Quartet Game Synopsis: [Copyright 1999 - Nissy (translation by Zahara Medina (zahara@washuu.swb.de)] The action starts at Rakuyou, a famous music school. It's lunch time and four alumns are called to the principal's room: Emi Tomonari (3rd grade, class A) Takasumi Kashimoto (3rd grade, class B) Taeko Andou (3rd grade, class E) Rui Matoba (3rd grade, class F) The four students--who know nothing of each other--go the the principal's room. There they're informed that they've been called to form a quartet, which will be in homage to Eiji Ijuin, a famous Japanese pianist who is returning to Japan after a long time and is going to visit their school. The teacher who is going to guide and prepare them is professor Kanda. At the start, they don't get along very well, and start off pretty badly. When Kanda gives them the partitures, they realize they've never seen nor heard that music before, and they have no idea where it comes from even though the teacher is not too explicit about it. When they try playing it for the first time, they all are very impressed by the wonderful and majestic way Emi plays violin. In one of the first training days, they start to fight with each other and then a motorist appears and calls Taeko, who jumps through the window and goes off with him. Takasumi gets annoyed because of this and decides to go away too. So, since only two can't play the quartet, Emi and Rui also go home. The next day, even though it's not practice day, Rui goes to look for them all so they can play. However, once in the room they start to fight--seriously this time--and start using the bars (from the instruments) and fight between each other with them like in a swordfight. Emi gets very nervous and jumps onto Rui shouting that bars are not to play with and pushing him against a closet, making a statue over it fall over him. The statue breaks in the fall and in its interior they discover a handwritten partiture. When Emi picks it up, she realizes it's the original partiture of the one Kanda gave them. In the back it's written "Stella," and they wonder where did it come from. But they all agree in that it's the real partiture of the song. Rui says that the room where they're practicing it's professor Koike's and that, probably, it has some connection with Koike's runaway, so they decide to investigate. They go eat at a restaurant and meanwhile, in the TV, they show an interview with Eiji Ijuin, in which he calls his violin "Stella," at which the four get pretty surprised. On the next day they are in the practice room, but playing cards and talking about what happened, though they don't have too clear the relationship between Eiji Ijuin and Koike's partiture. While they are talking about this, professor Kanda enters and surprises them playing. Then they start to play and Kanda realizes they've become much better since they started. Later on, after the end of the practices, Emi is talking with Kanda, and when she finishes and walks through the corridor, she hears somebody playing the piano. She takes a peek and it's Rui playing. He tells her that piano is his second instrument and that the song he was playing had been composed by himself. Emi decides to play that song, first them both and then the whole quartet. When they finish playing, they say that a girl saw professor Koike for the last time on the Febrary 2nd and that the same professor participated in the Music Museum collection, so they decide to go there. The woman in charge lends them a note pad from professor Koike in which he wrote what he had prepared for the museum. Between the things listed, there is an "old partitures." While they are walking around the museum somebody asks the woman in charge what the kids wanted. While they walk, Rui stops and tells them that maybe Koike was murdered--at which all get scared and wonder if it's true--but behind them there is a shadow listening to their conversation. The next they they find that somebody has destroyed their boxes and in the practice room, the cords of the instruments, on the blackboard somebody advised them to stop investigating. Emi says that the fact that they played that piece it's related to some secret they will probably discover the day of the homage. Meanwhile, Eiji Ijuin reads the recital program in his honor and when he arrives at the name of the partiture the quartet will play, he is very surprised. Finally, the recital day is there and all alumns are very eager to see Eiji Ijuin, but they see that there are lots of elegant people coming to the recital, something that surprises them. When Takasumi arrives at the building, he sees some girls sitting at the entrance with the recital programs and some kind of question sheets. Takasumi doesn't know what they are for, but he picks one up. Once they are all ready, they find Kanda talking with a girl in German. He presents her to them, she's Eiji Ijuin's manager. Emi seems to remember hearing that name before, but can't remember well. In that moment Eiji Ijuin arrives and professor Kanda presents all the musicians to him. When it's Emi's turn, she has a melancolic look on her eyes and Rui realizes there is something going on. Behind the stage, all ready, they are all very nervous and talk about all the people that is present. Takasumi says that he doesn't know why the question sheets, to which Emi suddendly reacts and understands everything. She tells the others that none of the people in the auditorium have any relationship with Eiji Ijuin, they're all partirure buyers and they are using them to present the musical piece. When hearing this, they agree to destroy the plan and, instead of playing professor Kanda's piece, they play Rui's song, titled, "Quartet Game." As they play, everybody is surprised, Kanda, Eiji and, of course, all the would-be buyers who go out very angryly. When they finish and talk about what they did, they find Emi is no longer with them. Emi is talking with somebody. She tells him that he has used the homage to Eiji Ijuin to sell the partiture, but the partiture has value because it's signed. And the persons she's talking with is... professor Kanda. Finally he tells her that they had got the partiture for him and Koike, and that they were in it together; but at the end, Koike didn't want to share, so he killed him and kept the partiture. He also tells them the relationship between the partiture and Eiji Ijuin and Stella. But now she knows all the truth... so she can't tell it--and thus cannot stay alive even though they had always got along pretty well and they had great friendship love for each other. All the while the others can't find Emi, so they go talk with Eiji Ijuin. He gives them an overview of the story about the buyers and other things and then they realize that Kanda planned it all and that Emi is in serious danger. As they search for her, they find a receipt of a plane ticket for Kanda. They all agree in that he may try to kill Emi and Eiji can't stop repeating "Emi... Emi...." Eiji takes the car and goes to the airport with Rui. In the car Rui asks what he has to do with Emi and Eijin replies that she's his daughter. Takasumi and Taeko go to the airport in motocycle. When they arrive they see Kanda's car where they find Emi alive, who runs into her father's arms the moment she sees him. Kanda, meanwhile, thinks it would have been impossible for him to kill her and bids her farewell mentally. After all has ended, Emi tells Rui why she's separated from her father and that after so many years without seeing him, she's now totally happy and she now has also a group of friends to go everywhere with, like, for example, a concert of her fahter, Eiji Ijuin. --END--