Wordsearch Mania! Puzzle File Copyright (C) 1994 Michael J. Baker Famous Dates in History A clue is given for each date, its up to you to figure out what the date is! Columbus sailed the ocean blue! |Death of Martin Luther |Declaration of Independence |End of War of 1812 (Trick Question!) |End of World War I |End of World War II |English King Charles I beheaded |First World Series in Baseball |Franklin D. Roosevelt starts first term as president |French Revolution |George Washington born |Great London Fire |Jamestown Colony founded |Joan of Arc executed |Magna Carta adopted |Man lands on the moon |Napoleon defeated at Waterloo |Nixon Resigns |Russian Revolution |Start of Spanish-American War |Start of the 'Hundred Years' War |Stock Market Crash |U.S. Civil War Ends |219424518111377677112659791133796472138597866819181921996918128781691929161191842641792149299181188197176899715339101410591341865613186582918191