Marmalade Boy Volume 1, Chapter 4 pages 121-155 Written and illustrated by Yoshizumi Wataru Translation & editing by : Craig Nishida Additional translation by : Paul Hirose Yutaka Sasagawa Matthew Akira Klippenstein Additional editing by: Daniel Lee Jeanne Hedge Last revision : 11-30-95 Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Please send them to: --------------------------------------------------- p 121 1 [A view of trees and sky.] narration: It's summer break. NATSU YASUmi desu 2 [Miki follows through on her serve.] Miki forehand FX: ___ pan writing at bottom margin: There are club activities NATSU YASUmi demo BU-KATSU wa even during summer break. even-summer-break club-activities (T) arimasu there-are 3 Namura-sensei: Yeah. Looking good, un ii zo KOISHIKAWA Koishikawa!! ________ ________ You've added a lot of sa--bisu ni daibu supi--do ga speed on your service. on-service greatly speed (S) tsuite-kita na followed 4 [Miki smiles in shy pleasure and clutches her racket.] Namura-sensei: Now you just have to ato wa mou chotto KAKURITSU increase your service the-rest (T) a-bit-more probability percentage a bit more... Agenai to na if-not-increase (rhet) Miki: Eh heh. Okay-y-y. he he ha--i 5 [Miki's pov of Yuu, who stands on the other side of the fence, looking in. A backpack is slung over one shoulder.] 6 [She looks a bit surprised.] Miki: Huh...? ...are Miki: (Yuu...?!) (YUU...?!) --------------------------------------------------- p 122 1 [Filler art. Miki portrait.] --------------------------------------------------- p 123 1 [Miki approaches him on his side of the chain-link fence. Yuu smiles.] Miki: What's wrong? dou shita no? ______ You're not in a club. kurabu mo nai no ni club too not-have even-though What are you at school GAKKOU nanka NANI shi ni... for...? school and-such what to-do Yuu: ________ To see you in your tennis MIKI no suko--to SUGATA MI ni outfit, Miki... 's tennis-outfit form/figure to-see 2 [She recoils in shock, face flushed.] Miki: WHA-A-AT?! ee?! blush FX: kaaa 3 [He nonchalantly spins away, completing his sentence. Miki's eyes retract to tiny dots.] Yuu: ...couldn't possibly be na wake nee daro the reason. is not-poss-have-reason ______ Stu-u-upid. ba--ka 4 [A mite frazzled, she watches him as he walks away.] Miki: (......... (......... Spiteful person...) niku-ttarashii..) Miki: Where did last month's SENGETSU -GOU no YASAshisa wa niceness go?! last-month (counter) 's kindness (S) doko ni?! to-where 5 [Filler art. Ginta portraint.] --------------------------------------------------- p 124 1 [Walking away, Miki continues to stare blankly off-panel, in the direction of Yuu.] narration: But really... da kedo honto ni but really What did he come here NANI shi ni KIta n daro...? for...? what to-do came (poss-explan) 2 [Exterior view of the library building.] 3 [Interior view. Yuu walks past a row of bookcases.] 4 [Staring straight ahead, he fails to notice Meiko, who stands in one row with a book in hand. Meiko notices him with a start.] 5 [Meiko portrait. She looks off-panel, wonderingly.] --------------------------------------------------- p 125 1 [Yuu's pov of an open book. The page features a photograph of a pair of high-rise towers, the "Kashi Twin Towers: 1989-".] 2 [Yuu portrait. He rests his chin in one hand, reading.] 3 [He looks up.] Meiko: [off] Matsuura-kun. MATSUURA-kun 4 [View pulls back to show him seated at a carrel. Meiko stands before him, on the other side of the low partition of the carrel.] Yuu: Akizuki. AKIZUKI Meiko: I never thought I'd meet konna toko de Au nante you in a place like this. at-place-like-this meet the-likes-of OMOwanakatta not-thought Not many people come to anmari KUru HITO inai no yo this library. -very come people aren't-here kono TOSHOKAN this-library 5 Yuu: [small smile] Looks like it. rashii ne ___ It appeals to me... ore wa KI ni Itte n da kedo I (T) liking (explan) but Yuu: I like old buildings. FURUi TATEMONO tte SUki na n da old-buildings (T) like (explan) 6 Meiko: [smiling] I like it a lot here, too. atashi mo koko wa DAISUki I too here (T) like-a-lot Because it's so peaceful SHIZUka de Ochitsukushi ne I can collect my thoughts. because-quiet/peaceful regain-presence- of-mind --------------------------------------------------- p 126 1 [View shifts. We see the two in a large, high-ceilinged room. No one else is about.] Yuu: ______ A club? kurabu? Meiko: Yeah. We have club un BUKAI ga atte... meetings here... And since I was here, I tsuide ni thought I'd collect some by-the-way/while-here material. SHIRYOU METSUme ni yotta no was-the-means-of-collecting-data- (material)-for Yuu: The literary arts club? BUNGEI-BU