[HDNG]UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES STUDENTS' UNION[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]P5[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] 5 sabbatical [BULL] Turnout at last ballot: 20% [BULL] Ave. turnout at General Meetings: 1.5% [BULL] NUS member [ESTAT][PARA][ITAL]The Union's politics include tinges of greenery and Welsh nationalism, but it's rarely party political. The SU's most direct influence on students is through the services it provides. [EITAL]The Welsh Union runs Welsh awareness campaigns, bi-lingual meetings, bi-lingual signs, and a Welsh language conference, and has a stall at the Eistedffod.[ITAL] Basically, Bangor's a good place to be Welsh, but doesn't exclude the rest of us.[EITAL][ITAL][HDNG]SU FACILITIES:[EHDNG][EITAL][PARA]The conveniently positioned 4-storey Union Building looks a bit past its sell by date, but it has some smart facilities: 3 bars; cafeteria; sandwich bar; restaurant; NatWest (plus cashpoint); customised night club; library; launderette; travel agency; general shop; bookshop; print shop; photocopying; photo booth; pool and snooker tables; 8 minibuses and 2 cars for hire; parking; games room; vending machines; juke box and TV lounge.[HDNG]OTHER ORGANISATIONS:[EHDNG][PARA]Plans are afoot to expand the weekly 'What's On' in town to become the SU paper. At times the charity Rag, which raised £10,000 last year, broadcasts over the radio waves. The[ITAL] highly active [EITAL]student community group employs a full-time co-ordinator.[HDNG]RELIGIOUS:[EHDNG][PARA][STAT][BULL] Team of chaplains[ESTAT][PARA]Local ministers of various denominations can be contacted in times of spiritual need. Locally, there's the Cathedral and Catholic, Methodist, Church of Wales and Baptist churches, a Quaker house, and a mosque.[HDNG]PAID WORK:[EHDNG][PARA]Apart from the usual bar work and restaurant waiting, there's the local Outdoor Pursuits Centre and other tourist trade which offers jobs to the early bird.[PARA][PARA]