[HDNG]SERVICES:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]W1[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Lesbian and Gay Society [BULL] Overseas SA [BULL] Minibus [BULL] Women's Officer [BULL] Self-defence classes [ESTAT][PARA]The University's 2 student health centres (1 at each campus) are staffed by nurses. The SU employs 5 welfare officers and the University now has a Student Advice Centre with 5 employees including 1 full and 12 part time counsellors (and 15 counselling volunteers). The SU is proud of its Legal Advice Bureau for students.[PARA][BOLD]Disabled: [EBOLD][ITAL]Despite a fine array of Equal Opportunity policies, there's still little to show for them and access is poor. [EITAL]Applicants with special needs are advised to get in touch with the Co-ordinator for Students with Disabilities and Unipol (see above) makes an extra effort to accommodate them.[HDNG]FINANCE:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Ave debt per year: £1,000 [BULL] Access fund: £96,000 [BULL] Successful applications (1992): 610[ESTAT][PARA]Figures on financial help and the access fund were not available, [ITAL]which says something about the level of concern[EITAL]. The fact that the Student Financial Support Scheme Office[ITAL] is almost impossible to find adds weight to the theory[EITAL]. However, [PUSH]push[EPUSH] is assured that debt counselling is available from the Budget Advisor and 2 part timers.[PARA][PARA]