da kke literary-arts-club is (?) Are you writing a novel? SHOUSETSU to ka KAite n no? novel and-such writing (explan) 2 Meiko: Uh-uh. I don't write uun atashi wa SOUSAKU wa shinai no stories. no I (T) not-write-a-story I just like to read. YOmu no ga SUki na dake da kara reading (S) only-like are that's-why Meiko: So I'm looking over various SUki na SAKKA no koto iroiro things on my favorite about-favorite-author various authors, and organizing them... SHIRAbete matometari ne... look-over-(and) put-in-order (rhet) 3 [A white panel.] Yuu: [off] Reviews, huh. HYOURON ka How wonderful. suge-- na Meiko: [off] It's nothing so fancy as sonna RIPPA na mon ja nai wa that. like-that fine-thing is-not It's just a collection of tada no ZATSUBUN writings. merely a-literary-miscellany 4 [Resting his chin in hand, he smiles up at her, merrily.] Yuu: Let me read it next time. kondo YOmashite yo next-time letting-read 5 Meiko: [brightly] Okay. ii wa yo 6 [Tight shot of Meiko's hand, holding out a book.] book FX: pa_ book: Quarterly KIKAN seseragi SESERAGI* quarterly- a-stream/a-murmuring- publication of-a-stream Touryou University TOURYOU DAIGAKU FUZOKU (-affiliated) High School university affiliated KOUTOU GAKKOU sr-high-school Literary Arts Club BUNGEI-BU <*Translation note: is the "murmuring of a stream".> --------------------------------------------------- p 127 1 Meiko: [beaming] 450 yen! 450-EN! Thank you for the purchase. o-KAiAge arigatou gozaimasu purchase thank-you [Yuu's eyes retract to tiny dots.] 2 Meiko: [beaming] I'm sa-a-aved. TASUkaru waa My club is short on uchi BUHI SUKUnakutte-- funds... my-club-dues insufficient-(and) ____________ Oh, and if you like, there a yokattara bakkunamba-- mo are back issues, too. if-okay back-number too [Sweating, Yuu turns to look at us.] Yuu: ...... ...... 3 [View of clouds and sky.] 4 [Meiko's pov of Miki, who is walking off the court, racket under one arm and wiping her cheek with a towel.] Miki: [brightly] Ah! Meiko! a MEIKO! 5 [Miki's pov of Meiko, who smiles and waves from the other side of the chain- link fence.] 6 Meiko: Practice is over today, KYOU wa mou RENSHUU Owari desho? right? today (T) already practice poss-finish Let's go home together. issho ni KAEro together go-home Miki: Sure! un! Wait just a minute while I MAtte-te KIgaete-kuru go change my clothes. are-waiting-(and) go-and-change-clothes --------------------------------------------------- p 128 1 [Tight shot of their orders--Meiko's drink and Miki's fruity dessert.] 2 [The two sit at a sidewalk table, under an umbrella.] Meiko: I ran into Matsuura-kun at sakki TOSHOKAN de the library earlier. a-little-while-ago at-library MATSUURA-kun ni Atta wa met-Matsuura Miki: Yuu?! YUU ni?! 3 [Miki ponders while toying with her fruit toppings.] Miki: (He went to the library...? (TOSHOKAN ni Itta no ka... to-library went (?) Why there?) nande anna toko) why place-like-that Meiko: How's summer break going? NATSU YASUmi dou? 4 Miki: [off] What do you mean, "how's" dou tte? it going?" Meiko: While your folks are at the o-uchi no HITO-tachi ga office, it's just you and your-folks (S) Matsuura-kun, isn't it? KAISHA Itte-ru AIDA while-are-going-to-the-office MATSUURA-kun to 2-RI kiri with-Matsuura just-2-people na n desho are (poss-explan) Are you two getting along? NAKA YOku yatte-ru? 5 [A spoonful of fruit poised before her, Miki looks across at Meiko, off- panel.] Miki: Yeah... But... aa... demo Oddly enough, we haven't IGAI to KAOAwase nai yo been seeing each other. surprisingly-enough a-meeting not-have 6 [Miki closes her eyes. Meiko watches her, wide-eyed.] Miki: I have my club activities, atashi wa BUKATSU ga aru and Yuu's been working at I (T) club-activities (S) have a part-time job and stuff, _____ and isn't around home too shi YUU mo baito much... and-besides too part-time-work to ka shite-te anmari and-such is-doing-(and) -very IE ni inai shi at-home isn't-there and-besides And recently, he went off konaida wa 1-RI de dokka on a trip somewhere by recently (T) by-oneself somewheres himself... RYOUKOU ni Itte-ta shi... on-trip was-going and-besides And, actually, I see him GAKKOU aru TOKI yori less often than when there school there-is than-times was school. kaette Awanai kurai on-the-contrary not-meet extent Meiko: Hmm. fu--n --------------------------------------------------- p 129 1 Meiko: [smiling] kusu You seem disappointed, MIKI ZANNEN -sou Miki. disappointing looks-as-if 2 [Miki is quite taken aback--sweating, face flushed, eyes and mouth wide open.] Miki: It--! so_ Miki: It's nothing like that!! sonna koto nai yo!! 3 [Her expression changes to one of reflection.] Miki: Nothing... ...sonna koto