[HDNG]SERVICES:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]W1[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Lesbian and Gay Society [BULL] Minibus [BULL] Women's Officer [BULL] Self-defence classes [ESTAT][PARA]The University operates a counselling service with 4 full-time staff. [ITAL]A recent spate of suicides is being taken very seriously; the social/academic pressure can seem overwhelming. [EITAL]Personal tutors can also help with personal as well as academic problems although they have no counselling training. The OUSU Welfare Officer can advise and refer students with most problems. Law students give free advice at OUSU 2 days a week.[PARA][BOLD]Women: [EBOLD]St Hilda's is the last all-female college. [ITAL]Life in the male-dominated colleges can often be just that. [EITAL]The University has an harassment code,[ITAL] to deal with the worst macho excesses[EITAL]. A nightwalk service accompanies women walking alone at night, and there's a women-only bus.[PARA][BOLD]Disabled: [EBOLD]Over the past 8 centuries, access for people with disabilities has not been given a high priority by architects and Oxford suffers as a result. Efforts include OUSU's disabled access guide and Taylor House, an accommodation block with special facilities. Some colleges have Braille machines, etc.[HDNG]FINANCE:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Ave debt per year: £300[ESTAT][PARA]The University operates the central Access Fund, while other hardship funds are run by the College. [ITAL]Some of them are very well off and can provide support in the form of loans, grants, bursaries or prizes to a pocket-popping extent.[EITAL]