Marmalade Boy Volume 1, Chapter 2 pages 45-81 Written and illustrated by Yoshizumi Wataru Translation & editing by : Craig Nishida Additional translation by : Paul Hirose Yutaka Sasagawa Matthew Akira Klippenstein Additional editing by: Jeanne Hedge Daniel Lee Last revision : 11-02-95 Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Please send them to: --------------------------------------------------- p 45 1 [Exterior view of Touryou school.] interviewer: [off] Good afternoon, everyone! minasan konnichi wa! The Broadcast Club brings HOUSOU-BU ga o-OKUri suru you the Lunchtime News. broadcast-club (S) transmit/send-(out) ___________ _______ ranchitaimu-nyu--su lunchtime-news _______ ______ Today, we welcome a KYOU wa sutajio ni SUTEKI na gesuto o wonderful guest to the today (T) in-studio wonderful-guest (O) studio. o-MUKAe shite-imasu are-welcoming 2 interviewer: [off] The transfer student whose JOSHISEITO no AIDA de NINKI rapid rise in popularity has among-schoolgirls popularity made him the talk among the girls in school... KYUUJOUSHOU -CHUU no WADAI zoom within 's subject-(of-talk) no TENNYUUSEI (nom) transfer-student Year 1, Class B's 1-NEN #B#-GUMI MATSUURA YUU-kun! Matsuura Yuu-kun! [Miki's classmates pause in eating to stare up, off-panel, at the TV.] 3 [The students' pov of the wall-mounted TV. Onscreen, Yuu smiles in front of a mike, with another boy, in glasses, facing him.] Yuu: [TV] Thank you, and hello. do--mo konnichi wa I'm Matsuura. MATSUURA desu girls: [off] KYAAAA! kyaaaa_ 4 [Miki, with a sandwich in one hand and a can of "Calpis Water" in the other, stares in slight irritation at the TV, off-panel. Sweat trickles down one cheek.] Miki: ......... ......... ____ That idiot... ano baka... --------------------------------------------------- p 46 [Filler art. Yuu winks.] --------------------------------------------------- p 47 1 [View pans back. Meiko sits beside Miki, and looks up, off-panel. Miki drops her gaze while taking a drink from her can.] Meiko: ______ Hmm. Matsuura-kun looks fu--n MATSUURA-kun tte terebi good on TV, too, doesn't hmm (T) TV he. UTSUri mo ii wa nee reflection too good (rhet) Miki: (I'm just gonna ignore that (...MUSHI MUSHI anna yatsu guy. ignore ignore that-kind-of-fellow He's no concern of mine...) atashi ni wa KANKEI nai...) to-me (contrast) have-no-connection interviewer: [off] That was a profile of ...IJOU ga MATSUURA-kun no Matsuura-kun. the-above (S) 's __________ purofi--ru desu profile is By the way, Matsuura-kun... tokoro de MATSUURA-kun 2 interviewer: [off] You've been coming to MAIASA issho ni school with someone every every-morning together morning, and, well... TOUKOU shite-iru sou desu ne are-coming-to-school well/let-me-see It's being gravely taihen na uwasa ni natte-iru rumored... into-serious-rumor is-turning-into n desu ga (explan) but/and [Miki gags, causing her drink to explode in her face.] 3 [Exterior shot of a door.] sign: Broadcast Room HOUSOU SHITSU 4 [The interviewer holds up a large, unflattering photo of Miki, pointing at it with one finger. Yuu looks down at it, not at all perturbed.] Yuu: Ahh. You mean Miki... a-- MIKI no koto...... interviewer: Yes! sou! Koishikawa Miki, from the ONAji 1-NEN #B#-GUMI no KOISHIKAWA MIKI-san same Year 1, Class B-- same year-1-class-B 's this is her, right? kono HITO desu ne this-person is (rhet) What sort of relationship o-2-RI no KANKEI wa dou iu...... do the two of you have...? 2-people 's connection (T) what-kind-of --------------------------------------------------- p 48 1 [Yuu portrait.] Yuu FX: kero_ Yuu: We're living together. issho ni SUnde-ru n desu together are-living (explan) 2 [Cut back to Miki's classroom. The girls are stunned.] interviewer: [off] Ehhhh?!! ee----_!! Wh-what an explosive line! ba BAKUDAN HATSUGEN desu nee! bombshell utterance is (rhet) class FX: zawa... interviewer: [off] Then, in other words, you're sore ja tsumari DOUSEI...... cohabiting... then in-other-words cohabitation Yuu: [off] No, it's nothing like iya so-- yu-- n ja nakute that... no that-kind-of (nom) not-being 3 [Royally steamed, Miki bursts through the door to the broadcast studio.] Miki: WAIT A MINUTE!! chotto MAttaa!! I'LL EXPLAIN! atashi ga SETSUMEI shimasu_ I (S) explain/make-clear door FX: ___ ban! Miki FX: haa_ haa_ haa_ 4 [Yuu and the interviewer pause, looking back over their shoulders at Miki. Beyond them, the floor director and cameraman pause and stare. This is Miki's pov.] 5 [Shot of the classroom TV. Glaring, Miki has grabbed a mike and addresses the interviewer. This camera shot is over the interviewer's shoulder, so Miki dominates the TV screen.] Miki: [TV] My parents and his parents atashi no RYOUSHIN to KARE no RYOUSHIN ga are friends, and such being my-parents and his-parents (S) the case, our two families have been living in the YUUJIN DOUSHI de same house recently! fellow-friends are-(and) JIJOU ga atte konaida kara under-the-circumstances from-recently 2-KAZOKU de DOUKYO