Like that, but... nai kedo... narration: But... kedo 4 [Yuu portrait.] narration: This summer break... kono NATSU YASUmi narration: I was thinking that maybe YUU no koto mou SUKOshi wakaru I'd get to understand Yuu about-Yuu a-little-more understand a little more. you ni naru ka na reach-the-point-where I-wonder tte OMOtte-ta no ni was-thinking-that even-though 5 [Miki sits in isolation, the table, chairs and Meiko having somehow disappeared.] narration: As usual, he's full of aitsu wa AIKAwarazu NAZO ga riddles... that-guy (T) as-usual riddle (S) OOkute------ plenty-of Miki: _____ (He hasn't spoken to me (baito ya ROUKOU no koto mo about the part-time job about-part-time-job-and-trip too or the trip either...) HANAshite-kurenai shi saa) not-talk-(to-me) and-besides 6 [Miki ponders.] --------------------------------------------------- p 130 1 [Miki's pov of Meiko, who has her eyes closed and hand on the straw of her drink.] narration: Come to think of it... ----sou ieba _____ I sorta get the impression YUU to MEIKO tte chotto kanji that Yuu and Meiko might be and (T) a-bit impression alike. NIte-ru ka mo are-resembling maybe narration: They always hide their true itsu-mo EGAO de kawashite selves behind a smile... always with-smiles dodge-(and) HONSHIN o MIsenai tte yu-- ka... true-mind (O) not-show say-that (?) 2 [Miki, still pondering, looks up.] Miki: (Ever since 1st year in (CHUU-1 kara zutto junior high, we've been since-1st-yr-jr-high all-the-time close friends, but still, there's something mysterious SHIN'YUU yatte-ru kedo about Meiko...) are-being-close-friend but ___________ imada ni NANka misuteriasu da still something mysterious is mon na-- MEIKO tte...) reason (rhet) (T) 3 Miki: AH! ha_ 4 Miki: [off] (Oh no! What the heck am (ya da atashi ttara NANI I thinking?! ) I I-tell-you what KANGAete n no?!) thinking-about Miki: [off] (Mixing up a dear and close (JIMAN no SHIN'YUU o friend with a weird guy a-close-friend-of-which-I'm-proud (O) like that!!) anna HENJIN to like-that with-weird-person issho kuta ni shite_!!) putting-together/mixing-up 5 [Eyes shut, Miki reaches across and claps a palm on Meiko's shoulder with conviction. Meiko's eyes retract to tiny dots.] Miki FX: totsuzen Miki: I'm sorry, Meiko!! gomen MEIKO!! Meiko: Huh...? ......ha? 6 [Exterior night shot of the Koishikawa-Matsuura residence.] --------------------------------------------------- p 131 1 [Chiyako's pov of Yuu and Miki, who sit on the two sofas in the living room.] Miki: ____________ Wonder Dog? wanda--doggu? Yuu: You mean, that ...te ano ATARAshiku dekita newly-completed theme (quote) that-newly-completed park? ______ ______ te--ma pa--ku? theme-park 2 [Their pov of Chiyako, who stands, holding up two tickets in one hand.] Chiyako: Right. sou _______ I got some tickets at the KAISHA de tiketto moratta no yo office. at-office tickets got You want them? iru? Miki: [off] I want!! iru!! Chiyako: ____________ My company's running a beer SHISETSU -NAI no biaresutoran garden inside the place. within-establishment 's beer-restaurant uchi no KEIEI na no our-operation is 3 [Miki clutches her ticket in glee. Yuu holds his up and smiles at it.] Miki: Yippee! wa----i I've wanted to go to this Itte-mitakatta n daa koko place. wanted-to-go-(and-see) (explan) this-place ______________ ______ There are several simulation ironna shimyure--shon ge--mu ga games there... several simulation-games (S) aru n da yo ne-- there-are (explan) (rhet) Yuu: Hmm. That sounds like fu--n omoshiro -sou jan fun. hmm interesting look-as-if 4 Yuu: Do you have a club activity ashita BUKATSU aru? tomorrow? tomorrow club-activity have Miki: Uh-uh. uun... Yuu: Then, wanna go? ja Itte-miru ka then go-to-see (?) 5 [Filler art. Miki stands in a UCLA sweatshirt, holding a football in one hand and her hair done up Chun Li-style.] --------------------------------------------------- p 132 1 Miki: [wide-eyed] Huh...?! e_...? 2 Yuu: [off] A bad time? TSUGOU WARUi? is-inconvenient Miki: [off] Uh! Uh-uh. u_ uun 3 [Yuu walks away with a smile and a toss of the hand holding his ticket.] Yuu: Then, it's settled. ja KImari na 4 [Miki watches him walk away, off-panel.] Yuu footsteps FX: [off] ___ ___ ___ ___ ton ton ton ton 5 [Tight shot of the ticket in her hand.] 6 [Resting the edge of the ticket against her chin, her eyes unfocus as she ponders.] narration: The two of us... Going? 