========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/mint.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== MINTna bokura - Chapter 5 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon Oct'97 ] [Warning : Hirobe-san's story is approximatively random... but it seems to fit properly with the few words I could make out of the story, and the global story itself.] Mintona Bokura -- Chapter 5 Title page : Shining look Maria, now, 13 years old... 01- In the classroom, the teacher calls Sasa... he's absent. Noeru is shocked. 02- Maria thinks Sasa misses school because he's shocked. Noeru doesn't like the smile on his sister's face. Maria asks how it went with Sasa. Noeru explains. 03- Maria thinks it's truancy... (???) Sasa finally comes. 04- Boys ask if he was ill. No, he simply overslept ^_^;;. Noeru is ashamed. 05- Sasa asks him to come with him to buy some fishing material after school. He accepts. 06- He grabs Sasa's arm as he thanks him. Students around notice they reconciliated. 07- Lunchtime, in an M-burger-like restorant, Sasa asks Noeru to keep their "first kiss" a secret... (Noeru already talked about it with Maria... but he guess it's OK) 08- Maria arrives and call them an "official couple". She came to tell she was going shopping with her roommate. 09- ... 10- Noeru explains how he succeeds in wearing girl's clothes, taking bath, going to toilet, sports,... He says he's happy their friendship goes on. 11- Later, in Noeru's room, he talks with Miyuu. She asks if he goes out with Sasa. "Why ? Does it looks so ?" It does. 12- Miyuu asks him what kind of guy is Sasa. He says he's a very good boy, with a little bluntness however. Why did she ask ? Because she's interested in it. Noeru asks if she loves him ? 13- No, she's only interested about the info. Now, Noeru asks Miyuu : when Miyuu rejected his invitation to Kacchanland, he saw her there with a middle-aged man. Who was he ? "Who ? Dad... ?" 14- Noeru is ashamed he didn't thought of it by himself and asked such a question. He says he was worried for nothing. "Worried ?" 15- In the parc, Maria meets Hirobe and walks beside him. 16- He asks her what she did with her "love amulet" (bought at Kacchanland). She says she keeps it. He says he gived his away. She's shocked, she thought it meant something between them, having both the same thing. She asks if he gave it to his girlfriend. 17- He says yes. Maria gets a big rock on her head... v_v;; 18- She asks if he just said he has a girlfriend. "Does it surprise you ?" After she reexplained the whole story, he says she lives in Kanazawa, so that's a long distance love. That's why she didn't notice it. 19- He says he loves her since grade school (6-12 yrs). But then he had to change school. 20- He still loves her. 21- To speak in basket term, that was a violent attack, already lost before trying. He had to put a free throw... and missed. He never saw her again and they are almost separated. 22- Maria asks him to be un-sad, because she's there. She says she loves him. She says she asked her cat-wind-bell to make him her companion. She asks if that's "NO". 23- Hirobe has to think about it... She says she'll wait until he's fixed about his previous girlfriend. 24- He thanks her and they both smile. 25- Later, Noeru is surprised learning Hirobe had a girlfriend. He tells her not to be sad, he's there for her. Let's return to our previous school. But Maria refuses... She explains Hirobe is almost separated. She says he smiled her, and thanked her. 26- She absolutely not give up. 27- In his room, Noeru thinks. Maria is so strong minded... they won't go back to their previous school... Well... there is Sasa... and Miyuu. Err... Why did Miyuu's face come in his mind ? 28- Miyuu is gone away tonight again. She sure went to see her "(that old guy)". Is he really her father ? Noeru notices a photo album in Miyuu's books. The album says "Look me ! look me !" 29- Noeru will look, but he knows it's a bad thing to do. 30- He sees pictures with a very young Miyuu on it, a woman (probably her mother [she has Chiyako's mouth and Yuu's hairs]), and a man with glasses and a beard (probably her father)... Noeru notices the man is different : that's not the man he saw with her at Kacchanland. The man wasn't her father, he knew it ! 31- Why did Miyuu lie to him ? End of chapter 5 -- To be continued...