY8.WAV "Say!" SCAFTRA8.WAV Cafeteria SCANNER8.WAV Emergency Scanner SHEBUSY8.WAV "She's busy can you call back later?" SIZZORS8.WAV Scissor sounds SLASHED8.WAV "The price has been slashed!" SMJE8.WAV Start of main jet engine (B737) SQD18.WAV Squeaking door SQD28.WAV Squeaking door STAPLER8.WAV Stapler sounds STORM8.WAV Wind & Water SY8.WAV "See ya!" SZZ8.WAV Sizzling sound TAKELT8.WAV "Take a letter" TAKEMES8.WAV "May I take a message?" TBA8.WAV Truck backup alarm TELETYP8.WAV Teletype sounds THNDCLK8.WAV Thunder & clock sounds THUND18.WAV Thunder sounds THUND28.WAV Thunder sounds THUND38.WAV Thunder sounds TKWHECH8.WAV Oil Delivery to Home TOOLS18.WAV Various Tools TOOLS28.WAV Various Tools TOOLS38.WAV Various Tools TOOLS48.WAV Various Tools TOOLS58.WAV Various Tools TOOLS68.WAV Various Tools TOUCH8.WAV "Don't touch that!" TOW8.WAV Take warning (B737) TRAF8.WAV Traffic sounds TS8.WAV Logan Airport tower sounds TSP8.WAV Train passing sounds (stereo effect) TSS8.WAV "This software stinks" UNLOAD8.WAV "Okay, let's get this truck unloaded!" VIVALDI8.WAV Classical clip WATER8.WAV Waterfall sounds WHOCALL8.WAV "May I ask who's calling?" WIN8.WAV "Heeerre's Windows!" WOW!8.WAV "Wow that was cool!" WRNB8.WAV Warning Bell in Car XX8.WAV "Extra, Extra!" ZS8.WAV Zoo sounds ***************** 16-bit .WAV files ***************** 2MIN#0.WAV Jazz score 30SEC#1.WAV Jazz clip 30SEC#6.WAV POP clip 3MIN#4.WAV POP score 4MIN#2.WAV POP score 4MIN#3.WAV New Age score 4MIN#5.WAV Country score 4MIN#6.WAV Country score ANNOUNC.WAV "Announcing!" APPLAUSE.WAV Applause APPOINTM.WAV "I have an appointment" ATIS.WAV ATIS airport terminal info. BACH1.WAV Classical clip BACH2.WAV Classical clip BACH3.WAV Classical clip BAL.WAV "Break a leg" BARSUNS.WAV Crowd sounds in a bar BARTOK1.WAV Classical clip BEETOVEN.WAV Classical clip BELIVTHS.WAV "You're not gonna believe this!" BELLS1.WAV Echoing Bell Sounds BETOVN2.WAV Classical clip BOSSIN.WAV "Is the boss in" BUBBLER.WAV Water Bubbler BUY.WAV "You can't buy a better product!" BYPRODCT.WAV "You can buy our products at your local computer store!" CCS.WAV Cuckoo Clock Sounds CFW.WAV Cockpit fire warning (B737) CFWB.WAV Cockpit fire warning (B757) CHECIT.WAV "Check this out!" CLOSE.WAV "Close" COMEHERE.WAV "Come here" COMING.WAV "Coming soon to you!" COMREF.WAV Commercial refrigerator motor sounds CONCLSN.WAV "In conclusion" COOL!.WAV "That was cool!" COPTER.WAV Helicopter sounds COSW.WAV Cockpit over speed warning (MD80) CRKF.WAV Creaking floor CRKPOP.WAV Cork Popping CST.WAV Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (B737) CSTMD.WAV Cockpit stabilizer trim sounds (MD80) CSW.WAV Cockpit stall warning (B737) CSWMD.WAV Cockpit stall warning (MD80) CYMBALS7.WAV Cymbal Sounds DIFFRNT.WAV "And now for something completely different!" DINBELL.WAV Dinner