2-RI de... Iku no? narration: Somehow, that... sore tte nan da ka that (T) somehow --------------------------------------------------- p 133 1 narration: ______ ...sounds like a date. de--to mitai ja nai... date seems [Exterior shot of the large sign and banners at the entrance to the "Wonder Dog" amusement park.] 2 [Miki's or Yuu's pov from the cockpit of their simulation arcade game.] arcade game FX: _____ _____ _______ _____ _______ _____ pishu pishu zuga--n pishu zuga--n pishu _____ _______ _____ pishu zuga--n pishu 3 [Miki, with a weak grimace, and Yuu, looking coolly methodical, sit in adjacent cockpits, firing away at the screen that is off-panel.] Miki: (Wahhh! I'm not hitting (wa~~~~n ZENZEN Atatte-kunnai_) anything at all!) -at-all not-hit-(for-me) arcade game FX: _____ _____ _______ _____ _______ _____ pishu pishu zuga--n pishu zuga--n pishu 4 [Outside now, Yuu and Miki hold their scorecards. Yuu points at Miki's with a wide grin. Miki blushes and looks indignant.] Yuu: _____ A rank of 'D'?!! ranku #D# da tte~~~~ Yuu: That's pathetic! hide----_ dreadful/awful Miki: _ Shut up! What about you?! urusai naa YUU wa NANI yo_ Yuu: _ An 'A' of course! #A# ni KImatte n daroo by-A without-fail (poss-explan) --------------------------------------------------- p 134 1 [Miki's pov of the "UFO-catcher dolls" piled up in the machine. A spotlight seems to shine on a stuffed hippo.] Miki: [off] Say, look, look! That! nee MIte MIte are So cu-u-ute!! kawai----!! 2 [Yuu looks disinterested, while Miki presses her hands against the glass and smiles down at the dolls.] Yuu: _ You mean, *that* one? anna no gaa? Miki: _ Huhhh? It's cute! e---- kawaii yoo How nice. I wish I had ii na-- hoshii na-- it... 3 Yuu: [setting his jaw] Can't be helped, hm. sho-- ga nee na ___ Well, I'll get it for you. jaa ore ga TOtte-yarou then I (S) shall-get-(for-you) [Miki looks up at him in surprise.] 4 Yuu: This sort of thing is my ko-- yu-- no wa TOKUI specialty. this-kind-of (nom) (T) one's-specialty na n da is (explan) 5 [Miki smiles sweetly, eyes closed.] Miki FX: kusu.. narration: It would be nice... itsu-mo kono kurai always about-this-much ...if he could always be YASAshikattara ii no ni na... this sweet. if-is-sweet good even-though --------------------------------------------------- p 135 1 Yuu: [off] ALL RIGHT! Great success!! o--shi DAI-SEIKOU!! [She turns in happy anticipation.] Miki: Really!?! honto_?! 2 [She looks upon a stuffed kappa doll in her hand. She sweats.] Miki: ......... ......... 3 Miki: THAT'S NOT I-I-IT!! chiga~~~~u!! Yuu: [irritated] Ehhhh?! ee?! Yuu: What? nan da yo _ Didn't you say that one omae sore ga kawaii tte Ittaroo?! was cute?! you that (S) cute poss-said-that Miki: This isn't the one I was kore ja nai_ atashi ga Itta no wa~~~~ talking abou-u-ut! this is-not! I (S) said (nom) (T) 4 [Pov pulls back and up. Beyond the arguing pair we see the lower legs of a girl who stands behind the two and faces them.] Yuu/Miki FX: gyaagyaa 5 [Arimi portrait. Arimi is a pretty girl with hair cut short, and is a stylish dresser. In the anime her hair is blue (sometimes even green), but here it could be blonde. She watches the two, off-panel.] Arimi: ......... ......... --------------------------------------------------- p 136 1 [Tight shot of the kappa doll.] 2 [Miki sweats while holding up and gazing at the kappa doll. Yuu smiles at something he sees off-panel.] Miki: Well... maa Maybe... If I imagine it's kawaii to OMOeba OMOenaku mo cute, there won't be room cute if-think-that can't-think too for negative thoughts... nai... ka mo... not-have maybe Miki: _____ ___ It's a kappa so I'll name kappa no katchan to NAzukeyou it "Katchan". (nom) (quote) shall-name Yuu: Let's go in there! asoko hairo-- ze there shall-come-in ! ________ _________ Miracle Illusion! mirakuru iryu--jon! 3 [Their pov of a sign.] Miki: [off] Ahh, a "hall of mirrors," aa "KAGAMI no HEYA" ne hm. mirror 's room (rhet) 4 [Yuu watches as Miki races ahead of him and into the hall of mirrors. Arimi approaches him from behind.] bilingual sign: Entrance IRIGUCHI #ENTRANCE# 5 [Yuu is prevented from following by a hand wrapped around his left arm.] Arimi FX: gui! Yuu: ?! ?! 6 [Smiling softly, Arimi holds onto his arm with both of hers.] Arimi: It's been a while, hasn't HISAshiburi ne YUU it, Yuu. 7 [Yuu looks over at her, in surprise.] Yuu: Arimi...! ...ARIMI! --------------------------------------------------- p 137 1 [Miki looks about, surrounded by mirrors.] Miki: _____ Wowww... So pretty... wa----.. kirei 2 [Smiling, Miki turns to look behind her...] Miki: ...isn't it, Yuu. nee YUU... 3 [...but no one's there.] FX: ________ kotsuzen Miki: Huh? are? 4 narration: I wonder if he went down BETSU no MICHI Itchatta no ka na... a different path... different path went-(finality) I-wonder Miki: Oh well, that's okay. ma ikka 5 [She starts to sweat.] Miki: Huh? are? Miki: I was just here. koko sakki mo here a-little-while-ago too 6 [She stares at her reflection.] Miki: Huh?! are?! Miki: A dead end. YUkidomari 7 [Filler art. The kappa doll smiles and holds a Japanese flag high.] sidebar caption: _______ Lovely Katchan --------------------------------------------------- p 138 1 [Miki swivels her head from side-to-side.] Miki: WAHHH! Which way's the wa~~~~n DEGUCHI dotchi yo~~~~!! exi-i-it!! exit which-way Miki FX: #PANIC# Miki: I'm scared. Yuu-u-u!! kowai yo YUU~~~~!! doko~~~~?! Where are you-u-u?! 2 [Miki stumbles out the exit.] narration: 15 minutes later. 