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An economist's guess is liable to be as good as anybody else's.

�Will Rogers

Economics consists of more than the old adage "There's no free lunch." Look in this category for information on agricultural economics, education, policy, the history of economics, and more.

Further Information

AgEcon Search: Research In Agricultural EconomicsAmerican Council for Capital Formation ACCF Center for Policy ResearchAntitrust Policy
Ask Mr. EconomyBill Goffes Resources for Economists on the InternetBritish Economics Research
Capitalism FAQCodEcPrograms for Economics and EconometricsDepartments on the Internet
Discount Rates: Historic Through PresentDr. Ed Yardeni's Economics NetworkEconomic Bulletin Board
Economic Education: EcEdEconomic Growth ResourcesEconomic Insights
Economic Policy InstituteEconomics and FinanceEconomics In the News
The Economics of Conflict, War, and PeaceEconomics of NetworksEconomics of Standards and Standardization
Economics ResourcesEconomies Working Paper ArchiveEconomist Jokes
Economists With Web PagesEcoSimEveryone Loves Economics by E-mail
Federal Reserve System Beige BookFinancial Economics Network [FEN]Find:Law: Law and Economics
Galaxy: Business and EconomicsGlobal Environment & Trade Study (GETS)History of Economics Society
Idea Central: Economics and PoliticsIndex: Economics/Markets/InvestmentsThe Informal Credit Markets (ICM) Homepage
The Information EconomyInteractive Economic Development Network (IEDN)International Directory of Finance and Economics Professionals
Job Information For EconomistsJoint Economic CommitteeLatin American Economics
The Longwave and Social Cycles Resource CentreMarxism PageReason Foundation
Regional Economic GuidesSociety for Nonlinear Dynamics and EconometricsTelecom Information Resources
Tucson Economic Development GopherWebEc-WWW Resources In EconomicsWilliam A. Barnetts Homepage
Working Paper ArchiveWorld Economic Window