Bell DJ1.WAV Disk jockey sounds DRUMBT1.WAV Drum sounds DRUMBT2.WAV Drum sounds DRUMBT4.WAV Drum sounds DRUMBT5.WAV Drum sounds DRUMROLL.WAV Drum Roll DRUMS3.WAV Echoing Drum Sounds DRUMS3.WAV Drum sounds DUB.WAV Motor boat dubbing EATING.WAV Eating sounds EDIT.WAV "Edit" EFW.WAV External APU fire warning (B737) EXPIRES.WAV "Please act soon because this offer expires soon!" FAROUT.WAV "Far out!" FFX1.WAV Modulated cymbals FFX2.WAV Whistling Cow Bell FFX3.WAV Modulated Cow Bell FILEDOOR.WAV File drawer sounds FISH.WAV Latin percussion instrument FLIGHTNY.WAV "Don't forget your flight to New York" FRG.WAV Frightened girl FUN.WAV "It was real, it was fun, but it wasn't real fun" GHA.WAV "Go home already" GIGGLES.WAV Giggles GMC.WAV "Good morning campers" HANDEL.WAV Classical clip HD.WAV "Thank you for erasing your hard drive, have a nice day" HEARLD.WAV Heralding HEBUSY.WAV "He's busy" HECKLES1.WAV Night Club Sounds HELPYOU.WAV "May I help you?" HIHATS.WAV Hihats (cymbal type sounds) HORSE.WAV Real horse sounds HORSE.WAV Real horse sounds IHE.WAV "I've had enough" INMAIL.WAV "It's in the mail" LABO1.WAV Construction sounds LGCRWD2.WAV Large crowd sounds2 LOGOUT.WAV "Log out" LTTRUCK.WAV Light truck revving motor MACH1.WAV Cockpit MACH1 speed warning (B737) MAKEAPPO.WAV "I'd like to make an appointment" MORE!.WAV "And there's more!" MOZART1.WAV Classical music clip MOZART2.WAV Classical clip MOZART3.WAV Classical clip NEAT!.WAV "That was neat'o!" NWSF.WAV "News flash! ODCS3.WAV Out door crowd sounds3 OPEN.WAV "Open" ORDER.WAV "Where the heck is my order?" PEEPERS.WAV Small frog sounds PENCILSR.WAV Electric pencil sharpener PHAT!.WAV "Man that was phat!" POLR.WAV Police radio sounds POWERWAT.WAV Pouring Water RAD!.WAV "And rad!" READY.WAV "What do you mean its not ready yet?" REASONS.WAV "There are countless reasons to choose our products!" SAY.WAV "Say!" SCANNER.WAV Emergency Scanner SHEBUSY.WAV "She's busy can you call back later?" SIZZORS.WAV Scissor sounds SLASHED.WAV "The price has been slashed!" SQD1.WAV Squeaking door SQD2.WAV Squeaking door STAPLER.WAV Stapler sounds SY.WAV "See ya!" SYMBOLS.WAV Echoing Cymbals Sounds SYMBOLS.WAV Echoing Cymbals Sounds SZZ.WAV Sizzling sound TAKELETT.WAV "Take a letter" TAKEMESS.WAV "May I take a message?" TELETYP.WAV Teletype sounds THUNDER1.WAV Thunder sounds THUNDER2.WAV Thunder sounds TOOLS2.WAV Various Tools TOOLS4.WAV Various Tools TOOLS5.WAV Various Tools TOOLS6.WAV Various Tools TOUCH.WAV "Don't touch that!" TOW.WAV Take warning (B737) TRKWENCH.WAV Oil Delivery to Home TSS.WAV "This software stinks" UNLOAD.WAV "Okay, let's get this truck unloaded!" VIVALDI.WAV Classical clip WHOSCALL.WAV "May I ask who's calling?" WIN.WAV "Heeerre's Windows!" WOW!.WAV "Wow that was cool!" WRNB.WAV Warning Bell in Car XX.WAV "Extra, Extra!"