15-FUN-GO Miki: Got out at last... yatto DErareta... at-last could-emerge bilingual sign: Exit DEGUCHI #EXIT# Miki FX: hii haa 3 [Miki registers surprise at something off-panel.] 4 [Her pov of Yuu, standing. Others amusement park customers partially block her view, so she doesn't see that he's not alone.] narration: Yuu! YUU! narration: He came out ahead of me. SAKI ni DEte-ta n da ahead was-emerging (explan) 5 [Smiling, she raises an arm high in greeting...] Miki: Yu... yu... 6 [...but the smile fades and her eyes grow wide.] --------------------------------------------------- p 139 1 [Her pov of Yuu and Arimi. Yuu turns, smiles and waves. Arimi just stands there. In an inset is a larger facial portrait of Arimi.] Yuu: Ah, Miki. Over here, over a MIKI kotchi kotchi here. 2 [Miki stands, eyes wide.] narration: Wow... A pretty girl... u_wa... kawaii KO... pretty-girl Miki: A... A friend? to TOMOdachi......? 3 Yuu: A classmate during junior CHUUGAKU n TOKI no DOUKYUUSEI high. Suzuki Arimi-san. jr-high 's time 's classmate SUZUKI ARIMI-san Yuu: And she's Koishikawa Miki, sotchi wa IMA HANAshita the one we were talking that-way (T) now talked-about about just now who shares the same house. DOUKYONIN no KOISHIKAWA MIKI person-who-lives- (nom) in-the-same-house 4 Arimi FX: niko Arimi: Pleased to meet you. yoroshiku 5 Miki: Ah, pleased to meet you... a yoroshiku... Miki: _____ (Ahhhh. She's REALLY cute.) (hya---- honto ni kawaii) really cute --------------------------------------------------- p 140 1 [Arimi holds out her address book and a pen.] Arimi: Then tell me your new ja ATARAshii JUUSHO to address and phone number, then new address and please. DENWA BANGOU OSHIete telephone-number tell-(please) Yuu: Sure. un 2 [Miki's pov of Arimi, her hand on Yuu's sleeve and watching around his shoulder as he writes.] Arimi hand FX: pito_ 3 [Miki watches, all expression washing from her face.] 4 [Her face colors and the background is a swirl of angry shades.] narration: H... cho... narration: _ Hey-y-y! chottoo narration: Not that I care, but do-- demo i-- kedo isn't she sticking too not-matter-either-way but tightly-y-y?! kuttsuki-sugi ja nai no~~~~?! stick-to-too-much is-not (?) 5 [A generic guy stands and shouts.] guy: Arimi! Are you still ARIMI! mada ka yo there?! still (?) 6 [Arimi and Yuu look off-panel.] Arimi: I'm coming now! IMA Iku wa yo! now go 7 Yuu: You've got a boyfriend? KARESHI dekita no ka? boyfriend came-into-being (?) That's good. yokatta na [Arimi registers surprise.] --------------------------------------------------- p 141 1 Arimi: [off] I've only dated him 2 or 3 doushite mo tte Iu kara times, and only because he must-needs say-that that's-why insisted. ______ 2 - 3 -DO de--to shite-ageta dake yo times dated-(him) only I'm going to dump him soon. mou futchau wa anna no soon reject-(finality) like-that (nom) 2 [Arimi stands before Yuu and rests her hand on his cheek. She smiles up into his eyes.] Arimi: Sure enough... yappari You're better. anata no HOU ga ii mono you better person 3 [Miki's face flushes and her eyes unfocus.] Miki: Geh! ge_ 4 [Arimi turns to wave and cast a bright smile as she leaves.] Arimi: Bye. I'll call, 'kay! ja DENWA suru ne! 5 [Miki and Yuu can only stand there and watch. Miki is still blushing and looking incredulous. Yuu looks a bit bored, like he's seen it all before.] Miki: (Wha...) (na) Yuu: She hasn't changed, has AIKAwarazu da na-- aitsu... she... as-usual is (rhet) that-girl Miki: (What's with that gir-r-rl?!) (nani yo ano KO------?!) what that-girl --------------------------------------------------- p 142 1 [Tight shot of their shoes as they stand.] Miki: "Sure enough, you're "yappari anata no HOU ga" better..." ...was what she was ka Itte-ta kedo... saying... and-such was-saying but Yuu: Mm-hmm... ...aa When we were in 3rd-year CHUU-3 no TOKI junior high, we went out 3rd-yr-jr-high 's time together. tsukiatte-ta kara were-going-about-with that's-why 2 [Again, Miki's eyes unfocus.] 3 [She stares down at the pavement.] Miki: Hm...hmmmm... fu fu----n Miki FX: ______ nan to naku shokku Miki: I see... sou...... 4 [He closes his eyes.] Yuu: It was only 3 months... 