[HDNG]INTRODUCTION:[EHDNG][PARA][BULL] The College is part of University of Oxford and students are entitled to use its facilities.[EBOLD][PARA]St Hilda's College, almost 1 mile from Carfax, is (at the time of writing) about to become the last all-female college in Oxford. The mish-mash of detached buildings is not arranged around quads or linear corridors, but dotted about. [ITAL]The whole effect is a bit like St Trinian's.[EITAL] [ITAL]The views of those dreamy dreaming spires from the dining hall across the playing fields are exquisite. Hilda's makes room for individuals to pursue their personal interests be they social, sporting or whatever. Students drip with enthusiasm, actively participating at JCR meetings and, especially since the College is all female, in most University societies. The women of Hilda's call themselves 'girls' and are not militantly feminist, but serious-minded nevertheless.[EITAL][PARA][PARA]Bar; dining room (cap 200) and JCR (100) for student bands, fortnightly bops; all-female drama; annual arts festival week. 'Quad' termly mag, weekly 'Loo News'; keen recycling policies. Library (55,000 books); 6 computers; Anglican chapel. Near Iffley Road Sports Centre; a few sports facilities on site, including punts; [ITAL]strong on rowing, football, hockey, netball and lacrosse. [EITAL]All 1st and most 3rd years live in (few others); students eat in buttery and dining room; [ITAL]damn fine food[EITAL]; weekly formal meal; self catering kitchens on most floors. 2 doctors; nurse.[ITAL][HDNG]FAMOUS ALUMNI:[EHDNG][EITAL][PARA]Zeinab Badawi (newscaster); Helen Jackson MP (Lab); Rosalind Miles (writer); Kate Millett (writer, victim of live TV snog from Ollie Reed); Barbara Pym (writer); Gillian Shephard MP (Con). Jacqueline du Pre (cellist) was an Honorary Fellow.