Marmalade Boy Volume 7, Chapter 4 pages 105-134 Written and illustrated by Yoshizumi Wataru Translation & editing by : Craig Nishida Additional translation by : Paul Hirose Additional proofs by: Jeanne Hedge Last revision : 97-12-25 Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Please send them to: --------------------------------------------------- p 105 1 [Yuu sits morosely on his bed.] 2 [Profile of Yuu.] 3 [Tight shot of his door.] door FX: ___ ___ kon kon Miki: [off] Yuu? It's me! YUU? atashi! 4 [Yuu's eyes open wide.] 5 [Filler art. SD-Meiko and Miki smile at us, raising their index fingers.] --------------------------------------------------- p 106 1 [His pov. Miki stands in a fluffy sweater.] 2 [Yuu looks out through his partly-opened door.] door FX: _____ kacha Yuu: What is it? nani? 3 Miki: Hey... ano ne ______ Won't you eat some cake with SHITA de minna to ke--ki TAbenai? everyone downstairs? at-below with-everyone cake not-eat ____ Mama bought a delicious one. mama ga oishii no KAtte-kita (S) tasty (nom) went-and-bought kara that's-why Yuu: Ahh... aa... 4 Yuu: [smiling] I'm okay. ii ya ore There's a book I want to chotto YOmitai HON ga aru read for a bit... a-bit want-to-read book (S) there-is shi and-besides Miki: Really? sou? Then, shall I bring you ja MOtte-koyou ka? some? then shall-bring (?) Yuu: ______ No, that's okay. Thank you. iya ii yo sankyu 5 [Looking a bit puzzled, Miki walks off down the hall.] door FX: _____ patan.. Miki: Jeez, how boring. che tsumannai no 6 [Inside the room, Yuu grows moody once more.] --------------------------------------------------- p 107 1 [Yuu becomes lost in thought.] 2 [Exterior day shot of the Akizuki residence.] 3 [Miki exclaims over the sweater she holds.] Miki: WHA-A-A-AT?! e--------_ You knitted this, Meiko?! kore MEIKO ga Anda no!? this (S) knitted (nom) Miki: Ama-a-azing! suggo----i! --------------------------------------------------- p 108 1 [View from the ceiling. Meiko and Miki sit on the edge of Meiko's bed.] Miki: You were good at knitting? AmiMONO TOKUI datta n da I didn't know that! knitted-things one's-forte was (explan) ne-- SHIranakatta! (rhet) not-known _______ This green is a tasteful kono guri--n SHIBUkutte ii IRO--! color! this-green in-good-taste color Miki: Ooo. Wow. uwa-- uwa-- Meiko: It's not that I'm good TOKUI tte wake ja nai no yo at it. one's-forte (quote) reason is-not It's something I tried for HAJImete yatte-mita no the first time... for-the-1st-time tried (nom) ...while following a book. HON MInagara book while-look-over/refer-to 2 [Miki goes bug-eyed.] Miki: _ WHAT?! e_ ________ For your first try, a HAJImete de se--ta--? sweater? at-first sweater Just like that?! all-of-a-sudden Miki: ________ Instead of a muffler or mafura-- toka ja naku? something? muffler and-such is-not Miki: ___________ And on top of that, a shikamo fissha--man!? Fisherman's?! moreover fisherman Meiko: I thought maybe I was being MUBOU ka na-- to wa OMOtta rash, but... reckless/rash I-wonder thought-that n da kedo... (explan) but 3 [Miki sweats and looks at the sweater again. Meiko laughs.] Miki: That's not it at all! sonna koto nai yo ZENZEN! that-kind-of-thing not-have -at-all It's beautifully made. kirei ni dekite-ru mon beautifully is-being-made reason For people who have nimble sasuga KIYOU na HITO wa fingers, things certainly indeed dexterous/nimble/deft person (T) turn out differently... CHIGAu... differ _____ Amazing! sugoi!! Miki: A feat that's impossible for atashi ni wa dekinai GEITOU me. by-me (contrast) can't-do art/feat Meiko: There was nothing amazing sugoku nanka nai tte about it. amazingly somewhat not-have (quote) I undid and fixed the NANDO mo hodoite AmiNAOshita knitting many times. many-times undo/untie-(and) fixed-knit no yo (nom) The front and back sides are MAE