3-ka-GETSU dake da kedo na only-3-months is but Well... But we did the maa demo hitotoori no koto wa usual things... well but general-things (T) yatta kedo did but 5 [She recoils in horror, face flushed and fist held to her mouth.] Miki: THE...! hi_ Miki FX: ga--n Miki: _ THE USUAL THINGS!?! hitotoori no kotoo?! You did?! yatta?! --------------------------------------------------- p 143 1 [He stares at his hand and counts off with his fingers.] Yuu: __________ Yeah. Christmas... un kurisumasu daro _________ Hatsumoude*, Valentine's HATSUmoude barentain TANJOUBI... Day, birthdays... <*Commentary: is the first visit to a temple in the New Year.> Yuu: _______ Various events like that so-- yu-- kappuru de konasu that couples manage to do. that-kind-of by-couples manage-to-do ______ ibento iroiro events various 2 [She lets out a sigh of relief.] Miki: I...see. Things like that. so-- yu-- koto 3 [He looks over at her with brows raised.] Yuu: ......... ......... Yuu: You were imagining omae IMA chigau SOUZOU shite-ta daro something else just you now differ poss-was-imagining now, weren't you. 4 [Face flushing, Miki exclaims her innocence. Yuu smiles back merrily.] Miki: Wa--! Was not!! shi_...shite-nai!! Yuu: _____ Ohh, Miki, you pervert. ya--i MIKI no etchi Miki: Was not, I tell you!! shite-nai tteba!! 5 Yuu: [off] Do you want to know how sotchi no HOU wa doko made yatta ka far we went? that-way 's way (T) how-far did (?) SHIritai? want-to-know Miki: [off] I DON'T WANNA KNOW!! SHIritakunai_!! 6 [Filler art. Miki stands in a dress.] --------------------------------------------------- p 144 1 [He smiles merrily.] Yuu: We didn't do... shite-nai yo Anything. NAN ni mo 2 [Looking skeptical, she winces at him, off-panel.] Miki: ......... ......... _ Liar... usoo... Miki FX: utagai 3 [Nonchalant, with hands in his pants pockets, he smiles.] Yuu: _____ It's true. honto da yo Yuu: ________ ____ 'Cause my first kiss was ore fa--suto kisu wa MIKI da mon with you, Miki. I first-kiss (T) is reason 4 [Miki's eyes unfocus yet again.] 5 [Flashback. Yuu kisses Miki, who was pretending to sleep in the health room.] Yuu: [off] You were awake that time, ME samete-taro ano TOKI weren't you? poss-was-awake that-time Miki: [off] Y-- You shi SHItte-te...? knew...? 6 [Miki's face flushes darkly.] Yuu: No. Your body reacted back iya ano TOKI no KARADA no HANNOU then, so... that-time 's body 's reaction de sa on-account-of Without really knowing why, nan to naku Okite n no ka na? I wondered if you were for-some-reason waking-up I-wonder awake. tte (quote) Miki dramatic FX: ka------_ --------------------------------------------------- p 145 1 [She blushes, not meeting his eye.] Miki: Wh... Why...? doushite... Miki: Did you do... Such a anna koto ...shita no? thing? that-kind-of-thing did 2 [His face loses the smile, becoming thoughtful.] Yuu: ...... Why? ...... do--shite tte Yuu: The devil made me do it... MA ga sashita tte yu-- ka... possessed-by-evil-spirit say-that (?) 3 [Miki moves to grab him by the shirtfront and cocks her fist.] Miki: ......... ......... Yuu: [wide grin] Wahhh! I'm kidding, I'm wa~~~~~~ uso uso JOUDAN!! kidding. It's a joke!! 4 [Tight shot of Miki as she stares at Yuu, off-panel.] Yuu: [off] It's obviously because MIKI ga SUki da kara ni I like you, Miki. (S) like that's-why by KImatte n ja--n surely (neg/explan) Miki dramatic FX: ka_ 5 [She slaps him soundly on his left cheek.] Miki: [off] QUIT TEASING ME!! fuzakenai de yo!! Yuu face FX: pashi_ --------------------------------------------------- p 146 1 [Miki stands, her right hand still raised.] Miki: All you ever, ever do is itsu-mo itsu-mo karakatte make fun of me...! always always making-fun-of bakkari de...! just are-(and) Miki: And you're never completely ZENZEN majime ni HANAshite-kurenai serious when you speak to completely seriously not-speak-(to-me) me!! n da kara!! (explan) that's-why 2 [Yuu holds his injured cheek and stares wide-eyed at Miki, off-panel.] 3 [Miki turns on her heel and stomps off.] Yuu: Hey, Miki... oi MIKI... Miki: It's okay, already! mou ii_ Miki: I don't care!! SHIranai!! 4 [Yuu watches her leave, still a bit wide-eyed.] 5 Yuu: [smiling softly] kusu_ Agai-i-in. You got mad. ma--ta OKOtchatta --------------------------------------------------- p 147 1 [Shot of the entrance to the grounds of Touryou school. Students arrive for the start of the school day.] 2 [Meiko, beaming a smile, comes up to Ginta in a hallway. Ginta smiles back over his shoulder.] Meiko: Good morning, Ginta. ohayou GINTA Meiko: Haven't seen you in a hisashiburi_ while! Ginta: 'Morning. ou 3 [Meiko and Ginta round a corner. A couple of their female classmates walk a bit ahead of them.] Meiko: [wide-eyed] Tanned, aren't you... yaketa wa ne-- Ginta: [grinning] I went to the beach. UMI Itta n da beach went (explan) girl 1: ______ A date?! Yuu and Miki?! de--to?! YUU to MIKI ga?! 4 [Meiko and Ginta stop short and stare off-panel.] 