Mintna Bokura (We are Mint) Chapter 3 [Version: Dec'97] Special thanks again to Masatomo (for checking my translations), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the 1st place) Prelude (Noeru watching Miyu, and then when she notices.. Noeru turns away with a start) Miyu (thinking): I thought someone was watching me, but.. Noeru's heart: Thump, thump, thump. Page 1 Noeru (thinking): Yesterday, Makimura-san didn't get in 'til after midnight. I wonder if she was with that middle-aged guy the whole time. Who in the world is he? Her father? A relative? I didn't feel a connection between those two. The feelings didn't seem right for a relative. He was strangely happy and somehow shining. Anyway, if he was her father, he wouldn't make her break curfew. Rule-breakers should die. Just like I thought, she's hanging out with an older guy.. Page 2 Oh, I'll let it be. I'm concerning myself with Makimura's private life. I'm not minding my own business, am I? I'm still a little worried about her after all. Knock. Knock. Maria: Noeru, are you there? Come out for a moment. Noeru (thinking): Maria..! Maria: You've been avoiding me all day today. Do you intend to avoid me for the rest of your life? Page 3 Noeru: No, but.. Maria: What were you trying to pull yesterday? I was sad when you purposely spilled cola on me. But worse than that, you disappeared without telling us. If you're going home early, tell someone! Don't you know we were all worried about you? Noeru: So.. sorry.. Maria: But oh, I was so happy. Hirobe-san bought the wind bells together for me. This time was special. I've forgiven you. Let's make up. Noeru: Really!? Maria: But Page 4 This is the last time! If you pull something like that again, I'm really going to hate you!! Stop being so childishly possesive of me. Grow up somehow!! Page 5 Noeru (thinking): Oh, the bonds of siblings... I didn't know close ties were so fragile.. Girls: There's a new lipstick on sale. I want to get a halter one-piece. There's a cool freshman on the volleyball team. Who do you like best in Janis Jr.?* (Janis Jr. is a music band) Yesterday on TV.. Noeru (thinking): The girls are only talking about fashion, TV, the guys they like.. really boring things.. I'd rather talk about games or sports.. But, Maria..she talks clearly about those things. It's lots of fun for her. She used to say she can talk better with girls than me, 'cause they enjoy each other's company. Page 6 Yes, she's quickly becoming an ordinary girl.. Teacher: First, you have to do the applications for the basketball tournament, attend meetings of the basketball conference, do the setting for practice games, preparing uniforms, taking care of stuff. During practice, you have to keep the time, fill the drinks, keep score.. Oh, yes, what else. Oh, that's right, meet with the alumni! And do the club magazine. Noeru: All that work!? Are all those things part of my job.. Teacher: You'll be fine. Let's cooperate & make the most of it! After all, I'm retiring in autumn 3 years from now. Noeru: Yeah.. Maria (passing by): Kya ha ha. No way, Hirobe-san. Noeru's look: Grrr.. Page 7 Sign: Guys' basketball club Noeru: Oh, I shouldn't have taken this job! There's lots of work. Doing this all by myself, I can't move a muscle. I can't intefere with Maria and Hirobe-san, and I just spotted them! (thinking): Maybe I shouldn't have come to this school after all.. Should I return to my old school. But, I really don't want to move away from Maria. Maybe I am being childishly possessive. Maybe this is wrong.. (Something hits Noeru's shoe) What's this? A fish.. But, it doesn't have a tail... It's got several unnecessary rings on it, too. What a strange key holder.. Page 8 Sasa: That's the key to my locker! Noeru: Sasa. Sasa: I thought I might have left it here.. Glad you found it. Noeru: That's a strange key holder. Sasa: This? It's a lure. Noeru: A lure? What's that. Sasa: Fake bait. It's a bait substitute you use for catching fish. Instead of real bait, we use things like these to catch fish. This is a minnow, made like a small fish. I like the design, but it won't catch a thing. So I took the hooks off and turned it into a key holder. Page 9 Noeru: Fishing!? Sasa, do you fish? Sasa: Yeah. I like it better than basketball, but there's no fishing club. Noeru: Oh, could it be that you didn't come to Katchan Land because you were fishing? Sasa: That's right. Noeru: Oh, so that's what you were doing.. But, why are you intentionally fishing with fake bait. Because you don't want to waste real bait? Sasa: No, you fool! If you put a lure on a fishing line and wait, it'll look real to the fish. If you move it around, it'll entice them. Lure fishing's a lot of fun. Noeru: Oh, it does sound like fun. Say, when are you going next? I want to go too!! Sasa: Huh? Page 10 Sasa: Are you serious? Noeru: Yeah. Sasa: You're unique.. I thought junior high girls usually aren't interested in fishing. Noeru: Really? (thinking): I'm not a girl. It's OK, isn't it? Take me.. Sasa: It's fine with me, but.. We're leaving at 4 AM. It's a bit late. Are you coming? Noeru: (I'm not scared.) Sure. Gotcha, 4 AM!! Sasa (thinking): She's serious.. Page 11 Noeru (thinking): So, on Sunday we went to Lake Ashino. We came by car with Sasa's fishing master. Yabuseki-san and his student, Fukaki-san. Yabuseki-san lives in Sasa's neighborhood. Sasa learned to fish under Yabuseki-san's guidance. Sasa: Today, I'm going to catch a big fish. I