MIGORO to USHIRO MIGORO ga wrong by one size too large. front body-part and back body-part (S) hitomawari mo OOkisa CHIGAtchattari shite be-a-size-larger-too is-wrong-(or) It's distressing! mo-- HISAN! tragic/distressful --------------------------------------------------- p 109 1 Miki: [smiling] _____ But, it's amazing. Really. demo sugoi yo honto but amazing really Miki: Natchan will be touched. natchan KANDOU suru yo be-touched/moved/impressed I'm sure he'll be terribly kitto suggoku YOROKObu yo! pleased! surely awfully is-pleased 2 Meiko: [smiling] ... Thank you ...arigato 3 [A blank panel.] Miki: [off] __________ _________ It's a Christmas present, kurisumasu purezento desho kore right? This. Christmas-present poss-be this When are you giving it? itsu WATAsu no? when give Is Natchan coming here? natchan kotchi ni KUru no? to-this-way coming Meiko: [off] __________ He's working Christmas so kurisumasu wa SHIGOTO de he can't... Christmas (T) work is-(and) ____ dame na n da kedo no-good is (explan) but But he's paying a New Year's o-SHOUGATSU uchi ni AISATSU ni greeting at my place, so New-Year's at-my-place in-greeting I'll give it then. KIte-kureru kara sono toki come-(for-me) that's-why that-time WATAsu wa give I also wondered if I should YUUSOU shiyou ka to mo OMOtta mail it, but I really wanted shall-mail (?) also-thought-that to give it to him personally. n da kedo yappari CHOKUSETSU (explan) but after-all personal/direct WATAshitai kara want-to-give that's-why 4 [Meiko drops her gaze.] Miki: I see. sokka Pay a greeting at your o-uchi ni go-AISATSU ni... place... at-your-place in-greeting Are your parents are still go-RYOUSHIN yappari HANTAI shite-ru opposed? your-parents after-all are-opposing no? Meiko: Uh-huh. un... They're remarking, "Not DAIGAKU mo Ikanai de kono TOSHI de going to college, and college too don't-go-(and) at-this-age getting married at your age." KEKKON nante---- tte Itte-ru marriage the-likes-of are-saying-that And it looks like they also SHOUSETSU-KA tte iu FUANTEI na don't care for an unsteady a-novelist say-that unsteady/unstable occupation like a novelist's... SHOKUGYOU mo KI ni Iranai mitai da occupation too not-like seems shi and-besides --------------------------------------------------- p 110 1 Meiko: [winking] But they know that my demo atashi no KESSHIN ga katai determination is firm, but my-determination (S) hard/solid and it seems they're ready to give up. to wakatte akirame understand-that-(and) resignation kakete-ru mitai are-beginning seems Just one more push! mou HITO Oshi yo! another one-push 2 [Miki smiles.] 3 [Isolated shot of another part of Meiko's bedroom.] Meiko: [off] What about you, Miki? MIKI wa? __________ What are you giving kurisumasu MATSUURA-kun ni NANI Matsuura-kun for Christmas? Christmas to-Matsuura what ageru no? give Miki: [off] Ooo... u... I haven't bought anything sore ga mada KAtte-nai n da yet. that (S) still am-not-buying (explan) I've looked in a lot of ironna o-MISE sagashite-ru n da stores... many stores am-looking-for (explan) kedo but But, there's nothing that kore tte mono ga nai no says "this is it!" to me. this (quote) thing (S) there-isn't I have to find something HAYAku MItsukenakucha soon. soon must-find Miki: [off] ____ No way I can do something atashi wa tezukuri wa muri handmade... I (T) handmade (T) impossible da shi is and-besides 4 [Miki looks a bit concerned.] 