shite-ru by-2-families are-living-in-the-same-house n desu_ (explan) That's all it is!! sore dake desu!! Miki FX: haa_ haa_ haa_ interviewer: [TV] Ah... Ahhhh. I see... a...aa naruhodo... --------------------------------------------------- p 49 1 [A calm Yuu and a livid Miki square off.] Yuu FX: ____ boso Yuu: Isn't it a bit different? chotto CHIGAu n ja ne-- ka? a-bit differ (neg/explan) (?) Miki: It's okay!! ii no_!! If the truth were known to honto no koto ga ZENKOUSEITO ni the entire student body, about-the-truth (S) to-whole-student-body I'd be so embarrassed I couldn't come to school! SHIrewatattara HAzukashikutte if-become-widely-known embarrassing-(and) GAKKOU KOrenai yo school can't-come 2 [The interviewer addresses the camera. Beyond him, Miki does a pratfall in front of Yuu.] interviewer: As you've heard, it seems o-KIki no toori KAZOKU -gurumi no that their relationship as-you-hear family-and-all 's extends to their families. KOUSAI da sou de friendly-relations are look-as-if-(and) There is a very close 2-RI no NAKA wa relationship between the 2-people 's relationship (T) two... SOUTOU SHINMITSU to... considerable familiar 3 [Wearing eyes of death, Miki clobbers the interviewer on the head. He sprawls over the news desk.] Miki: All I'm saying is that we JUUSHO ga ONAji na dake da have the same residence, one's-dwelling-place (S) same only is aren't I! tte Itte n desho saying-that (poss-explan) Miki: Don't go dramatizing as KATTE ni KYAKUSHOKU sun na! you please! as-you-like don't-dramatize 4 [Miki and the interviewer disappear behind a flock of speech bubbles. On the left, Yuu rests his arms behind his head and talks to the floor director.] Miki: [off] The Broadcast Club is daitai HOUSOU-BU always getting out of hand!! in-general broadcast-club CHOUSHI nori -sugi!! let-oneself-go too-much What's this?! Showing a nan na n da konna SHASHIN picture like thi-i-is! what is (explan) this-kind-of-picture DAshite----_ exhibiting ! interviewer: [off] Wahhh! I'm sorry, I'm wa---- suimasen suimasen sorry! waa waa Yuu: Say, can I leave now? ne-- mou KAEtte ii? say now go-away okay _____ I still haven't had ore HIRUmeshi mada na n da kedo lunch... I lunch still is (explan) but floor director: Sorry. A little bit longer. suimasen mou chotto... 5 [Cut back to the classroom's view of the TV. Miki clenches a fist and confronts the panicked interviewer.] interviewer: [TV] Gyaa! Gyaa! gyaa gyaa 6 [Ginta watches silently. Two other male classmates laugh out loud.] boy 1: [pointing] a ha ha ha ___ That Broadcast Club ano HOUSOU-BU-IN no kao------ member's face... that-broadcast-club-member 's face boy 2: hya ha ha Miki has really got him HONKI de MIKI ni bibitte-ru yo freaked out. seriously by-Miki is-scared-stiff- aitsu that-guy That's funny... waraeru-- can-laugh/smile --------------------------------------------------- p 50 1 [Ginta drops his gaze.] Ginta: ___ Hmmph... So silly. kudarane-- 2 [Miki portrait.] Miki: Jeez!! ttaku!! Miki: Thanks to you and the HOUSOU-BU to YUU no okage de Broadcast Club, I humiliated broadcast-club and thanks-to myself! HAJI kaita_ humiliated-oneself 3 [View pans back to show Yuu walking down the hall beside her.] Yuu: Don't go blaming others... HITO no sei ni sun na yo na-- person 's fault by don't-do (rhet) You marched right in on omae ga KATTE ni norikonde-kite your own, and went berserk you (S) freely go-and-march-in-(and) on your own, didn't you... KATTE ni ABAreta n daro-- freely acted-violently (poss-explan) ga and/but Yuu: And I'm the one who's HAzukashii no wa kotchi da embarrassed. embarrassing (nom) (T) this-way am Miki: BECAUSE!! datte!! If I didn't go, you would Ikanakya YUU uchi no koto have blurted out everything if-not-go about-us about us! shabetchatte-ta desho_ poss-were-blabbing-(finality) 4 [A teacher watches the two as they walk away.] Yuu: C'mon, it's okay. betsu ni i-- jan particularly okay is-not Miki: IT'S NOT OKAY!! yokunai_ _ Namura-sensei: Koishikawa! Matsuura! KOISHIKAWA MATSUURA! --------------------------------------------------- p 51 1 Namura-sensei: [beaming] I saw the broadcast!! HOUSOU MIta zo-- broadcast saw !! You caused quite a stir! HADE ni yatte-ta ja nai ka was-cutting-a-dash 2 [The two pause and look back.] Miki: Natchan! nat-chan! 3 Namura-sensei: But that was very amusing. demo nakanaka omoshirokatta but quite was-fun Do it again. mata DEro yo again appear Miki: Please stop... ...yamete-kudasai 4 [Imploringly, Miki zips towards him and clasps him by the shirtfront. Namura-sensei is taken slightly aback.] Miki: Wait! sou da! Natchan, since you're my nat-chan dake wa TANNIN teacher, you're the only one only (T) the-teacher-in-charge who knows about my parents' strange behavior... da kara is that's-why uchi no OYA-tachi no JOUSHIKI hazure na my-parents 's eccentric/no-common- sense KOUDOU no koto SHItte-ru kedo about-behavior are-knowing but So please, ple-e-ease keep ze----ttai HOKA no HITO ni wa this a secret from the absoluteness by-other-people (contrast) others!! HIMITSU ni shitoite yo ne_!! keep-secret-(for-future-sake)-(please) = "teacher-in-charge". In other words, he is Miki's homeroom teacher--the one who deals with the students' personal problems, etc. He's also the one who has all the personal information about each student (address, family composition, and other things), so he'd be the first to know that she's changed addresses, and is living at the same place Yuu is. Furthermore, if Natchan has done a , which is where the teacher visits each student's parents, I'm sure he's found out first-hand.