[HDNG]SERVICES:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]W1[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Creche [BULL] Nightline [BULL] Lesbian and Gay Society [BULL] Mature SA [BULL] Overseas SA [BULL] Postgrad SA [BULL] Minibus [BULL] Women's Officer [BULL] Self-defence classes [ESTAT][PARA]USSU runs a Welfare Advice Unit with 2 welfare advisers complementing the University-run counselling service which employs 3 counsellors, 3 psychotherapists and 19 part time counselling volunteers. The NHS runs the University Health service on campus with doctors, nurses, maternity care and family planning and a dentist. Places in the creche/nursery for children from 6 months to 5 years old [ITAL]are very limited, [EITAL]but there's also a play scheme, a kid's club and a Parent and Toddlers Group. There is a Black Students Group and Brighton has a large lesbian and gay community.[PARA][BOLD]Disabled: [EBOLD][ITAL]With the embarrassingly bad exception of Falmer House (the SU building), wheelchair access is fairly good and arrangements are made for the special needs of students with most forms of disability.[EITAL] Falmer House is due for a refit, but the Council are kicking up a fuss about planning permission. There's also Kulukundis House which is specially adapted accommodation for disabled students.[HDNG]FINANCE:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Ave debt per year: £1,000 [BULL] Access fund: £159,700 [BULL] Successful applications (1992): N/A[ESTAT][PARA]Students can also apply for a Vice-Chancellor's Loan of £75 if their grants are late.[PARA][PARA]