========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/mint.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== MINTna bokura - Chapter 8 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon Jan'98 ] Title page : ... there's no title... it won't spoil the episode ! 01- There's a plastic bag with cakes inside. Noeru asks what it is. 02- Maria says they're handmade. She made it so that Noeru can give the cakes to Yoshiaki. Noeru tastes some. He asks what's the strange taste. It hurts Maria's feelings. He apologizes, but he wonders what is inside. 03- Maria used 'Earl Grey' tea's leaves. It doesn't smell good, but Kanako said it tasted good ! Maria asks Sasa to taste too, but he doesn't like cake nor cookies nor candies. She says she can't rely on him. Anyway, Yoshiaki is gentle and he'll like the cookies ! She gives the bag to Noeru. 04- Noeru thinks about Maria's Yoshiaki-fever. Maria says she has to tell him something. She'll do it during lunch-break. 05- In the park, at noon, Maria asks Noeru if he wants them to return to their previous school together. (Since she came here for Hirobe, and she likes somebody else right now, she has no reason to stay here. 06- And Noeru already asked her to return... and he wouldn't have to be dressed like a girl anymore.) Noeru thinks about the situation... how he could come back to a normal life. 07- He'll think about it and decide later. Maria asks if she can tell Yoshiaki he's her brother. Absolutely not !!! She understood. 08- Noeru is on his bed... what should he do ? Wouldn't it be simplier to wait until summer vacation to return ? He'd still be able to see Sasa during holidays... and he'd see his old friends at school. Miyuu asks him how she could go from here to Ebisu in one hour. He thinks he won't see Miyuu. 09- Since he's half-dreaming, she asks again. He asks her what she'll go there. 10- He guess she'll see the old man again !? She asks if he has a plan with Sasa. She leaves and he still thinks about the old man. 11- At Ebisu's Garden Place, Noeru and Sasa are waiting. Sasa asks why they didn't go see Shinjuku's Game Softs as they planned. 12- Does he want to buy something at the department store ? Watch a movie at Garden Cinema ? Visit the Beer Memorial Hall ? Then why !? Noeru is sorry and says they should have gone to Shinjuku. The place is so big, how could he hope to find Miyuu. 13- But he sees her and the old man sitting at a cafe. He hides behing a column. Sasa asks what's happening. Noeru asks him to keep quiet. 14- Sasa notices she's the girl who shares her room with Noeru. He guess the rumour is true. Then he realises... 15- ...the man is his father ! (Noeru is very surprised.) 16- Sasa runs to his father (Noeru can't stop him) and asks what is he doing. 17- Is he on a date with a student ? He misjudged him !! The father wants to explain : that's a misunderstanding, she's his daughter. 18- Noeru is lost... he can't follow the situation... are they brother and sister ? No. 19- Sasa's real father is dead. The man here is the second husband of his mother. They're not of the same blood. But the man was married before he met his mother and they had a child. And that was Makimura Miyuu ! (Once again, about family names... Sasa did know his new father's family name... He could have guessed Miyuu was his father's daughter !) 20- Sasa and Miyuu are watching each other in a strange way. Since the people around are watching them, the father suggest they go elsewhere. He asks who is Noeru. Sasa's classmate. Miyuu's roommate. 21- He asks him to return alone, he has to speak to his childrens. They're sorry, but they leave Noeru alone. 22- In his room, Noeru walks impatiently. Miyuu returns. He was waiting for her. She'll explain him the situation. Her parents did marry after they graduated from this school. 23- When she was born, they were living with her maternal grandfather and grandmother in the same house. Since her mother often was at work, it was like if she wasn't there. One day, her sister's mother's husband died. So, her aunt came living in the same house with her son (Sasa). Her father fell in love with her aunt, her father divorced and then married her aunt. Sasa always did as he didn't knew all this. 24- Noeru shows a figure of the situation to help Ribon's readers. Sasa's Sasa's Miyuu's Divorced Miyuu's Miyuu's Father=======Mother=========Father===========Mother==========Stepfather | Married | Married Dead | | Sasa Miyuu Understood ? Miyuu continues to see her father. She started to talk to him last year. That's why there's a rumour about her. So, what's the relation between Sasa and Miyuu ? Cousins ! 25- She was watching Sasa a lot since her father said his son was in the same school. 26- Noeru feels something strange in his breast. Miyuu says her father hadn't told her about his previous marriage, so, it was a shock. She asks Noeru if he feels good. He does'nt answer. He's got a strange feeling. 27- The day after, Noeru sees Miyuu and Sasa talking together. 28- When they notice him, he runs away. They don't understand why. Noeru never saw Miyuu smiling this way before. He feels a pain. 29- For the first time he... what shall he do ? End of chapter 8 -- To be continued... Wataru says she's been eating and playing billiard with Obana-san (Kodomo no Omocha's author) and Fujii-san (It seems it is a typographical error... it should be Fujita-san, who is Kero-Kero Chaimu's author)