> Miki hands FX: gu_! Namura-sensei: Y-yes... I understand. a aa... wakatta 5 Namura-sensei: You both have many omaera mo iroiro TAIHEN darou difficulties, but... you-(plural) too several poss-serious ga... but/and Do your best. gambare yo If I'll do, you can have ore de YOkattara itsu demo my advice any time. with-me if-okay any-time SOUDAN ni noru kara give-advice that's-why 6 [Miki smiles and waves. Yuu just stares, looking somewhat surprised.] Miki: Okay! Thank you. un! arigatou --------------------------------------------------- p 52 1 [Their pov as Namura-sensei walks away.] 2 Yuu: He's Namura, a teacher? TANNIN te NAMURA...da kke teacher-in-charge (quote) is (?) You call him "Natchan?" nat-chan te YObarete n no? (quote) being-called Miki: [smiling] Yeah. un Miki: An awfully nice teacher, suggoku ii SENSEI de ne-- and so he's popular. awfully nice teacher and-so NINKI aru n da yo is-popular (explan) Since he's young, there are WAKAi kara chotto TAYOri nai a few things about him that young that's-why a-bit unreliable are a bit unreliable, but he's my club's toko mo aru kedo adviser... points too there-are but _uchi_no_ tenisu -BU no KOMON mo yatte-te... my-club 's adviser too is-doing 3 Miki: ______ Come to think of it, which sou iya YUU kurabu club are you going to join, come-to-think-of-it club Yuu? doko hairu no? what-part join (?) Yuu: Ahhhh... aa... During junior high, I was CHUUGAKU n TOKI wa ore mo in the tennis club, too... jr-high 's time (T) I also ______ tenisu-BU datta kedo tennis-club was but 4 Miki: [glaring] What!?! You're kidding! e_?! uso_ Give that one up, please!! o-NEGAi sore dake wa yamete!! please only-that (T) give-up Just not my club! uchi no BU dake wa_ my-club only (T) Yuu: [sweating] _____ What a rude girl... ...SHITSUREI na yatsu da na Even if you hadn't said Iwarenakute-mo hainne-- yo anything, I wouldn't have even-tho-not-be-said not-join joined. 5 [Yuu gazes straight ahead, off-panel.] Yuu: ______ I have no intention of KOUKOU de wa kurabu taking part in any club in-high-school (contrast) club activities in high school. KATSUDOU suru KI nai n da be-active intention not-have (explan) Even at my previous MAE no GAKKOU demo hainnakatta shi school, I didn't join any... previous-school even not-joined consider 6 [Their view down the hall.] Miki: [off] Huh...? Why not? e... doushite? Yuu: [off] I don't want any JIKAN KOUSOKU saretakunai n da constraints on my time. time not-want-to-be-restricted (explan) Because there are several iroiro to yaritai koto mo things that I want to do. in-various-ways want-to-do things too aru kara there-are that's-why --------------------------------------------------- p 53 1 [Wide-eyed, Miki looks up at him.] Miki: _____ A part-time job, or...? baito toka...? Ah, cramming? a JUKEN BENKYOU? 2 Yuu: ......... ......... Something like that. ma sonna toko like-that case 3 [Miki portrait--she ponders.] Miki: Hmm... fu--n... narration: If he's planning on going to uchi no DAIGAKU nara SHIKEN-nashi our college, he doesn't need our-college if-it-is without-exam to take any exams... de Ikeru no ni... is-(and) can-go even-though I wonder if he wants to HOKA ni Ikitai toko aru no ka na go to another one. another want-to-go case have I-wonder 4 [Yuu looks out the hall window, his face registering surprise.] narration: Well, that's still a story maa mada TOUBUN for the future... well still for-the-time-being SAKI no HANASHI da kedo sa future 's story is but Yuu: Hey. naa That building. What is it? ano TATEMONO nani? 5 [Their view out the window at another building.] Miki: [off] Which one? Ahh... dore? ...aa That's the library. are wa ne TOSHOKAN that (T) library ===Sidebar=== FREE TALK (2): The heroine's name, "Miki," SHUJINKOU no NAMAE "MIKI" wa, MUKASHI was taken from Yoshida heroine 's name (T) old-times Miki-san, a model who was _________ active in an old magazine #MC# shisuta-- to iu ZASSHI de called "MC Sister." sister called in-magazine ______ KATSUYAKU shite-ita moderu no was-active-in model 's YOSHIDA MIKI-san kara itadakimashita. from took = "to-play/have-fun."