Mintna Bokura (We are Mint) Chapter 10 Translation by Dimitri Ashling All rights held by the authoress, Wataru Yoshizumi. Special thanks again to Masatomo (for checking my translations), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the 1st place) Prelude Noel: I beg you, Maria. Maria: I said no way! Me pretending to be you is impossible. I'll be found out right away for sure!! Noel: Don't say things like that. Come on, it's just for one day. Won't you do anything for our sake!? Maria: I don't think it's for our sake this time. Noel: You said you'd help me out! Maria: I do want to help, but... Noel: Maria__________ Maria: ..... Nothing else we can do... Page 1 Sasa: Huh!? What the heck? Page 2 Maria's going to be you, and you're going to be "cousin Toru"!? And the 4 of us are going to have a double date!? That's absurd!! Noel: I know it's absurd. That's why I'm begging you! Just give me one day. Sasa: But I've got no confidence doing this... I might get your name wrong or something like that. Noel: I'll make up something!! That way if I fail it won't be your fault!! For this, I beg you!! Sasa: If something happens, I don't know. Page 3 Noel: So, you'll come!? Sasa: I'm going, that's all. Noel: Sure!! Thank you Sasa!! I'm so happy, this way I can date Miyu! As Toru in this double date, anyway. Sasa: But when did you start liking Makimura? Even though it's better than always interfering in Maria's love life. Noel: Hee hee... When did I start liking her... Sasa: I see. That's right, you're Makimura's roommate too. You couldn't be using this opportunity to do something strange to my cousin! Like taking off your clothes. Noel: I'm not! That would be mean! She hasn't seen the real me, so I'm worried. Sasa: Oh, really. I doubt it. Noel: Really! Sometimes I have accidentally seen her, though. Page 4 Before that, let's plan ahead. How about a supervised fishing place? You said you wanted to go to one next time. I think everyone cooking and eating the fish we catch will be fun. Sasa: That might be fine. Noel: Don't you think so? Let's do it! Sasa: But isn't dating as Toru gonna be hard for you? What do you do about phone calls? You can't give her the same number for the 2 of you, can you? Noel: Nothing to worry about! Ta dah! Sasa: Ah, a cel phone! Noel: I bought this with my allowance. I'll give Miyu this number for getting in touch with Toru. Page 5 There are various other problems that may come up. But the girl "Noel" is only friends with Miyu, so right now I can't tell her the real story. For the time being, I'll do my best as "Toru"! Sasa: Will this work out? By the way, why are you in girl version today? We're not in school, and I already know about you. Noel: I learned my lesson.. Because someone could see me in guy version with you, and "Toru" isn't supposed to know you yet. Page 6 "Noel": Sasa, Miyu! Morning... Vertical sign: Okutama Trout Fishing Spot Entrance Small square sign: Customers only. (Sasa's amazed) I guess I better do the introductions. Sasa Ryuji and Makimura Miyu, this is my cousin Toru! You two are cousins too. Sasa(thinking): That's Maria. But she's wearing Noel's clothes...Double Noel.. Page 7 "Toru"(smiling): Pleased to meet you! Miyu: Pleased to meet you. Sasa: Pleased...(thinking) And this one's gotta be Noel. Oh, this is confusing... They're fishing, so naturally Sasa's in charge. Sasa: Now, we've rented our fishing poles and paid for the fishing rights. So, shall we go? "Toru" & "Noel": Yeah! Sasa: They're in harmony. Page 8 How about some roe for bait? Though worms are really better for fishing. Miyu & "Noel": Worms!? Yuck!! Miyu: Huh. You're not bothered by bugs. (Translator's note: The word for bugs in Japanese, mushi, also refers to worms.) "Noel": Uh, yeah. They don't bother me, but I don't like them. And I especially don't like touching them. Miyu: So that's it. That's true. "Toru": So, let's fish!! Sasa: The differences between fishing with lures and fishing with bait are simple. Put about 2 roes on your hook. And cast wherever the fish are. Then wait. When the bait goes down into the water, that means you got a bite. Since we're going to be eating these fish, pull them in slowly. Got it? Page 9 (Miyu casts) Plunk. Miyu: Is this OK? Sasa: Yeah. "Noel": OK, we'll be fishing over there. Let's go, Sasa. Miyu: Huh? Page 10 Miyu: No way. Wait up, Noel... "Toru"(thinking): Thank you, Maria. Miyu, pull it in! You got a bite! Miyu: What!? Eek__I caught a fish! What do I do? "Toru": You're doing fine, pull it in slowly! Page 11 Miyu: Oh, I can't handle it. Toru______ "Toru": Calm down____ (Takes the hook out) (Puts the fish in a bag) (Sets a rock down to hold the bag in place) All done! Miyu: You're nimble. "Toru": You can't handle fish, either. Ha ha ha. It's not just bugs. Page 12 Miyu: Miyu... (Uh oh.) "Toru"(thinking): Oops, I carelessly called her Miyu like I always do. So... sorry!! Was I getting too friendly...!? Miyu: That's fine. Page 13 I can handle fish! But I haven't handled one trashing before. "Toru": The fish is just trying to stay alive. You can grab the rainbow trout with one hand right now cause they're small. But the big ones are much harder to handle! Miyu: Is that so? It might be impossible... "Noel": Hmmm... It looks like they're getting along just fine. It's going well. Sasa(thinking): Yep, definitely Maria. Page 14 But you're doing super. You're just like the real thing! After all, you were born with the same face. Maria: I'm doing it cause I'm doing