Note: most modern e-mail programs automatically encode attachments when necessary, so you will not need to. If, however, you are using an older e-mail program that does not automatically encode attachments, the following information could be useful. Please read about UUencoding if you are not familiar with encoded files and why they are used.
To send a UUencoded attachment, first UUencode the attachment using WinZip®, then attach it to your message. How you attach a UUencoded file to a message will depend on your e-mail program.
For example, if you are using MSMail:
If you are using another e-mail program, a method similar to the above may also work with your program. A "Send File" or similar option may be available and of use in this situation. It may be necessary to open the .UUE file you have created using a text editor, copy the entire contents, or portions of it, to the Windows clipboard, and paste it into your open e-mail message. Further information on handling large files is included in the next topic, Hints, Tips, & Troubleshooting.
UUencoded, XXencoded, BinHex, and MIME files
Sending Files using Internet Mail
The Why behind UUencoding and Other Schemes
Receiving and Preparing Files for Decoding
UUencoding a File using WinZip
Mailing a UUencoded File
Hints, Tips, & Troubleshooting