can feel it! Page 12 Sasa: Face the shore when you're casting. Noeru: Sure. Sasa: If you get a bite, don't panic. Let me know immediately. If there's anything you don't understand, ask me. Noeru: Sure, thank you. (Sasa casts, and he's good at this..) (thinking & letting out a whistle): That's a smooth motion! That's cool. Now, I'll try. Page 13 (Noeru tries casting twice, and isn't so good at this..) Am I doing this right? I wonder if my lure will really pass for a small fish, and entice them.. Sasa: AAAA!! Page 14 Noeru: What happened!? Sasa: Damn, the hook missed!! I almost had him.. Oh, damn it!! (Noeru's a little stunned) Noeru: Say, Sasa.What do you mean by missed? Sasa: I had it, but the hook missed, and the fish ran away.. Noeru: It made you mad, you're so serious. Sasa: Of course I'm mad!! Page 15 Sasa: I'm certain there's a big fish aroundhere. Damn, I'll catch this one for sure!! Noeru: Here we go, I'll be serious too!! Sasa: Yeah!! Page 16 Sasa: I got a bite!! Noeru: Wow, it's pulling hard. It's big, isn't it!? Sasa: Great, this is fun. Don't miss this time. Page 17 (Lots of fishing sounds) Sasa: Gotcha! This one's a really good size!! Fishie: Hey. Page 18 Noeru: Cool, Sasa. Is this a black bass!? Sasa: Yep. Fishie: Let me go. Noeru: That's so cool. You really did fish with a lure. Somehow, that made me more excited.. I want to catch a fish, too!! Go for it!! Page 19 Some hours have passed.... Noeru: I can't fish. I can't hit a thing. (Note: He means he can't get a bite.) Or, maybe if I got a bite, I still wouldn't notice.. After all, lure fishing is difficult.. Sasa: You've got a good casting stroke, but.. To come all this way and not catch any fish must be pretty boring. (Note: After the first one, Sasa caught 2 more fish.) Noeru: Oh, but Sasa, I've watched you catch fish. I've had a great time, and the scenery is so pretty! I want to come again, for sure! Sasa: Is that so. I'm glad to hear that. Page 20 Sasa: OK, next time let's go to Kanri fishing place. They restock the fish every day, so you can really fish. You don't have to catch & release. And they cook at Kanri, too. We can eat fish there. Noeru: Oh...(mouth watering & pastels) Sasa: Minamino, who are you? (Tug) Noeru: Huh? Sasa: Did you get a bite!? Noeru: Looks that way.. What to do.. Sasa: Start reeling it in! Don't panic. Slowly... slowly.. Page 21 Great, go for it. Don't try too hard. That's it, slowly... Hold on, I'll get it with the net!! It's a brown trout! These are hard to catch. That's great, Minamino! Noeru (thinking): I did it.. Page 22 I really did it. I really caught a fish!! (talking): Banzai. Sasa: OK, say cheese! (Click) (Really pretty picture of Noeru with a fish in the net) Page 23 (School clock shows noon) Noeru: Sasa, let's go to the cafeteria. Lunch-time.. Sasa: Sure. Crowd at lunch: EH!? Page 24 Classmates: Have those two started dating? What a shock.. Girl-hating Sasa finally got a girlfriend.. Kanako: How did Noeru get him so fast! Noeru: But, Sasa, when we were fishing, you were a completely different character. Sasa: Is that so? Noeru: Yes, it's so! But, at school you're quiet and not too friendly. People feel you're cool. Page 25 Then I found you had a hot & passionate side. The time you missed the fish & caught the fish. Sasa: Sorry about that. Noeru: No need to be sorry. Sasa, I like that side of you better than trout! (Sasa's hit by pastels, then flowers) Sasa: Thanks... Noeru (thinking): A-lunch is delicious! (sound effects): Yum.. yum.. Kanako: That's nice, they're having fun.. I'm jealous.. (Maria with a sweatbead) Page 26 Maria: Somehow, rumours are going around that a new couple has started. Noeru: Sasa and I? Really. I wouldn't think so. That's strange, we're just best buddies. Maria: But Noeru, I think this is a little bad... Noeru: Sasa's a great guy. Finally, in this costume I found a friend with common interests. I'm so happy! But waiting for Hirobe-san to dump you has been a pain. I don't share any interests with the girls. It's been a real torture. Page 27 So, 'til you get dumped by Hirobe-san, I'll be best buddies with Sasa. I'll make this friendship work! Maria: That's not good, 'cause you're the only one who thinks you're best buddies.. (Noeru's walking away singing) Listen when someone's talking to you! Page 28 Girl: What a nasty way, Minamino Noeru!! (Noeru sees 3 girls) You became manager aiming to get Sasa-kun. You pretended to be interested in fishing & forced him to take you. You say you're not dating, just friends. Page 29 Because you don't confess to him, he can't refuse you. Stop pretending you're friends, confess your love to him clearly! Noeru: Whew.. Girl: Did you tell him clearly and did he refuse you clearly? Noeru: If you're angry, don't take it out on me. What you're saying is mistaken. Don't get angry just because you guessed wrong. Girls: What..? She makes me mad. What's with that attitude? You're really buffed up... Sasa: Hey. Page 30 If you have something to say to our manager, I'm listening. Noeru: Sasa. Sasa: Say it. What is it? Girls: Oh, nothing.. Page 31 Sasa: Hopeless girls... Are you OK? Noeru: Yeah, I'm OK. Sasa: That must be heavy. I'll carry it. Noeru: Oh, thank you. I'll carry one. Why the pastels? Maria: That's why I said this is bad, Noeru. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Dimitri Ashling at: Find more Mintna Bokura translations at: Thank-you! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------