> _________ In those days, Yoshida-san TOUJI YOSHIDA-san wa shisuta-- was Sister's poster model, in-those-days (T) sister and she appeared on the ______ cover and "Do! FAMILY" no KAMBAN moderu de, HYOUSHI ya page, and I thought she was 's sign/poster model be-(and) cover and terribly cute and I liked ______ her a lot. #Do! FAMILY# no pe--ji ni NOtte-te 's on-page is-appearing-(and) sugo--ku KAWAIkutte DAISUki datta awfully-cute-(and) liked-a-lot n desu. (explan) Her name was cute, too, NAMAE mo KAWAi kara itsu-ka so I thought that someday name too cute that's-why someday I'd want to use it. TSUKAitai na-- to OMOtte-te. want-to-use (rhet) am-thinking-that Only, since the heroine of tada, MAE no RENSAI no SHUJINKOU ga the previous serial was merely previous-serial 's heroine (S) "Miou," and was a close resemblance, I thought that "MIOU" de, NIkayotte-ru maybe a name that felt more is-(and) is-resembling-closely altogether different would be better, but being that no de motto ZENZEN CHIGAu KANji I was thinking about (since) more wholly different feeling creating a character, and that (Hmm, sure enough, this no NAMAE no HOU ga ii ka na-- girl is the image of "Miki," (nom) name better I-wonder isn't she...) feeling was strong, it turned out like to wa OMOtta n desu kedo, this in the end. thought-that (explan) but ___________ kyarakuta-- SETTEI o KANGAete-te character creation (O) am-thinking- about-(and) ____ (u~~n yappari kono KO wa "miki" sure-enough this-girl (T) _______ tte ime--ji da yo naa...) to iu (quote) image is (rhet) say-that KIMOchi ga TSUYOkatta mono de, feeling (S) was-strong in-that KEKKYOKU kou narimashita. in-the-end like-this became -something...> As expected, a mountain of ANnoJOU DOKUSHA kara wa letters came in from readers as-expected from-reader (contrast) asking, "Do you like to have 'mi' connected to names?" "'mi' no tsuku NAMAE ga but (I wrote 'mi' (S) is-connected-with name (S) one with Miyoko as well...) it wasn't for that kind of SUki na n desu ka?" to iu TEGAMI ga reason. like (explan) (?) say-that letter (S) YAMA hodo KImashita ga mountain extent came but/and (MIYOKO tte no mo KAita shi) (T) (nom) too wrote and-besides so-- yu-- wake ja nai no. that-kind-of-reason is-not For the heroine in my next TSUGI no SAKUHIN no SHUJINKOU ni wa work, I intend to make it next work 's heroine to (contrast) so that "mi" won't be attached . "mi" wa tsukenai you ni "mi" (T) so-as-not-to-attach shiyou to OMOtte-masu am-going-to-make --------------------------------------------------- p 54 1 [View from a point outside the window, looking in at the two.] Yuu: Huh? So there's a library he-- KOUNAI ni TOSHOKAN ga an no building on campus? on-the-campus library (S) (?) there-is Yuu: No wonder I was thinking douri de TOSHO SHITSU there was no library room. it-is-no-wonder... library-room nai to OMOtta there-is-not thought-that Miki: But all it has are old demo FURUi HON bakkari da kara books, so there are hardly but only-old-books are that's-why any people who use it. RIYOU shite-ru HITO are-making-use-of people hotondo inai yo are-scarcely-there Meiko, who's in the BUNGEI-BU no MEIKO nanka wa Literary Arts club, seems literary-arts-club (nom) and-such (T) to go there occasionally... tama ni Iku mitai da kedo occasionally go seems but 2 [Miki glances at her wristwatch, and makes patting motions with the other hand.] Miki: Say, you haven't eaten nee o-HIRU TAbete-nai n desho? lunch, have you? say lunch not-eaten (poss-explan) If you don't hurry up, ISOganai to YOREI NAtchau... first bell will ring... if-not-hurry first-bell ring-(finality) 3 Yuu: Ahh... ...a-- Yuu: It's okay. ii ya ___ ____ I'm cutting 5th-period. ore 5-JIKAN-ME saboru I 5th-period cut-class 4 [Miki looks aghast as Yuu saunters off, down the hall. He casually waves back at her, over his shoulder.] Miki: Huh!?! e_?! Yuu: I'll show up for 6th-period 6-JIKAN-ME no TAIIKU ni wa P.E. 6th-period 's at-P.E. (contrast) DERu yo appear See ya. ja-- na 5 [She stares one way, and then, upon hearing the school bell, stares in another direction.] Miki: What do you mean, "see ya?" ja-- na tte chotto YUU... Wait a minute, Yuu... see-ya (quote) a-bit school bell FX: _____ _____ ki--n ko--n Miki: Ahhhh! aaa 6 [Exterior shot of the library.] school bell FX: _____ _____ ka--n ko--n... --------------------------------------------------- p 55 1 [Interior view of the bank of arched windows inside the library.] 2 [Yuu stands with hands in pockets, looking up.] 3 [View pans in. We see he is smiling softly.] Yuu: It's nice. I like this ii jan koko KI ni Itta ze place! okay this-place liked/took-a-fancy-to --------------------------------------------------- p 56 1 [Long view of a large gymnasium. We see 2 full basketball courts, side-by- side. Boys and girls do layup drills.] whistle FX: _______ pi----_ dribbling FX: ___ ___ ___ ban ban ban 2 [Miki looks from side to side.] Miki FX: kyoro kyoro 3 [Her pov of Yuu, looking off-panel.] narration: Ah, there he is. a ita He came back like he chanto MODOtte-kita n da should have. duly went-and-returned (explan) 4 [View of Miki pans back to show her standing next to Meiko. Miki still stares off-panel at Yuu. Two other girls approach and Meiko looks at them.] Miki: (But where could he have (shikashi doko Itte-ta