An Agenda for Development, by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Published by United Nations Department of Public Information, copyright 1995 United Nations. An Agenda for Peace, by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Published by United Nations Department of Public Information, copyright 1995 United Nations. Basic Facts About the United Nations. Published by United Nations Department of Public Information, copyright 1995 United Nations. The Blue Helmets: A Review of United Nations Peace-keeping. Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information, copyright 1990 by the United Nations. Choices (The Human Development Magazine). Published by the United Nations Development Program. Everyone's United Nations (Tenth Edition). Published by United Nations Department of Public Information, copyright 1986 United Nations. A Global Agenda: Issues Before the 49th General Assembly of the United Nations. Published by University Press of America, Inc., copyright 1994 by the United Nations Association of the United States of America. A Global Agenda: Issues Before the 51st General Assembly of the United Nations. Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., copyright 1996 by the United Nations Association of the United States of America. A Global Affair: An Inside Look at the United Nations. Published by Jones & Janello, copyright 1995, all rights reserved. The Human Development Report 1994. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc., copyright 1994 by United Nations Development Program. Reprinted by permission. The Human Development Report 1995. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc., copyright 1995 by United Nations Development Program. Reprinted by permission. A Life in Peace and War. Published by HarperCollins, New York, copyright 1987 by Sir Brian Urquhart. Reprinted by permission. The Progress of Nations 1995. Published by United Nations International Children's Fund (UNICEF), copyright 1995 UNICEF. Available from the Public Information Office, US Committee for UNICEF, 333 East 38th Street, New York NY 10016. (Sales#:E.95.XX.UKD.1) The Secretariat News. Copyright 1960 by Brian Urquhart (excerpted from A Global Affair). The State of The World's Refugees 1995: In Search of Solutions. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc., copyright 1995 by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Reprinted by permission. The State of The World's Children 1996. Published for UNICEF by Oxford University Press. Available from the UNICEF Public Information Office, US Committee for UNICEF, 333 East 38th Street, New York NY 10016. United Nations: The First Fifty Years, by Stanley Meisler. Published by Grove/Atlantic, copyright 1995 by Stanley Meisler. Reprinted by permission. - - - Materials from Oxford University Press are available from the publisher: 2001 Evans Road, Cray, North Carolina 27513 Telephone 1-800-445-9714, Fax 919-677-1303. - - - All original digital map files supplied by Magellan Geographix, Santa Barbara, California. Telephone 1-800-929-4MAP for ordering information. - - - United Nations materials with the "Source:" citation have been edited by the Producers and William Aceves to make them current or to give them context. The United Nations is the copyright holder of the Materials. This text is reproduced with permission of the United Nations and may not be further reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording. William Aceves is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Government at Harvard University. He was previously a Lecturer and Ford Foundation Fellow in International Law at the UCLA School of Law. Mr. Aceves received his J.D. and M.A. in International Relations from the University of Southern California Law Center. He has written extensively on international law and American foreign policy. - - - Disclaimer: Definitions and limitations of all materials and data provided by the United Nations and used in this publication are documented in the United Nations sources cited. The United Nations accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of suitability of the presentation of these materials in this publication, nor for additional materials and data provided by the publisher.