5 Miki: [off] Lately... kono goro ne ___ Yuu's been a little YUU nanka chotto hen na no strange. somewhat a-bit strange is For some reason, he's nan to naku GENKI nai n da been depressed. for-some-reason is-depressed (explan) Sometimes, he goes deep TOKIDOKI hitori de KANGAekondari suru in thought, alone... sometimes by-oneself is-brooding-(or) shi... and-besides 6 [Meiko stares at her friend.] --------------------------------------------------- p 111 1 Meiko: [wide-eyed] Really? sou? But he seems normal to me... futsuu ni MIeru kedo... ordinarily seems but Miki: Sort of, but... nan to naku da kedo ne for-some-reason is but (rhet) When I asked him, "Is douka shita? tte KIitara something wrong?" he smiled what's-wrong when-ask-that and said, "Nothing..." NAN demo ne-- yo tte WARAtte-ta nothing (quote) was-smiling shi and-besides 2 [Miki lets out a puff of air.] Miki: But something's weird, demo na--nka HEN na n da y'know. but something strange is (explan) yo ne-- (rhet) Miki: He's not giving me any itsu-mo mitai ni kamatte-kunnakute attention like usual, and like-always not-take-notice-(of-me) it's boring. tsumannai boring/dull 3 [Meiko cracks up. Miki sweats and has a few hairs sproing out.] Meiko: Ah ha ha ha ha! a ha ha ha ha C'mo-o-on, Miki! na--n da MIKI ttara So, in the end, that's KEKKYOKU sore ga FUMAN na what you're unhappy about. in-the-end that (S) discontent are n da-- (explan) Meiko: Spoiled bra-a-at. amaenbo~~ Miki: B-but... da_ datte... 4 Meiko: Isn't he just tired? TSUKArete n ja nai? getting-tired ______ He also had his finals, and KIMATSU tesuto mo atta his job at the used clothes end-of-term test too there-was store, too--it's busy this time of year, isn't it? shi FURUGI-YA no and-besides secondhand-clothes-store 's _____ baito mo kono JIKI ISOGAshii n desho work too this-season busy (rhet) It can't be helped. shikata nai wa yo 5 [Filler art. Miki in white long-sleeved blouse with suspenders.] --------------------------------------------------- p 112 1 [Miki grows thoughtful, clutching a pillow in her hands.] Miki: I see... sokka... That's true... so-- da ne Oh well, that's okay. ma ii ya __________ I'll have him totally spoil kurisumasu ni wa OMOi kkiri me on Christmas. on-Christmas (contrast) completely AMAechau mon coax/fawn-on/play-the-baby reason 2 [Meiko smiles towards her off-panel friend.] Miki: [off] ____ This year, Papa will be on KOTOSHI wa papa ga a business trip, and there this-year (T) (S) won't be a family dinner get-together, so we can SHUTCHOU-CHUU de spend some time alone within-a-business-trip is-(and) together! KAZOKU no o-SHOKUJI KAI wa nai family 's meal gathering (T) not-have kara 2-RI kkiri de that's-why just-2-people is-(and) sugosu n da mon ne! spend-(time) (is-the-reason) (rhet) Ahh, I'm looking forward a-- TANOshimi_ to it! 3 [Miki smiles contentedly, clutching the pillow towards her face.] narration: I'll be getting a ring, YUBIWA mo moraeru shi... too... ring too can-get and-besides narration: Eh heh heh! e he he_ narration: I wonder if the 24th won't HAYAku 24-KA ni nannai ka na---- get here soon... 4 [Miki's eyes contract to dots and she sweats and stands.] Miki: ha_ Miki: (Before that...) (sono mae ni) Miki: _________ (...I have to hurry and buy (HAYAku purezento KAwanakucha_!) a present!) fast present must-buy 5 [Exterior view of a store decorated festively for Christmas.] --------------------------------------------------- p 113 1 [Tight shot of a men's wristwatch with a sales price of 27,000 yen. About US$225 in 1997 exchange rates.] 2 [Miki, in a goofy looking cap, bugs her eyes out.] Miki: S... ta 3 [View pulls back to show Miki sweating and goggling over the watches in a glass showcase. With that stupid cap on she looks like some weird kid, so I guess the artist belatedly realized this and drew a little label with arrow. ^_^] Miki: (SO EXPENSI-I-IVE!!) takka----i!! caption with arrow pointing at Miki: Miki --> MIKI --> 4 [Filler art. SD-Miki in a dress.] --------------------------------------------------- p 114 1 [She spins and walks away.] Miki: ____ (It's no good. (dame da akirame yo I give up. no-good is give-up _______ It's over my budget...) YOSAN o--ba--......) budget over 2 [But, she stops and looks back, sweating.] narration: But... ----demo Miki FX: chira narration: ___ I took the trouble of sekkaku pin to kuru MONO finding just the right take-the-trouble striking thing thing! sagashiateta no ni... discovered/located even-though 3 [Tight shot of the wristwatch.] 