Mintna Bokura (We are Mint) Chapter 2 [Version: Dec'97] Translation by Dimitri Ashling All rights held by the authoress, Wataru Yoshizumi. Special thanks again to Masatomo (for checking my translations and translating stuff), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the first place) New Character this Chapter: Morinomiya Shizuko (Chairman) Page 1 Noeru: Supatsu OK. Loose socks OK. Half-wig attached! Hairband on! Noeru girl version ready for action! Page 2 Noeru:..... (Closes a door) What a drag. I'm already getting used to this costume. (I've adjusted too well.) I'll get to school early and try to talk Maria into coming back to her old school. (Enters the school building to deserted hallways.) Strange... Blast it.. my watch stopped. (Noeru's watch says 8:20, but the big clock outside said 8:45) (The lecture's already begun.) I really don't want to enter that class late. It's math. If they call on me, I've got no chance. Hmm... Page 3 OK! I'll skip 1st period!! Oh, this feels great. But, I'm starting to fall asleep. (Starting to snore) Teacher: Minamino Noeru-kun? Page 4 Noeru: Yeah. Teacher: Just like I thought. I saw you taking steps 2 at a time, so I thought you were a boy. Noeru: Excuse me..? Teacher: I'm Morinomiya Shizuko. I'm the chairman of this school. Page 5 Noeru: Oh! (Flashback to Dad) Dad: She's a funny person. She gave the OK for you to transfer. (End Flashback) Noeru: Nice to meet you. So, you're a lady. (Translator Note: It's easy to refer to someone in Japanese without mentioning whether they're male or female, but not in English. Also, chairmen of schools are stereotypically guys.) Teacher: Call me Shizuko. Noeru: Sure, Shizuko-san. Shizuko: How are you doing at the dorm? Noeru: It's so-so... Shizuko: How's your disguise working out? Noeru: No problem. Even though I talk like a guy, nobody doubts me. (It's troublesome to change clothes, though.) Shizuko: It's because of the wig. They think a girl's going to have long hair. And your sister looks similar to you. Page 6 And how's making Maria give up on her first love going, I wonder? Noeru: Make her give it up! What's Maria doing dating a coach who's in college, and leaving like she did. She's got no shame around him. I can't stand it. Shizuko: My, my. Say, how's Miyu-chan doing? Your roommate. Noeru: Makimura? Shizuko-san, is she a personal acquaintance of yours? Shizuko: Yes.. Page 7 I've been a teacher at this school since I was young. Miyu-chan's parents graduated from this school. I was their teacher. And their matchmaker, too. Noeru: Oh! Shizuko: When she was in grade school, she was a very cheerful girl. But lately when I've seen her in school, she never smiles. I'm concerned about that. Noeru: Yeah. She doesn't look like she's not feeling well. But she's certainly not friendly and I've never seen her smile. It doesn't look like she has any friends. Shizuko: Really? Page 8 Noeru-kun, be good friends with her. Please. Noeru: Sure, gotcha. (I don't have confidence, though.) Noeru: But, Shizuko-san, why'd you let me be Makimura's roommate? Weren't you worried? (After all, I'm a guy.) Shizuko: Since the time I talked to your father, I thought that I could count on you. Besides.. Miyu-chan used to practice Shorin Jikenbo. If you do something bad, she'll slam you good. (Note: Shorin Jikenbo is like Kung Fu.) Page 9 Noeru: Oops.. gotta go! See ya, Shizuko-san. Bye bye. Shizuko: See you again, Noeru-kun. Don't skip class too much! Page 10 Miyu: Katchan Land? (Arrow pointing to Noeru: Trying to be friendly) Noeru: Yeah, the basketball club members are going. If you're free, do you want to come? Miyu: I'm busy this afternnon. Noeru: Oh, ok.. Page 11 Miyu: I think I'll be coming back late tonight. Could you leave the window open for me? Noeru: Sure, gotcha. (Thinking): Out playing at night again. If I tell Shizuko-san this, will she feel better? Or will she get more worried? (Miyu reading) Page 12 Katchan Land Hirobe: Oh! Minamino, I didn't know you had a twin. Noeru: I'm little sister Noeru. I just became the manager of the guys' basketball club. Pleased to meet you. Hirobe: Yeah, pleased to meet you. Maria (thinking): I don't want Hirobe to be pleased about Noeru being around. Noeru: Hey, Maria. I'll let you know. I know you love Hirobe-san. Page 13 Maria: How do you know? Noeru: What gave you away was the way you looked at him! Today, you're not getting close to Hirobe-san. 'Cause I'm keeping an eye on you! (Maria looks embarassed and really worried) Hirobe: Umm.. We've got 12 people here, right. Classmate: Yes. Hirobe-san: All of us going together is too big a problem. Why don't we split up into groups and meet back at the exit in 3 hours? Classmates: Gotcha! Girl 1: So, where shall we go first? Girl 2: Hirobe-san, let's go to The Land of Mystery! Guy: Oh, me too. Page 14 Maria: Me too... (Grab!) Noeru: Maria, you're coming this way to Katchan Shooting! (The twins are shown on a few rides, with Noeru happy and Maria not.) Next, let's do this one. Love-check, Magical Cupid. Page 15 Oh, but Sunset Stragety sounds sounds like fun, too. This place is lots of fun. But, why don't we get some cola before that. I'm getting thirsty. Maria: I'm not thirsty right now. Noeru: Then I'll go buy some. Wait here for a bit. Maria: I want to go see the gift shop. Noeru: Nope. Stay right there! (Maria's fuming) Page 16 (Noeru's got a cola) Kanako: Noeru! Noeru: Oh, you came