[HDNG]IN COLLEGE:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]A3[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Catered: 25% [BULL] Cost: £63.95-75.95 (30wks) [BULL] Self-catering: 24% [BULL] Cost: £35.70-45.70 (34/39wks)[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Availability:[EBOLD] All 1st years are guaranteed a place in the University accommodation if they want it and there's still space for nearly 1/3 of students from other years. The 1st years live in the catered halls, which, with the exception of St Luke's Hall, are right next to the campus and vary in style from 19th century buildings to new halls. Thomas is a hall for 49 females only. 38% of 1st years have to share, for which there is a rent rebate of £5 a week. Alternatively, for an extra £10, students can get en suite facilities. Most students who live in after their 1st year are accommodated in the self-catering flats arranged in groups of up to 12 single rooms with good facilities.[PARA][BOLD]Car parking:[EBOLD] Free permit parking is only available for students living more than 11/2miles from campus, or those with a medical excuse.[HDNG]EXTERNALLY:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]A3[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Renting: 50% [BULL] Ave rent: £40[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Availability:[EBOLD] [ITAL]Finding private accommodation in Exeter doesn't present a major problem - the key word being major. Some travel quite a way into the countryside (but find beautiful country homes there). The best places are St James and Pennsylvania near the campus, and Newtown nearer the School of Education.[EITAL][PARA][BOLD]Housing help:[EBOLD] The Accommodation Office keeps a list of lodgings.[PARA][PARA]