4 [Closer view of Miki.] narration: If it's a wristwatch... UDEDOKEI nara wristwatch if-it-is narration: I can get him to wear it zu--tto MI ni tsukete-te-moraeru all the time... all-the-time can-get-to-be-wearing shi... and-besides 5 [Even tighter shot of the wristwatch.] 6 Miki: [off] (A-A-ALL RIGHT!!) (yo------shi!!) Miki: [off] EXCUSE ME! suimasen I'LL TAKE THIS, PLEASE!! kore kudasai_!! this please --------------------------------------------------- p 115 1 [Exterior day shot of the Koishikawa-Matsuura residence.] caption: --December 24th-- --12-GATSU 24-KA-- 2 [Miki pauses at the door to turn back and smile.] Miki: _____ Well, I'm off to work... ja baito Itte-kuru kara then work come-and-go that's-why Miki: ______ Be there at our usual park 4-JI ni REI no KOUEN no benchi no bench at 4, 'kay! at-4:00 usual park 's bench 's toko de ne! at-place (rhet) 3 [Yuu stands with a subdued air.] Yuu: ...... Miki... ...... Miki... 4 Miki: Hm? n? Yuu: No... ...iya Later's fine. ato de ii 5 [With a wide smile, she waves and turns to leave.] Miki: Then, at 4 o'clock, 'kay! sore ja 4-JI ni ne! 6 [Shot of Yuu's face.] 7 [Exterior shot of Bobson's Ice Cream.] sign: ________ Christma... kurisuma... --------------------------------------------------- p 116 1 [Miki smiles at a customer just leaving the store.] Miki: Thank you! arigatou gozaimashita! 2 [She recognizes someone off-panel.] 3 [The customer passes by Kei as she leaves the store. This is Miki's pov.] sliding door FX: ga--... 4 [Kei wears a heavy jacket. Miki smiles brightly.] Miki: Kei-kun?! KEI-kun!? Wowww, it's been a while! uwa-- HISAshiburi! Are you well? GENKI? Kei: Uh-huh. un I wanted to see you for a chotto KAO MItaku natte sa bit. a-bit face want-to-see become 5 Kei: ___ That you're working even ibu da tte no ni though it's Christmas Eve-- Eve is (quote) even-though does this mean you've _____ finally broken up with your baito nanka shite-ru tte koto wa boyfriend? are-working-and-such that (T) youyaku KARESHI to WAKAreta wake? finally with-boyfriend separated reason --------------------------------------------------- p 117 1 Miki: [off] Oh no, that's not it. ya da chigau yo _____ He's working, too, so we're mukou mo baito da kara meeting this evening! he too work is that's-why YUUGATA MAchiAwase shite-ru no! evening are-meeting Kei: [off] Damn! chi_ Ohh, how boring. nan da tsumanne-- Miki: [off] Grr, Kei-kun, you! mo---- KEI-kun teba 2 [A girl pauses outside the glass doors of Bobson's to study the two within.] 3 [It is Suzu-chan.] ===Sidebar=== FREE TALK (6): Speaking of Katchan, (this katchan to ieba, (KONKAI katchan no time I'll only be talking speaking-of this-time 's about Katchan, sorry) there is a scene, in the HANASHI bakka de sumimasen) last moments of this 7th conversation only is-(and) sorry volume, where Miki displays ______ "the things given to her by kono (7)-KAN no rasuto no tokoro de Yuu" on her desk, and if this vol-7 's in-last-occasion/moment that's true, then the Katchans should have been MIKI ga "YUU ni moratta mono" o exhibited here, too, but (S) by-Yuu got thing (O) I thought that it would ______ break up the mood too much, TSUKUE ni NARAberu shi--n ga arimasu so I dared to disregard on-desk display scene (S) there-is them. ga, HONTOU nara koko de but/and true if-it-is at-this-place __ katchan zu mo DAsu-beki datta too ought-to-put-out was n da kedo, amari ni mo (explan) but too-much too FUN-IKI buchikowareru yo naa, atmosphere is-spoiled (rhet) to OMOtta no de aete MUSHI shimashita. thought-that since