n daro gone? but where was-going (poss-explan) I just don't get that guy's imaichi tsukamenna-- behavior...) lack-something not-understand aitsu no KOUDOU...) that-guy 's actions/behavior girl 1: [short hair] Miki! Miki! MIKI MIKI! 5 [View of the four girls.] Miki: Hm? n? girl 1: Why did you keep silent? do--shite DAMAtte-ta no yoo why was-silent That you were living in the YUU to DOUKYO shite-ru same house as Yuu. with-Yuu are-living-in-same-house tte koto (quote) (nom) girl 1: I thought it seemed like SHIriai rashii na to wa OMOtte-ta you knew him... acquaintance seem-like was-thinking-that kedo... but 6 Miki: Ahh, there's nothing really aa BETSU ni Iu hodo no koto worth talking about. particularly say about-to-that-extent ja nai jan is-not Even though our parents OYA DOUSHI ga NAKA YOku are friends, it doesn't fellow-parents (S) on-good-terms affect us... tatte = even-though-are-there atashi-tachi ni wa KANKEI nai to-us (contrast) have-no-concern shi and-besides girl 1: [off] What are you talking about? NANI Itte n no yo Such a waste. mottainai girl 2: [off] I'm so jealous. urayamashi-- I want to take your place! atashi ga kawaritai! I (S) want-to-take-the-place-of --------------------------------------------------- p 57 1 Miki: [off] Wha-a-at?! Guys like that e---- anna no KAO dake jan are all looks. like-that (nom) face just is-not His personality is weird. SEIKAKU HEN da yo personality/character strange is girl 2: [off] "Weird" in what way? HEN tte doko ga? 2 [Miki stares nervously off to one side, pondering. Meanwhile, the two girls chat between themselves.] Miki: You say, "in what way," ...doko ga tte iwarete-mo... but... what-part (S) (quote) even-tho-is-said Miki: I can't come up with a GUTAI REI wa DAsenai concrete example . girl 1: [to girl 2] He's a nice guy, right? ii KO da yo nee YASAshii shi Sweet and... nice-boy is (rhet) sweet and-besides girl 2: [to girl 1] Yeah. He's friendly... un SHINSETSU da shi is-kind/friendly and-besides 3 [Miki frowns slightly.] narration: That jerk... ...ano YAROU narration: _______ Despite the fact he's atashi ni wa ijiwaru bakka always being mean to me, to-me (contrast) only-mean he wears sheep's clothing in front of the other Iu kuse ni girls. say despite-the-fact-that HOKA no ONNA no KO no MAE de wa other-girls in-front-of (contrast) NEKO kabutte-yagan na puts-on-the-cat-(contempt) girl 2: [off] _______ Yesterday, he helped me kinou wa purinto KUBAru no distribute handouts... yesterday (T) print distributing tetsudatte-kureta shi helped-(me) and-besides And just now, he also... sakki mo ne-- a-little-while-ago too (rhet) 4 [The four girls stop to look at a commotion.] boys: [off] wa---- Over there, Matsuura! Go! soko da MATSUURA_ Ike! that-place is ! go-(command) 5 [Yuu holds the basketball, surrounded by two defenders.] --------------------------------------------------- p 58 1 [A collage of Yuu-as-awesome-basketball-player portraits.] 2 [Miki watches, wide-eyed.] narration: Ohh... hee... narration: _________ He's pretty good at sports, supo--tsu mo kekkou dekiru n da too. sports too very-well can-do (explan) Miki: ______ (I wonder if he's good at (tenisu mo umakatta no ka na) tennis, as well.) tennis too was-skillful I-wonder Ginta: [off] Feh! That showoff! ke_ IYAMI na YAROU da ze offensive-jerk is ! --------------------------------------------------- p 59 1 [The four girls stare in surprise to find a guy standing very near them. It is Ginta, holding a basketball and staring back at us with slitted eyes.] 2 [Sweating, Miki talks to Meiko. Ginta continues to glare off-panel.] Miki: Why is Ginta here? nande GINTA ga koko ni why (S) at-here Meiko: ______ It looks like he came to korogatta bo--ru tori ni kita mitai yo get the ball that rolled rolled-over ball came-to-get seems here. Ginta: Now, if his grades are good kore de SEISEKI mo too, I'm gonna get mad! with-this/now grades too ___ YOkattari shitara OKOru ze ore wa if-do-well-(and) get-mad ! I (T) 3 [As Ginta walks away, Meiko says...] Meiko: They wouldn't be bad, would WARUku wa nai n ja nai no? they? badly (T) not-have (neg/explan) They say our entrance exam uchi no TENNYUU SHIKEN kekkou for transfer students is our-transfer-(entrance)-exam quite pretty difficult. ______ reberu TAKAi tte a-level high (quote) Ginta: ......... ......... Ginta: Shit! chi_ 4 [The girls' pov of Ginta as he storms off.] Ginta FX: doshi doshi doshi 5 Miki: [blankly] What was that all about? nan da arya... girl 2: [to girl 1] _____ I wonder if types like Yuu yappa YUU mitai na taipu tte are unpopular with guys after-all types-like-Yuu (T) after all. ___ OTOKO no KO uke wa WARUi no ka naa boys are-unpopular (nom) I-wonder girl 1: [beaming] That's not it. CHIGAu yo-- It's only Ginta. GINTA dake da tte That's him being jealous. YAite n no yo are being-jealous (explan) that-(one) 6 girl 1: [off] He's worrying, "Won't Miki MIKI o torareru n ja nai ka be taken away?" have-Miki-taken-away (neg/explan) (?) tte SHIMPAI shite-ru n da yo (quote) is-worrying (explan) [Miki's eyes grow large.] --------------------------------------------------- p 60 1 [View looking across the gymnasium.] Miki: [off] Can't be... ...masaka That isn't it. sore wa nai yo I was rejected by Ginta atashi GINTA ni wa a long, long time ago. I by-Ginta (contrast) tokku no MUKASHI ni furarete-ru mon at-long-long-ago is-rejecting reason girl 1: [off] What...?! e_... 