[HDNG]UNIVERSITY OF BUCKINGHAM STUDENTS' UNION:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]P5[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] 0 sabbatical [BULL] Turnout at last ballot: 50% [BULL] Ave. turnout at General Meetings: 47% [BULL] NUS member [ESTAT][PARA][ITAL]Although the political climate is blue-rinsed, there are no party organisations, and the number of overseas students has more influence. The SU is very small and carries out no campaigning. It has representatives on University committees and their voices are listened to with the attention that any organisation pays to its customers. Its main roles are providing services and co-ordinating clubs (handing out grants and making sure they each have least 1 event per term - they end up having a lot of cheese and wine evenings).[EITAL][HDNG]SU FACILITIES:[EHDNG][PARA]The SU is based on the Hunter St site in the converted Old Town Mill which also houses the refectory and some indoor sports amenities. The SU runs a travel information service, a minibus, disco, launderettes and pool tables.[HDNG]CLUBS (NON SPORTING):[EHDNG][PARA]Absolut (vodka appreciation); Arab; BESS (European students); Bridge; BUSBI (business); Computing; Creative Arts; Debating; French Speaking; Greek; Indian; Japanese; Jazz; Journal; Law; Lectures/Performing Arts; Malaysian; Mauritian; Mooting (debating, [ITAL]but a funnier word[EITAL]); Nigerian; Pakistani; Real Ale; Residential Assistants; Science; Singaporean; Theatre; Turkish; UBASA (African); UBEC (Economics); Wine Appreciation; Yearbook.[HDNG]OTHER ORGANISATIONS:[EHDNG][PARA]The SU publishes 'Outlook' the student news sheet, the 'Journal' newspaper, 'Buck It' student magazine and a Yearbook. The charity Rag excites considerable student activity and last year raised £6,000. There is also a student community group.[HDNG]RELIGIOUS:[EHDNG][PARA]The Islamic Society has access to a prayer room. Mainstream Christian denominations only are catered for in Buckingham.[HDNG]PAID WORK:[EHDNG][PARA][ITAL]Nothing original here and fewer opportunities for conventional student jobs - but very few UB students need fast cash.[EITAL][PARA][PARA]