Intro rubrique Me neither. IÕm in great shape! No, no, no. The good doctors are in England. LetÕs leave immediately! Vocabulaire Shhh! Here is the hospital. DonÕt make too much noise. IÕll leave you to discover it quietly. The hospital Silence! Hospital! The ambulance The siren The emergency ward The stretcher-bearer The injured person The chemistÕs The wheelchair The crutch He has a leg in plaster The reception The waiting room The doctorÕs surgery The doctor The operating theatre The surgeon The room The bed The patient The patient is ill The nurse The medicine The dressing The thermometer The syringe She is giving an injection Blood She is giving her blood Dialogue M¸re WhatÕs the matter, my darling? Ben I canÕt go to school this morning. M¸re Why not? Ben IÕm very ill. M¸re Well, whatÕs wrong with you? Ben My stomachÕs aching... and my head M¸re Oh dear, that sounds serious! IÕm going to call an ambulance. Ben Are you? M¸re Yes, yes, theyÕll take you to the emergency ward. Ben Hey, mum! I just meant that... M¸re A doctor will examine you. A nurse will probably give you an injection. Ben What? M¸re And then, theyÕll take you to the operating theatre... where the surgeon will operate on you. Ben Er, mum... M¸re Yes, darling. Ben I feel a lot better. I think IÕll be able to go to school. Jeu The ambulance game Quick! Hurry up, this mother is going to give birth. Take her to the maternity ward quickly... before time runs out. Use the arrows on your keyboard to move the ambulance. Choose your level to begin with. Careful, you havenÕt got much time! Hurry up. Make sure you push her carefully. YouÕre almost there! Well done! Victory! The mother and her baby have arrived at the maternity ward in time, thanks to you. Play again with another level, if you want. Too late, the baby has been born in the ambulance. But donÕt worry, heÕs fine. Play again.