2 [Girl 1 looks back, worried. Beyond her, we see the teacher blowing his whistle and waving this way.] girl 1: Is that true? I'm sorry. sou na no? gomen I didn't know... SHIranakute... whistle FX: _______ pi----_ sensei: Next, 2nd group! TSUGI 2-HAN! ______ Come on the court. ko--to haitte 3 [Miki's pov of girls 1 and 2 as they walk onto the court.] girl 2: [to girl 1] Stupid. That's a well-known baka YUUMEI na HANASHI desho-- story. idiot famous story poss-be girl 1: [to girl 2] But they're such good datte NAKA ii kara friends. but good-relations that's-why 4 Meiko: Miki... MIKI... 5 [A view of their shoes as they lean back against the wall.] Miki: Hm? n? Meiko: ...... I forgot to tell ...... IiWASUrete-ta you, but I... was-forgetting-to-say n da kedo atashi (explan) but I Talked about you and Ginta MIKI to GINTA no koto MATSUURA-kun ni to Matsuura-kun. about-Miki-and-Ginta to-Matsuura HANAshichatta talked-about-(finality) 6 [Miki looks off-panel at Meiko.] Meiko: [off] Sorry. It slipped out... gomen tsui hazumi de... sorry carelessly by-chance Did I mess up, after all? yappari mazukatta? 7 Miki: [smiling] That's okay, that's okay. i-- yo i-- yo That's something that anna no OOMUKASHI no happened a long, long time like-that (nom) very-long-time-ago (nom) ago. koto da mon thing is reason I really don't care at mou ZENZEN NANtomo OMOtte-nai all anymore... any-more completely am-not-caring-at-all shi sa and-besides Meiko: I'm sorry... gomen ne... Miki: It's okay. Please don't ii tte KI ni shinai de worry about it. okay (quote) (please)-don't-worry --------------------------------------------------- p 61 1 [Miki's pov of Ginta, as he holds a basketball and points across court.] narration: About Ginta... GINTA no koto narration: ________ Just staring at him made MItsumeru dake de dokidoki shita my heart throb. by-just-staring throbbed/pounded 2 narration: There was a time like that, so-- yu-- JIKI mo atta naa... too, wasn't there... that-kind-of-time too there-was (rhet) Miki: (Now, I'm quite composed.) (IMA ja mo-- sukkari REISEI) now/lately quite calm/cool 3 [View pans in on Ginta, who holds two basketballs, preparing to toss one.] narration: _____ But, in those days, my demo ano KORO wa honto ni head was really filled but in-those-days (T) really with Ginta. ATAMA no NAKA GINTA de ippai inside-of-head with-Ginta full-of datta was narration: All day long at school, GAKKOU wa 1-NICHI-JUU GINTA o my eyes would chase after school (T) during-whole-day (O) Ginta, and after I returned home, I would recall, ME de Otte many times over, the by-eyes chasing-(and) conversations I had with him that day. IE ni KAEru to sono HI GINTA to to-home when-return that-day with-Ginta kawashita KAIWA o exchanged conversation (O) NANDO mo kuriKAEshi OMOiDAshite-ta many-times-over was-recalling 4 narration: How I really really loved honto ni honto ni DAISUki datta naa... him... really really liked-a-lot (rhet) --------------------------------------------------- p 62 1 [View looking up at tree and sky.] caption: 2 years before. 2-NEN MAE 2 [A cute, young-looking and short-haired Miki stands in junior high uniform. Something catches her attention, off-panel.] 3 [Her pov of Ginta, sitting up on a desk, smiling and waving her way.] Ginta: Miki! MIKI! Ginta arm FX: bun bun Ginta: Did you watch TV yesterday? kinou no #TV# MIta? _____ ______ The finals of the Japan japan o--pun no KESSHOU! Open! 4 [In her excitement, Miki throws her arms wide.] Miki: I saw it! I saw it! MIta Mita _________ Edberg was so-o-o cool! edoba--gu kakko yokatta ne----_ Edberg was-cool (rhet)! Ginta: [smiling] ___________ I wish I could hit a anna bakkubore-- backhand volley like that-kind-of-back-volley that... Utetara ii yo na-- if-can-strike good (rhet) 5 [Three girls, including a younger version of the pigtailed girl #2, stand and watch.] girl 3: [smiling] Those two are such good NAKA ii nee ano 2-RI friends. on-good-terms (rhet) those-two-people girl 4: They aren't going out tsukiatte-ru wake ja nai together, are they? are-going-out circumstance are-not n desho? (poss-explan) 6 [Ginta smiles and points at his own face. Miki laughs.] Ginta: ________ ______ _________ Doesn't my service form ore sa--bisu no fo--mu edoba--gu ni look a little like Edberg's? I service 's form to-Edberg chotto NIte-nai? a-bit isn't-resembling Miki: Huhhh? Which part? e~~~~ doko gaa girl 3: [off] Yeah, but... un demo Isn't it just a matter JIKAN no MONDAI ja nai? of time? time 's question is-not --------------------------------------------------- p 63 1 [A