[HDNG]SERVICES:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]W2[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Creche [BULL] Lesbian and Gay Society [BULL] Overseas SA [BULL] Postgrad SA [BULL] Women's Officer [ESTAT][PARA]The University employs 4 counsellors and an adviser and the Union has an Advice Bureau with 2 full time advisers and 2 volunteers. All students have personal tutors assigned to them. 2 part time nurses work on site.[PARA][BOLD]Disabled: [EBOLD][ITAL]Access is not very good [EITAL]and only the Union building has ramps to the entrance and lifts. There's a booklet available, 'Enabling You'.[PARA][BOLD]Women: [EBOLD] There's always a female member of the welfare team available.[HDNG]FINANCE:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Ave debt per year: £1,000 [BULL] Access fund: £400,000 [BULL] Successful applications (1992): 1,200[ESTAT][PARA]The University distributes a charitable fund of £12,000, mainly to those who wouldn't otherwise get financial assistance, such as part-time and overseas students. Student Services also provide a Money Management Guide and give out £50,000 in Fee Remissions, so that those who pay their own tuition costs, can finish their courses.[PARA][PARA]