========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/mint.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== MINTna bokura - Chapter 1 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon June'97 ] Warning : SPOILERS ahead ! ========================== ... hum... this is a synopsis, so I couldn't do much to avoid spoilers ^_^;; I don't understand Japanese very well, so, if I made any mistakes : -don't blame me, please... -send corrections in your reply -... huh... There are plenties of little jokes in the story, but this is not a translation !!!!! (The worse thing is that I don't even speak English properly... v_v...) Infos : the two main characters are Minamino "Maria" and "Noeru"... they are twins. They both look like Miki with long hairs. Noeru wears a hairband. Mintona Bokura -- Chapter 1 00- Noeru arrives for the first time at _her_ new school. Double title page 01- Noeru enters the class and is presented to other students by the teacher. Students look surprised. Maria, gets up (and seems really ashamed). 02- Maria seems really astonished seeing Noeru. (She really seems to be overacting a lot) She grabs her. Fade out. 03- In the garden, they both are talking. "I wait your explanations" "I missed you" "But why do you say you're my sister ? You're my... 04- brother !!!" shouts Maria, stopped by Noeru. Maria rips Noeru's hairs off (it was a postiche) 05- Begin of the flashback, all began two months ago. Their father proposed holidays 06- in Hawai. Yatta !! Rakkii ! But Maria says she can't come because of her basket club's tournament. 07- Noeru is quite deceived... 08- In Hawaii, Noeru and his father went Whale Watching. The father has sea sickness. 09- Back home, the mother tells them Maria asked to go to a boarding-school. She left a letter for Noeru. The mother tells that Maria lives her first love story. 10- The parents talk about the problems of young people's love stories... The father is the twin-brother of Kurihara Akane's father !!! (The heroine of "Kimishika Iranai", Wataru's previous manga) So, they talk about early marriage and divorce. Akane was 16, while Maria is only 13 years old. 11- Flashback level 2 : Noeru remembers how he lived with Maria since childhood (back to babies), and how they began to be separated since they entered junior high school (because of other girls, basket club, etc...) 12- Back to flashback level 1, he wants to survey Maria in her love story. 13- Noeru asks his father to go at the same school. The father accepts, but... 14- there's one condition, he has to go there as a girl because the last room available in the school is for a girl. Noeru is shocked. 15- Noeru accepts. This concludes the flashback. Maria : "So Sonna BAKAna..." 16- Maria says everybody is against her. She wants Noeru to return home. 17- But he doesn't accept. 18- Maria explains she loves her as her brother, but they no longer are childrens, so it will never be the same again. She says he'll soon find an adorable young lady who will fit him. 19- Maria leaves. Noeru says to himself he won't give up. 20- At the dormitory, Noeru finishes putting his luggage in place. 21- Maria and Asou Kanako (her room-mate) enter the room. Presentations. [Kanako is a character like the three girls at school in Marmalade Boy] 22- But... Noeru's room is a two persons room too. Who's with him ? Makimura is her name. Kanako knows rumours about that girl (they are in the same class) Makimura is a kind of lone-wolf-child... (????) Maria and Noeru are surprised. But these only are rumours. [I'm not sure at all of edict's translation nor of mine...] 23- Later, Noeru is wondering who is "Makimura Miyuu" like. It's too late, the doors are now closed. She spends the night outside without permission. He hears a sound, Miyuu enters through the window. [Miyuu is light and short haired. Shorter than Akane or Arimi] 24- Noeru presents "herself". And he thinks she hasn't got much good manners. 25- Noeru is thinking, looking the ceiling, and when he looks back at her she already had removed her shirt (she wears bra and jeans) 26- Noeru promptly looks back at his book and becomes red. Miyuu is surprised. It's the first time he sees a girl this way (except Maria) He thinks "Doushiyou ?" (three times ^_^) ("What should I do ?") 27- The day after, Noeru is awaken by Miyuu (she's already ready to leave) He immediatly checks his hairs : OK. 28- Miyuu asks if he always keeps his head-band then leaves. Noeru goes to the refectory. Maria calls him. 29- He sits near her. Maria asks about Miyuu. People are observing them : "Twins !! Beautiful ! Cute !" [The people are drawn by Naoko Takeuchi, the ex-author of SailorMoon who asked Wataru to go to New-York with her.] 30- The other girl at the table ask Noeru which club she'll go. Noeru begins to answer, but uses "ore" (which is a boy word) instead of "atashi" or something more girlish. The girls are surprised, and he is ashamed. "You really looked like a boy !!" say the girls. 31- In a passage, Maria and Noeru are talking about his mistake. Maria tries to leave to the club, but Noeru wants to talk about 32- the guy Maria loves. Maria don't want to tell anything about him. She just says she really loves him. Noeru hopes it isn't a "kataomoi" (an unrequited love) 33- Maria asks Noeru not to intrude. 34- At the basket club, Noeru looks at the boys guessing which it could be, but there are many. 35- Sasa Kyuuji tells her it's dangerous to stay there watching, she should be on the second floor to watch. (Else, she could get a ball in her face and be sent to the infirmary where she could be kissed... etc...) [Sasa Kyuuji looks like Yuu, but with a more circle-shaped face... sigh... my descriptions are stupid... anyway, don't forget they all are about 13 years old, they all look younger than in Marmalade Boy] 36- Noeru asks Sasa which boys of the club are considered attractive. He says Noeru should ask girls. But, Noeru sees Maria talking with a boy. 37- He asks who it it. He's the girl's team coach, Hirobe-san, an old boy. 38- Maria shots at the basket and marks. Hirobe-san gives her indications. 39- Maria's flashback... I all began that day : she fell on a two steps stairs and was crying. Hirobe-san comes : Are you OK ? 40- She says everything is allright but when she tries to get up, she falls. So, Hirobe-san carries her. She thinks "like a princess" 41- He drops her at the infirmary , and explains he's in the basket club at some school. (That's why she came there) Far later, she meets him in the school and they both recall of the time she fell in the stairs. This concludes Maria's flashback. 42- Maria runs after Hirobe-san in the park and asks him what are his plans for sunday. 43- She asks where he is going to play. He answers "Where do you want to go ?" She thinks that's crazy, he asks her on a date... she says anywhere he wants is OK. 44- He asks who comes with them. She's surprised, she understands she was wrong. She mayy bring as many people as she want from the club. 45- In the classroom, Maria thinks, sitting at her desk. She calls all people from the club. 46- She asks who wants to come with her to see Hirobe-san playing on sunday. Noeru replies he wants. Maria says only club's staff is admitted. But Noeru says he's a member of the club, thanks Sasa. 47- Maria is very annoyed. Noeru says they'll have much fun on sunday. Maria looks aggressively at Sasa. End of chapter 1 -- To be continued...