[HDNG]THE CITY:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]E2[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Price of a pint of beer: £1.25 [BULL] Glass of wine: £1.20[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Cinemas:[EBOLD] There's the Crystal Peaks 10 screen multiplex, the 7 screen Odeon and 2 other cinemas (3 screens and 1).[PARA][BOLD]Theatres:[EBOLD] (6) The Crucible may be famous for the World Snooker Championship, but also features [ITAL]top [EITAL]shows in its main theatre (cap 1,000) and more alternative productions in its studio. The Lyceum also hosts many plays and concerts.[PARA][BOLD]Pubs:[EBOLD] [ITAL]Dead friendly local pubs and remember, this is Yorkshire ([ULNE]South[EULNE] Yorkshire), so there's never a brew too few, a pile of pints with more pump than slump and all at a price that's ripe. The SU runs a couple of pubs itself, but [EITAL][PUSH]push[EPUSH] [ITAL]would also like to shove in quick plugs for the Porter Cottage, Grindstone, Nottingham House, Fat Cat and any pub that stocks the Wards local brews. Yorkshire Grey is one beer that must be supped.[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Clubs/discos:[EBOLD] [ITAL]The grooves are cut deep in the streets of Sheffield - many clubs with clout and no such thing as a 'student nights' (community relations are too cool to be cruel). From the many music malls emanate sounds for any ears to hear. [EITAL][PUSH]push[EPUSH][ITAL]plugs: Leadmill (£3, all sorts of sounds, cap 800); Palais (£1.50-£5, funk/dance/indie/goth); Cairo Jacks (£2.50, towny with violent bouncers, students on Wednesdays anyway); Kiki's (£1, Mondays).[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Music venues:[EBOLD] The biggest is the Arena, one of the country's largest venues, and City Hall is nearly as large, but the city brims with as many music palaces as night clubs and sometimes the 2 coincide: Leadmill and the Palais have live bands. Mr Kite's cafe offers many jazz jewels.[HDNG]UNIVERSITY:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]E2[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Price of a pint of beer: £1.08 [BULL] Glass of wine: 95p[ESTAT][PARA][ITAL]Student ents are big-time, big fun[EITAL] - in one term (11 weeks) in 1993, 57,000 tickets were sold for SU events including 47 club/disco nights, 37 gigs with 91 bands and 9 jazz nights. 20 of these events were completely sold out.[PARA][BOLD]Bars:[EBOLD] The SU's 6 bars are the city's cheapest and they have 2 of their own pubs, The Fox and Duck in Broomhill, which is a studenty area, and the Rising Sun, a bit further away. Bar One in the Union's Graves Building has a capacity of 600.[PARA][BOLD]Theatres:[EBOLD] The University Drama Studio in a converted chapel provides a professional standard of student theatre.[PARA][BOLD]Film:[EBOLD] The University film society shows 5 or 6 films a week in its purpose-built cinema in the SU. [ITAL]They often focus on the arty film shortfalls of the city [EITAL](eg Betty Blue)[ITAL], but aren't above shlock [EITAL](eg Demolition Man)[ITAL].[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Music venues and clubs/discos:[EBOLD] Club nights and concerts are held in the [ITAL]fantastic [EITAL]Octagon Centre (cap 1500) - not only an 8-sided building, but also [ITAL]an arts venue to run with the best[EITAL]. Meanwhile, just because the University has one [ITAL]envy-inspiring[EITAL] joint, it doesn't stop it having others too, including The Park (600) and Raynor Lounge (150). These venues are used for club nights at least 4 times each week (Fahrenheit, Loaded, Shack 742 and Mrs Thatcher's Big Night Out - £1-£2.50). There are fortnightly Cyclone rave nights (with face-painting) and theme nights galore (60s, 70s, 80s, garage, funk, alternative, jazz - [ITAL]everything but the kitchen sink, although if they put one in a venue, it'd probably still be a sell-out[EITAL]). But it ain't over yet, The Lower Refectory (600) is also used regularly. And not content with this, plans are afoot for a £2.5m extension (should be complete by September 1996).[PARA][BOLD]Recent band appearances:[EBOLD] St Etienne, Blur, Galliano, Therapy?[PARA][BOLD]Cabaret:[EBOLD] The SU hosts cabaret nights 3 or 4 times a term in The Lower Refectory, with big[ITAL] [EITAL]names (eg recently, Vic and Bob and Rob and Dave).[PARA][BOLD]Other: [EBOLD]Balls and end-of-term carnivals with fair rides and bands.[HDNG]EATING OUT:[EHDNG][PARA]Students tend to attend at the SU's refectory or the SU's 2 fast food bars or the SU's pizza bar or even the SU's sandwich bar. For the students who're still hungry, there are snack bars and cafes all over the city (especially Broomhill and City West). After dark, students can dine in style or just grab a cheap chew. [ITAL]For junk food junkies, the University area is a bit too affluent for such effluent, although the city centre supplies. The Devonshire Greenhouse (veggie), Kashmir, Nirmals (both Indian) and Pizzaland are all nearby as well as cheap and popular. Other [EITAL][PUSH]push[EPUSH][ITAL]plugs: Dora Websters (in Broomhill) for sandwiches and cakes; the Oxfam tea room; Mr Kite's (jazz street cafe); Nibbles Pizza takeaway (cheap); Ye Olde Tea Shoppe (cheap, big portions).[EITAL] Late into night, the starving can find pizzas, bakeries, Dial-a-Curry, Asian takeaways (particularly London Rd and Abbeydale), kebabs and even a veggie van.