[HDNG]IN TOWN:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]E3[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Price of a pint of beer: £1.60 [BULL] Glass of wine: £1[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Cinemas:[EBOLD] For standard block-busters there are 2 Cannon Cinemas (3 screens and 1 screen) and for the slightly higher brow, The Phoenix (2) and the Penultimate Picture Palace (2).[PARA][BOLD]Theatres: [EBOLD]The Apollo has standard family entertainment with pantos at Xmas and summer specials after the end of term. Occasionally it also hosts concerts. The newly renovated Oxford Playhouse hosts more thespian offerings, including a few student productions. The Pegasus Theatre is on the fringe in every sense with experimental productions and a bit of a trek to get there. It also shows student productions.[PARA][BOLD]Pubs:[EBOLD][ITAL] Although expensive, Oxford's pubs have the same ubiquitous old world charm and the advantage of not being exclusively peopled by students. It would be unfair not to mention a few of Oxford's most studenty haunts, although it's also unfair to mention only these: The King's Arms ('The K.A.' as it's affectionately known) almost in the grounds of Wadham College; The Bear (full of sporty hearties); The Apollo (gay): The Royal Oak; The Turf; The Wheatsheaf; The Ampney; The Eagle and Child (CS Lewis and Tolkien used to quaff there) and The White Horse (especially popular with Trinity). [EITAL] Local brews: Morrells and Morland Bitters, Varsity, Graduate and College. [ITAL]Avoid: The Bulldog, The Chequers (anti-student).[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Clubs/discos: [EBOLD]The Park End Club [ITAL]is possibly the principal student night spot outside the colleges[EITAL]. Oxford Venue has regular Indie and Techno nights, but it does cost a fiver[ITAL]. [EITAL]The Coven [ITAL]is okay once in a lifetime and [EITAL]Club Latino [ITAL]has its Sol-slurping fans.[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Music venues: [EBOLD]James and The Hollies appeared at The Apollo not so long ago,[ITAL] but it can't be relied upon to produce hit bands regularly. [EITAL]The Jericho Tavern[ITAL], although smaller, constantly turns out excellent if less well-known bands [EITAL](A House, etc).[ITAL] In quest of quality noise, students also check out the Old Fire Station and, especially, the Oxford Venue mentioned earlier. [EITAL] And, of course, Radiohead and Ride are Oxford locals.[HDNG]UNIVERSITY:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]E1[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Price of a pint of beer: 80p [BULL] Glass of wine: 80p[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Bars: [EBOLD]Each college has its own bar (see college entries following), some of which serve only their own students - officially, that is.[ITAL] It is in these bars that students find their college identity. Some also find themselves talking to God and seeing pink elephants, but that's what comes of cheap alcohol. [EITAL] 'The Union' (see later) has a bar - again, officially only for members, but [PUSH]push[EPUSH] researchers managed to get served.[PARA][BOLD]Balls:[EBOLD] No, not an unsubtle insult - most colleges (except for some - spot the Oxford catch-phrase) have an annual ball, which is a big dinner with everyone in ball dresses and penguin suits with loads of live bands, discos, cabarets, casinos, hypnotists, karaoke, in fact anything that becomes a lot more fun when completely pissed. [ITAL]Sounds great? Well, for some, it's the lark of a lifetime. For others, balls are a sickening Sloane-swamped waste of about £80 in one night. Either way, balls are an Oxbridge institution. Some colleges have a cheaper alternative called an 'event', which usually doesn't involve the get-up or the grub and costs nearer £20.[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Theatres:[EBOLD] If a room is large enough to fit in more audience than cast members, then the likelihood is that it has been, is being, or will be used as a theatre for student productions. In particular, there's the customised Burton-Taylor Room (above The Playhouse) and the larger Newman Rooms.[PARA][BOLD]Clubs/discos: [EBOLD]Frequent bops pop in almost every college.[PARA][BOLD]Cabaret: [EBOLD]Every week The Oxford Revue (student comedy group [ITAL]which for several years now has out-jested Cambridge Footlights[EITAL]) performs stand-up and impro at the Comedy Cellar at 'the Union' (see later) and does other special shows.[PARA][BOLD]Music venues: [EBOLD]The twice weekly Jazz Cellar at 'the Union' (wait for it) has, believe it or not, live jazz, but a capacity of only 80. Student bands play in any room large enough - bars usually - and the Sheldonian Room hosts classical concerts. However, because the University has no single big venue, it doesn't often attract big names, except at college balls[ITAL] when old has-beens crawl out of their coffins, for example Desmond Dekker, Showaddywaddy and so on. Zimmermen they may be, but most of them have still got what it takes. [EITAL][HDNG]EATING OUT:[EHDNG][PARA][BOLD]During the day: [EBOLD]In the colleges, there are cafeterias, known ([ITAL]in true boarding school fashion[EITAL]) as 'butteries'. Apart from these, there are few University facilities - no central refectory, although some faculties have caffs. There's no shortage of sandwich shops and fast food around Oxford. Quaint tea rooms provide fodder for tourists.[PARA][BOLD]Evening: [EBOLD]There are plenty of Indian, Italian, Traditional British, American, Chinese, veggie and pizza places as well as enough burger bars, spud joints, and kebabs for your heart's content and your bottom's demise. Carfax chippy, right in the centre of town is a bit of a landmark for students and there are various kebab vans [ITAL]open till they run out of domestic animals or 3am whichever is sooner[EITAL].