

Simple utility to create "fake" AVIS files for Avisynth script.


When launched without any commandline options, following dialog will appear:

Commandline interface

Kurosu? added commandline interface support to makeAVIS. Now audio output from makeAVIS could be used as an input for BeSweet or other commandline audio tools.

The most typical use is:
MakeAVIS2.exe -i E:\1.avs -p -a - | oggenc -o a.ogg -

where "-" stands for stdout in the first part and for stdin in the second.

List of all makeAVIS commandline options:
-i <file>   Input avisynth script
  -v <file>   Output video file (- = stdout)
  -a <file>   Output audio file (- = stdout)
  -c <int>    Colorspace (0:YV12/1:YUY2/2:YVYU/3:I420)
      Default: original  (4:RGB555/6:RGB565/7:RGB24/8:RGB32)
  -f <int>    Interlacing (0:Interlaced/1:Progressive), default: original
  -p          Store PCM uncompressed audio
  -s <int>    Store script: 1:by filename inside script/2: in output file
  -V          Write progress info