dared-to-disregard __ Please imagine that the katchan zu wa mata BETSU no Katchans were kept in a (T) again different/separate different spot again, 'kay. tokoro ni shimatta no da in-place put-away/kept (explan) to KANGAete-kudasai ne. thinking/considering-that-(please) (rhet) Well. sate. _______ Even though I haven't been WATASHI wa kono 2-NEN KAN de, daietto mo dieting these past 2 years, I (T) for-these-2-years diet too I've lost 5 kg. shite-nai no ni 5#kg# mo am-not-doing even-though too TAIJUU ga HEtte-shimaimashita. lost-weight-(finality) But, even if I claim that demo, WATASHI ga "SHIGOTO yatsureda" I'm "worked to the bones," but I (S) work emaciated those around me say, "you're at that sort of age," and to SHUCHOU shite-mo mawari wa pay me little heed. (^_^) (quote) even-if-claim/assert around (T) "so-- yu-- NENREI na n da" that-kind-of age is (explan) to Itte amari say-that-(and) -so-much toriatte-kuremasen. (WARAI) pay-no-heed-to-(me) smile Continued in (7). (7) ni tsuzuku. --------------------------------------------------- p 118 1 [The two smile and wave as Kei turns to leave the store.] Miki: See ya later. ja mata ne-- 2 [Kei's eyes are lowered as the sliding doors open for him.] sliding door FX: _______ ga----_ 3 [A white panel.] Suzu: [off] Wait a sec! chotto! 4 [Kei's eyes widen as he looks to his left at Suzu-chan. Suzu looks up at him with little expression.] 5 Suzu: You're... anata _____ ...somebody who worked at mae #Bobson's# de baito shite-ta Bobson's before, right? before at-Bobson's was-working HITO desho? person poss-be 6 Kei: Yeah... ...aa Kei: (Oh. This girl. (are kono KO The one in the #CM# no...) commercial...) --------------------------------------------------- p 119 1 [Suzu-chan lowers her eyes and wags her forefinger at him. Kei has some hairs sproing loose.] Suzu: Are you still hanging around mada MIKI-san ni tsukimatotte-ru no? Miki-san? still to-Miki are-hanging-about Miki-san has someone by MIKI-san ni wa YUU-SENSEI tte the name of Yuu-sensei. to-Miki (contrast) called HITO ga iru n da kara person (S) is-there (explan) that's-why Give it up right now! tottoto akiramenasai yo ne! at-once give-up! (rhet) caption with arrow pointing at Suzu: Pot calling the kettle JIBUN no shita koto wa black ---> oneself 's did (nom) (T) tana ni agete-ru is-putting-on-a-shelf Suzu wagging finger FX: chi_ chi_ 2 [Kei blushes deeply, sweats and exclaims.] Kei blush FX: kaa_ Kei: H-- na Kei: How come you know about nande sonna koto SHItte---- that! why that-kind-of-thing knowing 3 [Suzu stares at him a bit perplexed as he turns and stalks off in a huff.] Kei: This has nothing to do with omae ni KANKEI ne-- daro you. to-you connection not-have be Mind your own business! yoke-- na o-SEWA da! Kei FX: fun_ 4 [Suzu-chan's pov of Kei storming off away down the street.] 5 Suzu: [wide-eyed] Wha-a-at? na--ni yo I'm telling him out of SHINSETSU de Itte-agete-ru no ni kindness! with-kindness am-saying-(to-him) even-tho Suzu: How uncute! KAWAIkunai no! --------------------------------------------------- p 120 1 [Isolated shot of part of a sign set in concrete.] sign: ...Park ...KOUEN 2 [Yuu sits on a park bench, his hands in the pockets of his heavy jacket.] 3 [Yuu profile. He's deep in thought.] 4 [He looks up at a sound off-panel.] Miki: Yuu-u-u! yu----u----_ 5 [It's Miki, smiling happily and running towards him.] 6 [He stands as she approaches.] --------------------------------------------------- p 121 1 [Miki smiles and throws herself against him. His eyes widen.] 