[HDNG]IN COLLEGE:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]A2[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Catered: 1% [BULL] Cost: £49(38wks) [BULL] Self-catering: 37% [BULL] Cost: £30-£48 (41wks)[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Availability:[EBOLD] The Halls of Residence, out at Beckett Park, built around 1900, are pretty much reserved for 1st years, but the accommodation - mainly in single rooms - doesn't stretch very far. Despite the large number of self-housing mature students, the halls fall short of providing shelter for all 1st years who want it only taking in 33% out of the rain. [ITAL]Fortunately, [EITAL]the rest are caught by Unipol, not an international crime-fighting agency, but the Leeds universities' [ITAL]first-rate [EITAL]joint student property management scheme (3,000 places). Students housed through Unipol bring the number in self-catered accommodation to 37%. There is 1 all-female hall (Cavendish with 70 beds).[PARA][BOLD]Car parking: [EBOLD]Plenty of parking at Beckett Park, but almost none at the city campus, so cars are very unusual.[HDNG]EXTERNALLY:[EHDNG][PARA]Most students are condemned to the large quantities of late 19th century back-to-back terraced housing generally in poor condition with damp and landlords who don't care. Students who want to stay in one piece are advised to try Headingley, Hyde Park and Woodhouse and avoid Chapeltown, although many may find themselves settling for something further from the University than they'd ideally like.[PARA][BOLD]Housing help:[EBOLD] UniPol (which should change its name to UniUni) - the joint University and Leeds Metropolitan University SUs' housing service - provides some help and advice by keeping tabs on the worst landlords and even managing some 116 properties itself as part of a head tenancy scheme. With 8 full time and 3 part time staff, it's a dream scheme.[PARA][PARA]