
Keyboard and remote control

It is possible to control ffdshow features by keyboard. Since ffdshow itself isn't and application it uses DirectInput? for detecting keyboard events. These events can be processed even if application using ffdshow doesn't have keyboard focus. This is controlled by Process keypresses even if not fucused checkbox. It is off by default. Informations about keyboard events can be displayed in the playback window using OSD? feature.

Currently few features are available for keyboard control and more may be added in the future. Generally it is enabling/disabling of particular image filters, seeking and subtitles control. Seek distance can be customized using Seek distance in secs edit boxes.

Default keyboard shortcuts are predefined, but it's possible to customize them either by double clicking on keyboard action (key name will change to press key) and pressing desired key. Pressing the Esc key while in "press key" mode will cancel the key setting operation. Other way to change key for an action is by selecting an item in the list and presing space. Press key will appear similarly as for double click. When not in key changing mode, pressing the delete key will remove key assignment for selected action.

Activation key 1 and Activation key 2 and key defined for desired action must be pressed simultaneously for action to be performed. By default activation keys are ctrl and alt, but it might be needed to change them to not conflict with player application own keyboard shortcuts.

Some actions can perform different tasks if Second function key is pressed: