[HDNG]COVENTRY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]P4[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] 5 sabbatical [BULL] Turnout at last ballot: 3.5% [BULL] Ave. turnout at General Meetings: 1% [BULL] NUS member [ESTAT][PARA][ITAL]All hacks everywhere say that their respective students are apathetic. At Coventry, they seem justified; a demo against a cut in union funds drummed up six whole people. The usual independent/gentle left consensus prevails.[EITAL][HDNG]SU FACILITIES:[EHDNG][PARA]The newly refurbished SU Building provides a general shop, 3 bars, printing service and photocopying, typing service, travel agency, 1 big hall (cap 1,050), customised disco, 4 minibuses for hire, photo booth, video games, vending machines, pool tables, juke boxes and 2 meeting rooms.[HDNG]CLUBS (NON SPORTING):[EHDNG][PARA]Alternative Film; Band (musicians); Bhangra Funk and Soul; Choice (abortion rights); Choir; Circus Skills; Contemporary Issues; Good Food; Guitar; Hellenic; International Students; Irish; Malaysian; Militant Readers; Pakistani; Radio and Electronics; Railway; Rave and Ambient; Roleplay; Sci-Fi; Scout and Guide; Sikh.[HDNG]OTHER ORGANISATIONS:[EHDNG][PARA]The student magazine is called 'Elephant and Castle', and pops off the presses twice a term. There's also a fortnightly newsletter. The Community Action group does [ITAL]much-needed good for students' local image[EITAL] by raising funds and helping volunteer projects.[HDNG]RELIGIOUS:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] 3 chaplains (CofE, RC, Free Church)[ESTAT][PARA]There's a non-denominational prayer room. Locally, Coventry has many a prayer palace and creed cabin for god-squadders of every hue, most notably, the Anglican Cathedral.[HDNG]PAID WORK:[EHDNG][PARA]CUBE (Coventry University Bureau of Employment) is run by students to help them find part-time and vacation work, from bar work, to market research.[PARA][PARA]