2 [Pressing her cheek against his chest, Miki smiles contentedly.] Miki: Tee hee! fu fu_ 3 [Yuu has a troubled look.] --------------------------------------------------- p 122 1 [Miki looks up at him with a wide-eyed look of concern. She places the palms of her hands against his cheeks.] Miki: Sorry. Did you wait? gomen ne MAtta? It was cold, wasn't it. SAMUkatta desho was-cold poss-be Ah! Oh no. a_ ya da You've gotten terribly suggoi HIechatte-ru! chilled! awfully are-grown-cold-(finality) 2 [She looks up at him, full of concern. Miki: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. gomen ne gomen ne We shouldn't have met SOTO de MAchiawase nanka suru outside... outside meet somewhat n ja nakatta ne (nom) did-not (rhet) Let's hurry and get inside HAYAku dokka haitte attakai mon somewhere and drink fast somewhere go-in-(and) warm-thing something warm! NOmo! drink 'Kay? Hurry-y-y. ne HAYAku---- 3 [Yuu looks down somberly.] 4 [An isolated shot of the bare trees.] Yuu: [off] Miki... ...MIKI --------------------------------------------------- p 123 1 Yuu: I have something to tell HANASHI ga aru n da you. talk (S) there-is (explan) 2 [Miki looks at him, wide-eyed.] Miki heartbeat FX: _____ doki_.. Miki: Huh...? ----e Miki: What...? nani... 3 [Yuu's eyes show he's steeling himself.] 4 [A white panel.] Yuu: [off] ...... ...... Break up with me. WAKArete-kure --------------------------------------------------- p 124 1 [Her eyes widen in shock.] 2 [A tighter shot of her stricken eyes.] 3 [Tight shot of her lower legs and boots.] Miki: Wh-- na Miki: Why...? nande... 4 [Yuu looks a bit tormented.] --------------------------------------------------- p 125 1 [Miki profile.] Miki: Do you... ...atashi no koto about-me Miki: ...hate me...? kirai ni natta no...? into-dislike turned 2 [Yuu profile.] Yuu: No. chigau 3 [View of bare trees and partly cloudy skies.] Miki: [off] Then... ja There's someone else that HOKA ni SUki na HITO ga...? you like...? another liking person (S) Yuu: [off] No. chigau 4 [Miki exclaims with a pleading look. Yuu turns away to glare at the ground.] Miki: Then, why-y-y? jaa doushite------ Yuu: My feelings turned cold!! KIMOchi ga SAmeta n da!! feelings (S) got-cold (explan) --------------------------------------------------- p 126 1 [He stares off to the side.] Yuu: As a sweetheart... ...omae no koto about-you Yuu: ...I can't picture you that KOIBITO toka sou iu fuu ni way anymore. sweetheart and-such in-that-kind-of-way MIrarenaku natta can't-see became The special feeling is TOKUBETSU na KANJOU ga...naku gone. special feelings (S) not-there natta n da turned-into (explan) 2 [Miki stands there, looking forlorn.] Miki: ......... ......... You don't dislike me... kirai ja nai kedo dislike is-not but But you don't like me... SUki demo nai... tte koto...? Is that it...? like also not-have that-means 3 [A grey panel.] Yuu: [off] ......... ......... That's right. sou da 4 [The surroundings turn pitch-black.] --------------------------------------------------- p 127 1 [Tears pool in Miki's eyes and flow down her cheeks.] Miki: N-- ...ya NO...! ya da..._ Miki: I COULDN'T STAND SOMETHING sonna no ZETTAI ya da!! LIKE THAT!! like-that (nom) absoluteness is-unpleasant 2 [She grabs his sleeves and looks up at him through her tears.] Miki: Please, think it over again! o-NEGAi KANGAeNAOshite yo please reconsider-(please) If there's something wrong, WARUi toko attara NAOsu I'll fix it! blameable feature if-there-is fix kara that's-why Miki: I'll do as you say! iu toori ni suru kara------!! as-(you)-say do that's-why --------------------------------------------------- p 128 1 [A blank panel.] Miki: [off] Please, Yuu... o-negai YUU... Yuu: [off] There's nothing wrong with WARUi toko nante nai you! wrong feature the-likes-of not-have n da yo! (explan) 2 [Placing his hands on her shoulders, Yuu looks down at her with a fixed stare.] Yuu: It's not your fault. omae no sei ja nai n da your-fault is-not (explan) There's nothing bad at all omae wa ZENZEN WARUkunai! about you! you (T) -at-all not-bad/wrong 3 [He closes his eyes and turns his face