it right. Cause these past few days I've been cramming on Noel's voice! I borrowed the clothes from Noel, too. I feel a little like doing an impression of him. Sasa, you did a good follow-through too! I got Makimura and me apart as soon as possible. So I wouldn't be found out. Sasa: You're all fired up... Maria: Cause this is for my cute little brother. Sasa: Huh. As far as my own romantic love goes, I thought I wasn't interested at all. But I've healed a bit. Page 15 Maria: Excuse me, what are you talking about!! But you were leaving your brother dressed like a girl, while he was chasing you. And you were always after another guy. Maria: No, I wasn't. Sasa: After he accepted you and Yoshiaki, he cried. He didn't want to be twins anymore. Page 16 Is that so... Noel's a fool. Being twins doesn't mean we'll always be with each other. It means that no matter how separate we get from each other, we'll never really be cut off. There's a strong bond connecting us. It's obvious that we have a special mutual existence. It's nothing to worry about... Page 17 But Noel came to understand that too. Because he's in love. >From now on, we can consult each other on our romances. That makes me happy. Sasa: Why did you fall in love with someone before Noel did? Maria: Hmmm... because I was feeling sad too. Like Noel, I felt he was betraying me. I might have gotten angry. Page 18 Sasa: You're a selfish girl. Maria(sticks her tongue out): beee.. Sasa: So, let's go fishing too. Maria: Sure! Sasa: By the way, are you and Yoshiaki getting along well? Maria(w/lots of hearts): THAT'S PRIVATE. Sasa: I guess so... Page 19 Miyu: Yes. The rainbow trout tastes wonderful! Sasa: This salmon is good too. I caught it. It's a wild fish. There's a mountain stream, so there are fish from the river too. It's a different taste than the fish from the hatchery! "Toru": Really delicious______ Miyu, the yakisoba you made is great. You're great at cooking! Miyu: Thank you. I don't consider making yakisoba cooking... Page 20 Sasa(whispering): Looks like they really hit it off. Maria(whispering): All due to our efforts. Page 21 Miyu: It's just a bit further, so thanks for escorting me. Noel: Sure. Miyu: See ya... Noel: Um... do you want to meet again? This time just the two of us. Page 22 Are you still wanting to go on double dates? But always going with Noel and Sasa is bad___ Miyu: That's OK. Call me. Noel: Yes... Page 23 I DID IT!! Maria: A little further in! That's it, right there. Page 24 Oh____ that feels great. Noel, massage my legs too after that. And then my arms! The fishing pole is always so heavy... Noel: Yes, my lady!! Maria: But what a relief. It turned out great. Noel: Yes, it did thanks to your efforts! Maria: You think so? You can thank me by keeping up the massage. Noel: ....I gotcha. (The phone rings) Page 25 The phone! It might be Miyu. Maria:..... Noel: Hi, hello!! Voice: Noel? That's gotta be Noel. I'm glad. Cause it's summer vacation, I thought you would return home. It's me, Sakurai Daisuke! Page 26 Noel: Daisuke!? Oh, it's been a long time!! Maria(thinking): Daisuke from our old school? I miss him___ Noel: Yeah. Sure. Wait, I'll go ask her. Daisuke is doing a get together for 5 or 6 people tommorrow. Karin and Yo are coming too. You're going too, right? Maria: Sure, that's fine. Noel: That's fine. OK, tommorrow at 1 o'clock. Bye bye. Maria: I miss them. It's been several months since we've seen everyone. Noel: Yeah, it's gonna be lots of fun! Maria: Did you keep in touch with Daisuke at all? Noel: Not since I transferred. Maria: Really? You were such good buddies before. Page 27 Noel(thinking): That's true. It was about the same feeling Sasa and I have now. I was always hanging out with Daisuke... After I transferred, for various reasons I didn't see them. When I see him tommorrow, I'll apologize.. Page 28 Karin: It's really been a while. You could have called, you know. Maria: Sorry about that. The two of you are looking fine. Noel: Daisuke, have you gotten taller? Daisuke: Yes, a little. Noel, have you gotten shorter? Noel: I'm short anyway... Daisuke: Oh, sorry. I was just joking. So, when are you coming back to our school? (Blank stare from the twins) Page 29 Maria: No.. we aren't planning to come back. Daisuke: What!? But Noel said so. "I'll get Maria back for sure. Then I'll return right away." Maria: You told them that. Noel: Uh..yes, that was my intention. But now I can't return... Maria: Noel got a girlfriend that he's being lovey-dovey with. He doesn't want to leave her. Noel: Hey... You're the one getting real lovey-dovey with your boyfriend. Maria: No, you're the one... Noel: No, I haven't yet... Page 30 Yo: Sorry for running late... Noel: Oh, Yo and Hachi! How are you doing? (The twins and new arrivals go off chatting in the distance) Karin: You're in love with Maria, aren't you, Daisuke? Daisuke: And Karin you're in love with Noel... Daisuke: Damn. Getting lovey-dovey with her boyfriend. Ugh... so depressing... Karin: This isn't a time to be depressed. I'm not gonna give up for sure. Page 31 Noel was really tense. He's not in love yet. The love life is far away from him. But he's quite cute and I like him. So I was going to wait until he woke up to liking me. I won't let another girl take him. I'm not gonna step aside. For sure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Dimitri Ashling at: Find more Mintna Bokura translations at: Thank-you! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------