========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/mint.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== MINTna bokura - Chapter 3 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon August'97 ] Warning : SPOILERS ahead ! ========================== I don't understand Japanese very well, so, if I made any mistakes : -don't blame me, please... -send corrections in your reply -... huh... There are plenties of little jokes in the story, but this is not a translation !!!!! (The worse thing is that I don't even speak English properly... v_v...) Mintona Bokura -- Chapter 3 00- In Noeru's room, Noeru watches Miyuu reading a book. She notices it, and he's ashamed of it. Title page : School's rumour's target 01- Noeru reminds of yesterday, when he saw Miyuu and a "Ossan" walking together. [Ossan : edict says it's a vulgar word for "uncle", but I don't think he's her uncle, he's just a semi-old man] Who is he ? Her father ? A relative ? Are they bllod relative ? ...etc... 02- Noeru thinks he shouldn't interere in Miyuu's private life. Somebody knocks at the door and asks for Noeru. That's Maria. She says him he seems to be avoiding her, will he continue doing this ? 03- Maria tells him Hirobe bought her the "wind bell", and she's happy, but... 04- SHE REALLY HATES WHAT NOERU DID ! He acted in a very childish way. 05- In the classroom, Noeru seems shocked and doesn't talk to anybody, but he hears the (girls')conversations around him : there's a new lipstick, somebody wants a onepiece, there's a nice boy in the ballet club, the "Janiis Jr." (famous boy's band from Handsome-na Kanojo, also talked about in Maramalade Boy), ... etc... Noeru thinks he's not interrested girls'favourite boys stories... even Maria is busy talking about this. 06- At the basket club, Noeru learns form a girl that the club will compete in an official league tournament. They'll have to prepare the practice ground, the uniforms and so on... He asks her if that's not the manager's job. She says they can do it by themselves. Noeru hears Maria having fun with Hirobe. 07- Noeru is alone and thinks he shouldn't have come to this school after all... he'd rather return to his previous school. He finds a fish-shaped key holder on the floor. 08- Sasa enters and says that's his locker's key. Noeru returns him the key and says the fish is a lure. He says that's fake-fish-food he uses when fishing. 09- Noeru asks if he fishes. He does. Noeru asks how he specially fishes with fake food. He explains how to fish v_v... Noeru thinks it's interresting, and asks to go fishing with him. 10- Sasa says that's rare a girl interrested in fishing. Noeru thinks he isn't one... Sasa tells him he'll have to wake up at 4:00 AM. Noeru says he'll come. Sasa is astonished "She was serious..." 11- Next sunday, on the Ashinoko lake. (They came in car with some senior apprentices) Sasa says he has a premonintion : they'll catch something big today. 12- Noeru will fish on the "coast" side. Sasa throws his hook. 13- Noeru tries a few time. Sasa shouts "Aaa !!" 14- What ? Shit ! It escaped ! Sasa thinks it's very vexatious. He explains the hook got out of place and the fish escaped. Noeru doesn't see anything vexatious in this. 15- Sasa won't do such a mistake again, and he tries again. 16- He's caught something. It pulls very hard. 17- Sasa finally catches the fish, and says it's a "good size". (The fish is the size of his forearm...) 18- Noeru is very impressed. He'll keep courage and try doing that well. 19- A few hours later, Noeru hasn't cought anything yet. He talks a little about fishing with Sasa. 20- Noeru catches something... 21- ...and finally pulls it out out of water. That's a brown trout. 22- He's very happy : BANZAI ! Sasa takes a photograph of Noeru and his trout. 23- At school, Noeru invites Sasa to eat together. This surprises the other students a lot. 24- Some rumour begins. Maria and her roommate see them. Noeru and Sasa and eating and talking together. [The meal seems very great, being in a school cafetaria.] Noeru says Sasa had another character when fishing : at school he is unsocial, but there, he was 'cool'. 25- Sasa says he was doing badly (overacting when the fish escaped and when they cought some) Noeru says it wasn't bad... he loves that side of Sasa. Sasa becomes red (ashamed)... and says thanks. Maria and her friend still are observing them... 26- After the lunch, Maria talks with Noeru. Maria tells Noeru about the rumours going on him being a couple with Sasa. He says Sasa is a nice boy and a good friend, since he was rejected by Maria. 27- Maria replies by he goes away. 28- In the school park, three girls (Sasa's fan club) come to Noeru. They don't really appreciate Noeru being a friend going out with Sasa. 29- Their 'chief' (a "Candy White"-haired one) asks Noeru to remove her sentiment's confession. Noeru tells them that they are completely wrong. They say they are offended by his manner. "Oi" 30- says Sasa, entering the scene. Has he heard some complaint about the manager ? The three girls leave, ashamed. 31- Sasa asks Noeru if everything is alright. Ok. He has filled bottles. That's heavy. Sasa carries one. Thanks. Maria had observed it all and thinks things are going bad. End of chapter 3 -- To be continued...