away.] Yuu: I'm being selfish. ore ga MIGATTE na n da yo I (S) self-centered am (explan) 4 [Still stunned, Miki stares up at him with tearful eyes.] Yuu: [off] All on my own, my feelings ore no KIMOchi ga KATTE ni SAmeta turned cold...! my-feelings (S) on-my-own got-cold n da...! (explan) --------------------------------------------------- p 129 1 [Isolated shot of bare trees.] Miki: If it isn't that you dislike ...kirai ja nai nara me... dislike are-not if-it-is ...then please don't say WAKAreru nante iwanai de that we'll break up... separate the-likes-of don't-say-(and) ...because I still love datte atashi wa mada SUki da you. because I (T) still liking mon reason 2 Miki: I love you a lot...! DAISUki da mon...! 3 [Yuu looks back at her off-panel.] 4 [He turns his face away and closes his eyes.] Yuu: It's no use... ...dame da yo I can't go out with you mou tsukiaenai anymore. anymore can't-go-with Yuu: I'm sorry. gomen... Yuu: (Don't cry.) (naku na yo) --------------------------------------------------- p 130 1 [Miki buries her face in her hands and cries her heart out.] narration: It can't be helped. shikata nai n da Because it's hopeless. datte dame na n da yo because no-good is (explan) For us. ore-tachi wa us (T) Yuu: (We're brother and (KYOUDAI na n da yo...!) sister...!) sibling are (explan) 2 [Another isolated shot of trees.] 3 [Yuu rummages in the pocket of his jacket.] Yuu: I'll go on home ahead of ...SAKI ni KAEru yo you... ahead-of go-home Yuu: Oh, and this... sore to kore------ with-that/and this The ring. YUBIWA 4 [Tight shot of the little wrapped box held in his hand.] 5 [Miki stares at it in disbelief, hands clapped over her face and eyes still filled with tears.] --------------------------------------------------- p 131 1 Yuu: 'Cause I had promised. YAKUSOKU shite-ta kara Yuu: Although I can't keep RYOKOU no YAKUSOKU wa mou my promise for the trip trip 's promise (T) anymore anymore... HAtasenai kedo... can't-fulfill but 2 Miki: I can't accept it... moraenai... Yuu: ...... But... ...... demo 3 [She clenches her eyes shut in anguish.] Miki: You told me that you don't SUki ja nai nante iwarete like me... like is-not the-likes-of am-told-(and) So I can't accept it...!! moraenai yo...!! 4 [Yuu looks at her with a quiet expression.] 5 [A white panel.] Yuu: [off] Instead of as sweethearts... KOIBITO ja nakute sweethearts are-not-(and) _________ ...accept it as a present KAZOKU kara no purezento to shite from a member of the family. from-family (nom) as-a-present Uketotte-kure yo accept-(for-me) --------------------------------------------------- p 132 1 [He sets the wrapped gift on the park bench.] Yuu: It won't do any good for me ore ga MOtte-te-mo to keep it... I (S) even-if-am-having shou ga nai shi can't-be-helped and-besides Yuu: If you absolutely hate it, doushite-mo iya dattara then... by-all-means if-is-unpleasant ...please throw it away. ...SUtete 2 [Miki watches him wide-eyed as Yuu begins turning to leave.] 3 [He turns away.] 4 Miki: NO...! ya_... --------------------------------------------------- p 133 1 [Yuu's eyes widen as Miki exclaims behind him.] Miki: NO! ya da DON'T GO!! Ikanai de!! YOU MUSTN'T GO, YUU! Itcha ya da YUU YUU...!! YUU...!! 2 [He shuts his eyes.] 3 [Miki's pov as he disappears from view.] 4 [Miki stands, stunned, her heart squashed like a bug.] --------------------------------------------------- p 134 1 [The tears flow in a torrent...] 2 [ she slowly drops to her knees, and buries her face in her hands.] --------------------------------------------------- -------------------End of Chapter------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Scorecard: Miki ---> Yuu Meiko <---> Natchan ^ | | Kei Ginta <---> Arimi Rumi <---> Youji ^ ^ | | v v Jin <---> Chiyako ---------------------------------------------------