[HDNG]SERVICES:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]W2[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Creche [BULL] Lesbian and Gay Society [BULL] Mature SA [ESTAT][PARA]Student Services employs 2 counsellors, and there are 2 nurses and a visiting GP in the health service.[PARA][BOLD]Disabled: [EBOLD] All SU buildings are wheelchair-accessible, [ITAL]and access as a whole is pretty good.[EITAL][HDNG]FINANCE:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Ave debt per year: £1,000 [BULL] Access fund: £91,000 [BULL] Successful applications (1992): 242[ESTAT][PARA]Short-term loans of up to £100 are available from the Extreme Hardship Fund.[PARA][PARA]