5 [Their pov of the backs of the two girls, who continue to walk away down the hall.] girl 2: ____________ Yup. At Wonder Dog. sou na no wanda--doggu de I happened to see them. GUUZEN MIchatta n da by-chance saw-(finality) (explan) girl 1: Wha-a-at? So it's true na--n da yappari sou na after all. Ahhhh. What what is after-all like-that is a shock. ______ n da-- a----a shokku (explan) shock --------------------------------------------------- p 148 1 [Meiko's pov of Ginta's profile. He stares hard off-panel.] 2 [He turns away in disgust, eyes closed. Meiko watches his back in surprise.] Ginta: What's with that Miki...? ...nan da MIKI no yatsu what is that-Miki Although at first, she SAISHO wa anna ni MATSUURA ya didn't like Matsuura and at-the-beginning that-much and his family that much... KAZOKU no koto IYAgatte-ta kuse ni... about-family was-disliking although Ginta: A guy like that. What's doko ga ii n da yo so great about him? which-part (S) good (explan) anna no like-that (nom) 3 [Her gaze hardens.] 4 Meiko: Hold on, Ginta. chotto GINTA Meiko: You're in no position to anata sou iu koto Ieru say something like that, you that-kind-of-thing can-say are you? TACHIBA ja nai desho? a-position poss-are-not 5 [Ginta has all expression knocked out of his face. He stares blankly at a glaring Meiko.] 6 Meiko: [off] Ever since *then*, it seems ......MIKI *are* IRAI zutto that Miki hasn't found since-*then* all-the-time someone to like... SUki na HITO wa dekinakatta person-to-like (T) wasn't-formed mitai da kedo seem but But lately, little by SAIKIN dandan MATSUURA-kun ni little, she's starting to be lately little-by-little by-Matsuura attracted to Matsuura-kun. HIkare-hajimete-ru is-starting-to-be-attracted --------------------------------------------------- p 149 1 [Meiko's expression softens.] Meiko: I think that's great. ii koto da to OMOu wa good-thing is think-that Matsuura-kun is probably MATSUURA-kun wa tabun a far more serious person (T) probably than he appears to be. _______ GAIKEN kara kuru ime--ji yori from-appearance/ come than-image from-outside-view zutto majime na HITO da shi by-far serious-person is and-besides Meiko: I want Miki to fall in love atashi MIKI ni wa KOI shite and be happy. I by-Miki (contrast) love-(and) SHIAWAse ni natte hoshii want-to-turn-into-good-fortune 2 Meiko: [off] Ginta... ...GINTA You seem to be pretty kono AIDA kara zuibun worried about Miki and since-not-long-ago quite Matsuura-kun recently... MIKI to MATSUURA-kun no koto about-Miki-and-Matsuura KI ni shite-ru mitai da kedo are-worrying-about seem but 3 [She addresses him forcefully.] Meiko: But don't interfere with IMA sara them now when it's too now/when-it-is-too-late late. JAMA nante shinai de-agete yo don't-interfere-(or-such)- (with-them)-(please) 4 [Ginta can only stare back, eyes wide.] Meiko: You have no right to do so!! anata ni sonna KENRI nai by-you like-that have-no-right n da kara!! (explan) that's-why --------------------------------------------------- p 150 1 [Tight shot of a hand locking a classroom window shut.] window latch FX: ______ kachi_ 2 [Pov shifts. We look into the classroom through the now-shut window at Ginta, who stands and stares out.] 3 [Pov shifts. Ginta turns to look at Miki, who walks down the aisle between the desks, holding a bound notebook in one hand.] Miki: Ginta-a-a. GINTA---- Have you locked all the MADO no KAGI ZEMBU SHImeta? windows? window 's lock all closed Ginta: Yeah... aa... Miki: Then all we have left is ja ato NISSHI dake da ne the log entry. then the-rest just--entry is 4 [He walks to her desk. She's seated there smiling, writing into the open logbook.] Ginta: What a hassle. kattari-- yo na-- Doing weekly cleanup duty SHINGAKKI SOUSOU so soon after the new school new-school-term as-soon-as-possible term begins... SHUUBAN nante weekly-duty the-likes-of Miki: But we're lucky since there demo KONSHUU NISSUU are so few days this week. but this-week the-number-of-days _______ SUKUnai mon rakki-- da yo few reason lucky are Let's see... Today's e--to KYOU no KESSEKI wa SUZUKI... absentees are Suzuki... let's-see today 's absence (T) 5 [Miki stops short, eyes grown wide.] 6 [She visualizes the pretty girl she and Yuu met at the amusement park.] narration: Suzuki Arimi... ----SUZUKI ARIMI narration: She's phoned Yuu a few are kara NANDO-ka times since then. since-then