younger version of Meiko holds a double-scoop ice cream cone and looks back at us.] Meiko: Ginta... What's so great doko ga sonna ni ii wake? about him? which-part (S) that-much good reason GINTA no 's 2 [View pans back to show the two seated beside each other on a bench outside a Baskin-Robbins. Holding a double-scoop cone of her own, Miki blushes, looking up at the sky and clapping a hand to one cheek. A heart hovers beside her head.] Miki: Huhhh? "What?" you ask. e---- doko tte He's quick-tempered and TANKI de sugu ni easily gets steamed, and... quick-tempered is-(and) easily ____ atsuku naru toko to kaa become-hot case and-such He's soft-headed and can't odate ni YOWAkute o-HITOyoshi resist flattery, and... to-flattery weak-(and) good-natured-person soft-headed-person na toko to ka... is case and-such Meiko: [sweating] Aren't those faults? ...TANSHO ja nai no sore faults are-not (?) those 3 Miki: [smiling merrily] Anyway, a-a-all of him tonikaku ze--mbu . [Meiko licks her ice cream and a few of her hairs sproing loose.] Meiko: I see. a_ so 4 [Miki looks dreamily off towards the horizon. Meiko looks surprised.] Miki: If I could only stop off GINTA to mo konna fuu ni issho ni someplace like this together with-Ginta too in-this-way together with Ginta as well... yoriMICHI dekitara naa... if-can-call-on-the-way (rhet) ha---- Meiko: Why don't you confess your KOKUHAKU shichaeba? feelings? ===Sidebar=== FREE TALK (3): _________ When I read fan letters fanreta-- o YOnde-iru to (A lot every month, thank fan-letter (O) when-am-reading you. I can scarcely write any replies, but I read them (MAITSUKI takusan arigatou. all) wrong characters stand every-month plenty-of thank-you out pretty well. HENJI wa hotondo KAkenai kedo reply (T) can-scarcely-write but ZEMBU YOnde-masu) kekkou all are-reading fairly-well GOJI ga MEDAchimasu. wrong-character (S) stand-out From "Yoshizumi" to YOSHIZUMI o YOSHIYUKI to ka, "Yoshiyuki," and "Wataru" (O) and to "Ayumi," and "Miki" to "Miki" and "Miki."* WATARU o AYUMI to ka, (O) and MIKI o MIKI to ka MIKI to ka. (O) <*> and <*> and <*Commentary: These are single character changes. The first two examples, are, of course the manga-ka's own family and given names. In the examples given for "Miki," the first character is substituted for another one that also reads as , but these mean either "not yet" or "beauty" rather than the correct character for "light."> Sometimes, there are "yoshimizu-SENSEI" to KAite-kuru also people who write (quote) come-to-write "Yoshimizu-sensei." HITO mo tokidoki iru na--. people too sometimes there-is (rhet) These mistakes are quite kore-ra wa wari to yoku aru common, and they aren't these (T) quite-often there-are particularly funny, but there are some others that MACHIGAi de, TOKU ni OMOSHIROku are so funny that I couldn't mistake are-(and) particularly amusingly help but laugh at. wa nai desu ga, (T) isn't-there is and/but NAKA ni wa OMOwazu WARAtchau in-inside (T) couldn't-help-laughing you na mono mo arimasu. so-as-to (nom) too is-there A most recent one that SAIKIN no de okashikatta no wa was amusing was "Ginta".* by-most-recent was-amusing (nom) (T) "GINTA" to iu yatsu. <*> called person <*Commentary: This "Ginta" uses the = "silver" and = "rice-field." The correct "Ginta" uses the characters for "silver" and "big/thick/fat."> It's not a surna-a-ame. MYOUJI ja nai n da kara--. surname is-not (explan) that's-why or = "field" is usually a character found in surnames. For example, it is found in mine. ^_^> Another immensely popular "KONTA" to iu no mo tottemo one was "Konta."* <*> called (nom) too immensely ___ uke mashita. popularity was-there <*Commentary: This one uses the = "root/stamina/foundation" and the correct = "big/thick/fat."> _____ Konta? konta? He's not a fo-o-ox. kitsune ja nai n da kara----. fox is-not (explan) that's-why ". Just like how cats go "", foxes go "". ^_^> I also laughed at the one "DESHI" ni shite-KUDAsai" tte no that said, "please make me <*> make-(please) (quote) (nom) your 'deshi'."* mo WARAtta na--. too laughed (rhet) ________ (Of course, it's certainly (mochiron MASAshiku wa "DESHI") "apprentice.") of-course no-doubt (T) apprentice <*Commentary: usually means "pupil" or "apprentice", and uses the kanji characters for "little brother" plus "child." This person wrote it as "little brother" plus "teacher," a rather lofty way of referring to a mere "apprentice."