========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/mint.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== MINTna bokura - Chapter 4 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon Sep'97 ] 00- Sasa and Noeru are talking together in the school's park. Maria's friend notices they use their name. Title page : Noeru & Maria : Break !! 01- Noeru is in his room, doing his homework, and is quite happy since he's got Sasa's friendship. 02- He can't find his pen [I don't know the English word... it's a "reloadable crayon"... v_v;;] He looks under his desk and is surprised... 03- he finds an insect. He thinks of a joke. 04- He puts the insect on her roommate's shoulder. She sees it and 05- shouts "Iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-" very loud. In the whole dormitory, people heard her. Noeru fell on the floor. 06- He grabs the insect and throws it through the window. Through the door, school staff asks if there's any problem. He opens the door ands explains everything is alright. 07- Makimura looks shocked. Noeru tries to apologize, but she thanks him. 08- Noeru goes to the fridge to get two soda cans. He observes her while drinking. 09- She finally says she really don't like insects. She wonders how Noeru stayed so calm with the insect. 10- He says he isn't afraid of insects, but he fears serpents. Makimura smiles. (for the first time in the story) 11- He tells her she smiled... so she stops smiling. She says she has never got friends at school, she learned to like living alone. She says friends are important too. 12- Miyuu says as they live in the same room, they'll slowly get accustomated to each other, and become friends. She won't call Maria and Noeru "Minamino" anymore. Noeru will call her Miyuu too. Miyuu smiles. 13- Noeru tells Sasa "she" now is friend with Miyuu. They arrive at a game center, and go to an automatic photo-thing... 14- Inside the machine, Sasa attempts to kiss Noeru. (and succeeds...) 15- Noeru falls on the floor. Sasa apologizes... 16- Sasa says he loves "her". Noeru P.A.N.I.Cs 17- Later, Noeru tells all this to his sister. He doesn't understand how Sasa thought he really was a girl. 18- Noeru don't know what he'll do... Maria can't hold her smile... Noeru 19- Noeru thinks he won't be able to be Sasa's friend anymore 20- Later, Noeru talks to Sasa in the school's parc. He asks Sasa to be just friends. 21- Sasa says it will be good to be friends, she should love him if 'she' was her girlfriend... Noeru says he's wrong, he really likes him more than everything. Sasa won't try to understand girl's reason... (but it's a boy) 22- Sasa says he thought they were going out together, and Noeru just wanted to be good (best) friend with him. Sasa asks why 'she' wants to be just friends if 'she' loves him... but Noeru doesn't answer. 23- Later, Noeru and Sasa are eating separately. Everybody notices it. "Did they have a fight ?"... 24- Noeru regrets he didn't take care of Sasa's feelings. He goes in his room and thinks. 25- He thinks how he usually met Sasa... 26- ...if he rejects him... Noeru throws his book on the wall. He doesn't want to be separated from him. 27- Absolutely not ! In the classroom, Noeru talks to Sasa. He begs him to come an hour after school. 28- In Noeru's room, Sasa is ashamed. He says boys may only come here with the dormitory approval. Noeru removes his shirt. Sasa is shocked. 29- He tries to stop 'her', but receives Noeru's hairs. 30- Noeru says he's sorry to deceive him... but he's a boy ! 31- Sasa faints... End of chapter 4 -- To be continued...