[HDNG]LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]P5[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] 5 sabbatical officers [BULL] Turnout at last ballot: 9% [BULL] Ave. turnout at General Meetings: 3.5% [BULL] NUS member [ESTAT][PARA][ITAL]The Union Building called 'B Building' rather than 'Mandela House' or 'Biko Building'. You'd be forgiven for thinking that Leeds Met SU isn't a desperately political place. And you'd be right. But this is mainly because they're generally content with their lot: a large Union Building; a cheap bar; good ents; and some excellent sports facilities.[EITAL][PARA][PARA][ITAL][HDNG]SU FACILITIES:[EHDNG][EITAL][PARA]The main facilities are at the City campus where there are 3 bars, 4 coffee bars, 2 print rooms (including a colour copier) and 2 shops. At Beckett Park, there's not just another bar, but also a cafe, bank, photo booth, games and video machines, pool tables, TV lounge and disco and a juke box.[HDNG]CLUBS (NON SPORTING):[EHDNG][PARA]Asia Soc; Cult Movies; Fim Makers.[HDNG]OTHER ORGANISATIONS:[EHDNG][PARA]The SU produces a fortnightly newsletter 'Headliner'. The award-winning and widely read 'Leeds Student' newspaper, run jointly with [ULNE]University of Leeds[EULNE] Union, deserves both to win awards and to be widely read. The joint charity Rag made £15,000 for charity last year in wacky ways, while the Student Community Action group, headed by a sabbatical officer, made good waves more sedately.[HDNG]RELIGIOUS:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Chaplains (Christian)[ESTAT][PARA]Most Christian tastes are fulfilled by the chaplaincy. [ITAL]Excellent [EITAL]facilities for 99 different denominations and religions and the largest Jewish student community outside Manchester.[HDNG]PAID WORK:[EHDNG][PARA]Try robbing a bank or the SU for bar work and/or bouncing.[PARA][PARA]