[HDNG]INTRODUCTION:[EHDNG][PARA][BULL] The College is part of University of Oxford and students are entitled to use its facilities.[EBOLD][PARA]Pembroke's quads, 300 yards from Carfax, range from medieval [ITAL]marvels [EITAL]to modern [ITAL]misdemeanours, but they win the gorgeous garden prize[EITAL].[ITAL] They really know how to enjoy themselves with constant partying and punting. JCR politics are low-key, but green in a pale kind of way. If students want to get involved in that sort of thing, they tend to take over on a University level as they do in many sports.[EITAL][PARA][PARA]Bar (cap 120) and JCR (150) used for student bands; ball every 2 years; regular bops (180) with new, funky lights/PA. Termly mag, fortnightly gossip sheet, yearbook; library (40,000 books); 19 computers; Anglican chapel. [ITAL]Thriving [EITAL]sports; high proportion of University sports players, [ITAL]however anyone can join in the fun[EITAL];[ITAL] women's teams especially strong, as are hockey, pool, darts, rowing and rugby.[EITAL] 1st and 3rd years guaranteed accommodation, 20% of 2nd years also live in; [ITAL]poor heating[EITAL]; no sharing; some single sex staircases; formal dinner in dining hall, except on Sat. [ITAL]Good [EITAL]disabled access in new Geoffrey Arthur Building, where all finalists are guaranteed rooms. Doctor, nurse.[HDNG]FAMOUS ALUMNI:[EHDNG][PARA]Julian Critchley MP (Con); Denzil Davies MP (Lab); Michael Heseltine MP (Con); Samuel Johnson (writer, lexicographer).