few-times YUU ni DENWA ga atta to-Yuu phoned --------------------------------------------------- p 151 1 narration: She wants to go out with ano KO wa mou 1-DO YUU to Yuu again. that-girl (T) once-again with-Yuu tsukiaita-gatte-ru n da is-wanting-to-go-out-with (explan) Yuu... YUU...... I wonder what he'll do? dou suru no ka na what doing I-wonder 2 [Miki profile. She stares off-panel, deep in her thoughts. A flashback portrait of Yuu appears in the same panel.] narration: In the first place, why daiichi doushite WAKAreta n daro did they break up? the-first why separated (poss-explan) narration: _____ A fight...? kenka...? Did their love disappear SHIZEN SHOUMETSU...? naturally? natural disappearance narration: [flashback] "We did the usual things." "hitotoori no koto wa yatta yo" general-things (T) did __________ _________ "Christmas, Hatsumoude, "kurisumasu HATSUmoude barentain..." Valentine's Day..." 3 [Miki remains deep in her thoughts. Now she is surrounded by images of Yuu and Arimi together during Christmas (Yuu holds Arimi around her shoulder and she rests her head against his; both hold wrapped presents), New Year (Arimi, in kimono, and Yuu, in jacket, smile at pieces of paper held in their hands), a birthday (the two smile down at a birthday cake with candles), and Valentine's day (Arimi hands Yuu a humongous bag wrapped with a ribbon).> pieces of paper: [New Years] Written oracle. omiku 4 [The images change into angry swirls. Miki's face darkens.] Miki FX: nan to naku muka_ --------------------------------------------------- p 152 1 Ginta: [sweating] Miki? What's the matter? MIKI? dou shita n da yo Ginta: ___ You're making a weird hen na KAO shite face. strange face making [She snaps out of it, face flushed.] Miki: AH! ha_ 2 Miki: [off] Ahhhh. Sorry, sorry. Let's a------ gomen gomen etto see. Today's comments... HONJITSU no HANSEI -TEN...... today 's reflection points 3 [As Miki writes in the logbook, Ginta stares at her, registering surprise.] Miki: There isn't anything in TOKU ni KAku koto nai yo ne-- particular to write, is particularly write thing not-have (rhet) there. Ginta: Huh...?! ...are_ 4 Ginta: [off] Are you eating something? omae NANI-ka KUtte-ru? you something are-eating Miki: Yeah. un 5 [Tight shot of a bag of candy. Bunches of fat, juicy grapes adorn the bag. A few of the wrapped candies lie outside the opened bag.] Miki: [off] ______ A new candy. SHIN HATSUBAI no kyandi new sale 's candy Want some too, Ginta? GINTA mo TAberu? too eat Miki: [off] It tastes good. oishii yo bag of candy: _________ _____ Muscat Kiss masukatto kissu 6 [They visualize a TV commercial, featuring a pretty girl holding a bunch of grapes to one cheek and smiling at the viewer.] Mio: [commercial flashback] ____ The taste of a pure kiss. pyua na #KISS# no AJI pure 's taste _________ _____ Muscat Kiss . masukatto kissu Ginta: [off] Ahh... aa... _shi--emu_ The one where Hagiwara Mio HAGIWARA MIO ga #CM# yatte-ru does the commercials. (S) is-doing-commercial yatsu na thing (rhet) Miki: [off] Yeah, that's right. so-- so-- She's so cute... kawaii yo nee are cute (rhet) that-one --------------------------------------------------- p 153 1 [He studies a wrapped candy closely.] Ginta: ____ The taste of a kiss, hmm... ...kisu no AJI kaa kiss 's taste (?) Ginta: I wonder if that's true. honto ka na true I-wonder 2 [Miki's gaze drops to the logbook in front of her. Her eyes close.] Miki: ...... Well... ...... saa ne Miki: (I was surprised and taste (bikkuri shite wasn't what was on my am-surprised-(and) mind.) AJI dokoro ja nakatta yo) taste-wasn't-the-thing Miki: (Back then...) (ano TOKI wa...) 3 [Ginta's gaze likewise drops.] 4 Ginta: [off] Shall we try and see? tameshite-miyou ka --------------------------------------------------- p 154 1 [Miki, gaze dropped.] 2 [She looks up, a bit blankly.] Miki: Huh...? e...... 3 [Ginta stares back, with a serious expression.] 4 [View pulls back. Miki stares, wide-eyed, at Ginta.] Miki: (Ginta...?!) (GINTA......?!) --------------------------------------------------- p 155 1 [Pov shifts. Miki, in the middle of writing in the logbook, still stares across at Ginta.] top caption: "Shall we try and see?" "tameshite-miyou ka" 2 [Miki portrait against a plaid background.] narration: ......... ......... What are you saying, Ginta? nani Itte n no GINTA --------------------------------------------------- -------------------End of Chapter------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Scorecard: Rumi <---> Youji Miki <---> Yuu ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | v v v Jin <---> Chiyako Ginta Arimi ---------------------------------------------------