[HDNG]UNIVERSITY OF PAISLEY STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]P4[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] 4 sabbatical [BULL] Turnout at last ballot: 13% [BULL] NUS member [ESTAT][PARA]The Students' Association represents its members [ITAL]in a left wing fashion, and relations with the University administration can be a bit edgy; in the words of last year's President, 'they are interested more in the status of a University than the facilities and the spending of money that goes with it'.[EITAL] The SA also runs services and entertainments in the Students Union building, generally called the 'Buroo' which was once a DHSS office.[HDNG]SU FACILITIES:[EHDNG][PARA]2 bars; cafe; a shop; Bank of Scotland cashpoint; pool tables; photocopiers; games and video machines; juke box; vending machines; TV lounge; a meeting room; customised night club; launderette; 50 student parking places.[HDNG]CLUBS (NON SPORTING):[EHDNG][PARA]Anti-Nazi League; Art; Business; Car Society; Chanel No 5 (TV Club); Green Action; Hobbits Armpit (Sci-Fi addicts); Irish; Luddites; Malaysian Students; Morning Star Club; SNP; Students Against Blood Sports; Scottish Militant Labour.[HDNG]OTHER ORGANISATIONS:[EHDNG][PARA]The SA produces 'The Associate' 8 times a year. The student TV club uses the Educational Development Units TV Studio to produce programmes by and for students.[HDNG]RELIGIOUS:[EHDNG][PARA]The town provides Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Church of Scotland and Christian Fellowship worship shops.[HDNG]PAID WORK:[EHDNG][PARA]The Student Advisory Service gives out information on job vacation vacancies and term time tasks, [ITAL]but the openings aren't out of the ordinary.[EITAL][PARA][PARA]