Following the October 1973 war, tensions remained high in the Israeli-Syrian sector and frequent complaints of cease-fire violations were submitted by both sides. In May 1974, an Agreement on Disengagement was signed between Israel and Syria. The agreement provided for an area of separation and for two equal zones of limited forces and armaments on both sides of the area. It also called for the establishment of a United Nations observer force to supervise its implementation. On May 31st, the Security Council adopted resolution 350 which established the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). The function of UNDOF would be to supervise the agreement with regard to the areas of separation and limitation. The force was established for an initial period of six months subject to renewal by the Security Council. On June 3rd, General Gonzalo Briceno was appointed interim commander of UNDOF. The force became operational on June 5th and its troop strength reached 1,200 in mid-June. The redeployment of Israeli forces took place in four phases. After the completion of each phase, UNDOF would carry out an inspection of the evacuated area and report its findings to the parties. By June 27th, it had completed the process of disengagement of forces between Israel and Syria. Following the completion of the disengagement operation, UNDOF delineated and marked the lines bounding the area of separation. This task was carried out with the cooperation of the Israeli and Syrian forces and was completed in early July. Thereafter, UNDOF occupied the area of separation between the two parties. It established a series of check-points and observation posts within the area. It also conducted regular patrols and inspections of the area of limitation. Since then, UNDOF has continued to operate in the Golan Heights area, supervising the continued disengagement of forces. Given the volatile nature of the region, the Security Council has consistently renewed UNDOF's mandate in order to maintain peace in the area. By William Aceves