[HDNG]IN COLLEGE: CAMBRIDGE:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]A2[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Cost: £27/49 (39wks min)[ESTAT][PARA]The halls in Cambridge are [ITAL]rather good[EITAL], but only 1st years can be accommodated and most of them get a place, although many are in local houses and flats, rented by the University and sub-let to students.[HDNG]EXTERNALLY:[EHDNG][PARA][GRPH]A3[EGRPH][STAT][BULL] Ave rent: £47[ESTAT][PARA][BOLD]Availability:[EBOLD] You would have thought that with so many students concentrated in, let's face it, not the world's largest city, it would be near impossible to find suitable housing. [ITAL]In fact, it's a relief to discover the difficulties aren't as bad as they could be.[EITAL] [ITAL]The hand-me-down housing method has kept the severest problems at bay. [EITAL] It has spread to individual colleges too, who often have their own arrangements with individual landlords and frequently act as landlords themselves for many of the houses and hostels around town. [ITAL]Students do have to keep an eye open for a few landlords who're willing to make a fast buck from a student's bad luck.[EITAL] Usually, livers out share houses of between 3 and 6 people, but digs (a room in a landlord's house) are not uncommon. [ITAL]Relations with the local community are generally pretty good and there are no student ghettoes, although Mill Road and Huntingdon Road are popular. The only place which students should rule out is the north of the city, because it's easy enough to find something closer.[EITAL][PARA][PARA]