too, Kanako. I see, you're also in the basketball club. Kanako: You're a little rude. (I've been in the basketball club since the start.) Kanako: Say, you know Maria loves Hirobe-san, don't you? Noeru: Yeah, I know. Kanako: Then you have to help her. You've got to arrange it so that they can talk to each other. Noeru: No way, I'm not arranging a thing. I don't want Maria having a boyfriend. (Kanako's a little shocked) Kanako: Oh, I see. You don't want to lose your sister. You've got a sister complex. (Arrow with sound effects: You hit the nail right on the head.) Page 17 Noeru (thinking): She looks modest, but she expresses everything directly. (talking): But isn't it bad for a coach to have a relationship with one of his players? Kanako: It's OK, isn't it? As long as they keep the game and their private life separate. Noeru (sweatbead): But some other girls may love Hirobe-san too. Surely, that'd be a problem. Kanako: I don't think so. I haven't heard anything like that. Hirobe-san's handsome and a good player. We respect him. He's a college student too old to have a serious relationship. Maria has a thing for older guys. If I had a relationship, I'd like someone my age or a year older than me. Someone like Sasa-kun in basketball. Noeru: Sasa? Is he popular? Kanako: He's the most popular sophmore on the team. (Note by Sasa's picture: His only appearance this chapter.) Page 18 Noeru: Oh, he didn't come today... Kanako: He had plans, that's too bad! But I don't think he's dating anyone. It's well known Sasa-kun doesn't like girls. But I like that about him. (Yah!) Noeru: Eh.. Kanako: Anyway, you've got to support Maria! Noeru: No way. Kanako: You're stubborn. Noeru: Oh, (Notices the empty bench) that Maria! I told her to wait for me! Page 19 The gift shop (Maria looking at Katchan cups) (Katchan cups. 1,000 yen.) Maria: Though I came to date Hirobe-san, I can't talk to him at all... Today may be impossible, because Noeru's here. From now on, I'll have to put up with this. (Maria feeling really bad, but then sees something) (Good luck cat wind bells 400 yen.) Little sign at right: Pretty small cat wind bells make your wish come true! *Study *Love *Family Safety *Good Luck Coming The bells themselves, left to right: Love, Love, Good Luck Coming, Study. Maria: Oh, how cute! Page 20 (thinking): Great, I'll buy one of these. Which one should I buy? Hirobe: Are you buying one of those? (Big blush by Maria) Maria: Ye.. yes! Hirobe: Making a wish with a little wind bell sounds interesting. I might buy one too. (Maria's eyes are aglaze) Maria (thinking): No way! I can't have the same one as Hirobe-san!! (Graphic of HAPPY with lots of hearts and a cute little Maria angel) Page 21 Hirobe: I'm getting this one for Good Luck Coming. It's all mighty. How about you, Minamino? Maria: .... Love. Hirobe: So, you have someone you love. Maria (thinking): He's not noticing me. The one I love is you. The one I love... Page 22 Bump. Splash!! Maria: Yah! Maria: Noeru!? Noeru: Sorry I bumped you. It didn't splash on what you're buying, did it? Hirobe: Minamino, here. Maria: I'm OK. I'll go the restroom and clean up. I'm fine... Page 23 (Sign saying toilet in English & Japanese) Noeru: How's it going? Could you get it all off? Sorry, Maria. But I really don't like how you're acting around Hirobe-san. When a girl's in love, her face gives her away. I don't want you looking like that. That's because.. (Noeru looks at Maria and she's crying) Page 24 (Noeru's really surprised) Maria (crying): Finally, I got to talk to him. We almost bought the same wind bell. Noeru: Wah..I'm sorry. So sorry! Maria! Don't cry!! Maria! Page 25 Kanako: Maria, are you OK? You got cola on your dress? Maria: Oh... you waited for me? Hirobe: What happened? Your face looks like you were crying. If you take it to the cleaners, it'll be fine. Don't worry! Kanako: It's almost all gone, it'll be fine. Maria: Yea.. yeah. Hirobe: Look here. The windbell. (Gives Maria a small bag) Page 26 Maria: Oh... (Blushing): Did you buy this for me? Sorry! Ummm.. how much.. Hirobe: It's OK. It's yours, it didn't cost much. I was going to buy mine anyway. Maria (thinking): No way. We really did get the same one. Kanako: Aren't you happy, Maria? Hirobe: So, shall we go? There's more attractions to see this way. Page 27 (Maria smiling & happy) Maria: Sure! Kanako: Hmm..? Noeru's not around. Page 28 (Noeru's walking and thinking about it.) Noeru: I haven't seen Maria crying like that, not since her bird died... (Picture of a parakeet going "Kippu". That was its name.) Though she liked fighting with the bad guys in the neighborhood, and she was scolded for playing tricks by our parents, she never cried. Only because of that bird... Page 29 Oh, DAMN IT!! Damn it! (thinking): I really don't want Maria to have a boyfriend. But even worse, I don't want her to cry. You fool, Maria. Crying is against the rules. It's illegal! Be.. because I can't interfere any more when you cry!! Page 30 (Noeru sees something) Eh!? Makimura-san and a middle-aged guy. He's red in the face. Page 31 (Flashback) Kanako: There's a rumour that Makimura-san is dating middle-aged guys.. (End of Flashback) Noeru (thinking): What the... Could that rumour be serious!? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Dimitri Ashling at: Find more Mintna Bokura translations at: Thank-you! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------