> --------------------------------------------------- p 64 1 [Miki blushes deeply, looking horrified.] Miki: _ Wha-a-at!?! I can't do ee_... dekinai yoo that! I don't have any confidence. JISHIN nai mon 2 Meiko: Why? doushite? I definitely think it'll be ZETTAI #OK# da to OMOu an "okay". absoluteness is-okay think-that kedo naa but (rhet) Because you're such good datte anna ni NAKA ii ja nai friends. because that-much on-good-terms 3 [Miki looks down, stricken, at her ice cream cone. Meiko calmly licks at her own.] Miki: Sure... sorya... I don't think I'm KIRAwarete wa inai disliked, but... being-disliked (T) isn't-there to OMOu kedo... think-that but Meiko: It's all right. DAIJOUBU da tte Do it, do it! shichae shichae 4 [Miki tosses up her hands and berates Meiko.] Miki: Don't say it so lightly. kantan ni iwanai de yo easily/lightly don't-say Grrrr. Meiko! mo---- MEIKO wa_ 5 [Miki ponders, looking unfocused off-panel, and licking her ice cream.] Miki: (Confess my feelings, huh... (KOKUHAKU kaa...... I don't have that kind of sonna YUUKI nai yo) courage.) like-that courage not-have Miki: (Maybe the love is (KATAOMOi ka mo shirenai) one-sided.) Miki: (Knowing for sure is what (hakkiri SHIru no KOWAi mono...) I'm afraid of...) clearly knowing fearful-thing --------------------------------------------------- p 65 1 [Long view of a pair of tennis courts. The tennis team practices.] tennis balls FX: _______ _______ pa----n pa----n 2 [Tight shot of a pin from the "All-England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club".] 3 [Miki stares at something held in her hand.] Miki: What's this? naani kore? 4 [View pans back. Ginta smiles at Miki. Both are in tennis outfits.] Ginta: __________ _____ It's a Wimbledon pin. uimburudon no bajji da yo Wimbledon 's badge/button is _____ ______ A London souvenir gift itoko no rondon miyage from my cousin. cousin 's London souvenir I got two, so I'm giving 2-KO moratta kara sa one to you. (counter) received that's-why 1-KO omae ni yaru yo (counter) to-you give Miki: [wide-eyed] Huhhh?! Is this okay...?! ee_ ii no...?! 4 [Ginta holds her hands closed over the pin, worriedly looking around. Miki blushes.] Ginta: Keep this a secret from the HOKA no YATSUra ni wa naisho others!! to-other-fellows (contrast) secrecy da zo-- is !! Because I don't have any mou nai n da kara more. any-more not-have (explan) that's-why Ginta: Put it away! shimatte! Miki heartbeat FX: doki 5 Miki: O-okay. u...un Miki: Thank you! arigatou! 6 [Her pov of a smiling Ginta as he walks away.] Ginta: Treasure it! daiji ni shiro yo-- Miki: [off] (Ginta...) (GINTA...) --------------------------------------------------- p 66 1 narration: ______ Even though he has lots of kurabu ni wa HOKA ni mo other friends in the club... in-club (contrast) to-another too TOMOdachi ippai iru no ni friend full-of there-are even-tho He's giving it to me? atashi ni kureru no? to-me giving Only to me...? atashi ni dake...? 2 [Portrait of a Miki who is moved.] Miki: (Ginta...) (GINTA...) (Can I...) (atashi) (Get my hopes up...?) (KITAI shichatte-mo ii no...?) even-tho-hope-for okay 3 [On a residential street, Meiko turns about and stares back at us.] Meiko: What...?! e_... Meiko: __________ You sent a love letter?! rabureta-- DAshita tte?! love-letter sent-out (quote) --------------------------------------------------- p 67 1 [Blushing, Miki grabs her friend and scans about for anyone who might have overheard.] Miki: M-Meiko! me MEIKO_ Not so loud! sonna OOGOE de! like-that great-voice being shi----_ shi----_ Meiko: [wide-eyed] No one's around. dare-mo inai wa yo Meiko: I see... sokka---- It's no wonder, Miki. doori de MIKI I thought that today, for KYOU wa nan da ka some reason, you were acting today (T) for-some-reason nervous. sowasowa shite-ru to OMOtta are-being-nervous thought-that 2 Miki: [off] I wonder what Ginta GINTA dou OMOtta ka naa... thought... what thought I-wonder Meiko: [off] Something like that! sonna no! Of course he'd be delighted. YOROKObu ni kimatte-ru ja nai in-delight is-sure-to-be 3 Meiko: [beaming] You gathered up your courage yoku YUUKI DAshita ne just fine, hm. well/splendidly courage mustered (rhet) Good job! erai! 4 [Miki portrait. She smiles back.] 5 Miki: [bug-eyed] AH! Oh no! a_ ikkenai 6 Miki: I forgot to bring my TAISOU FUKU WASUreta! P.E. clothes! P.E.-clothes left-behind/forgot-to-bring I have to go get them. totte-konakya must-go-and-fetch Go on home ahead of me, MEIKO SAKI KAEtte-te Meiko. beforehand are-returning-home Meiko: That's okay. I'll come ii wa yo tsukiau wa with you. okay go-with 7 Meiko: It's because you're only GINTA no koto bakkari KANGAete-ru thinking of Ginta. only-about-Ginta are-thinking kara yo that's-why Miki: [sticking out her tongue] Bleah. be---- --------------------------------------------------- p 68 1 [The sign outside classroom 2-E.] 2 [Both smiling, Miki and Meiko walk down the hallway.] 3 [Miki pauses at the doorway to the classroom, her face registering surprise.] boy: [off] It says, "Ever since "1-NEN no TOKI kara zutto first year, I've liked since-1st-year's-time all-the-time you a lot, Ginta." GINTA ga DAISUki desu" da tte yo---- (S) like-a-lot is (quote) a ha ha ha 4 [Closeup on Miki's eyes, which have gone wide in shock.] boy: [off] What are you going to do, do-- sun da yo GINTA Ginta? what do are You don't care for Miki omae wa BETSU ni MIKI no koto in particular at all, do you (T) particularly about-Miki you? NANtomo OMOtte-ne-- n daro? aren't-caring-for-at-all (poss-explan) 5 [Miki's pov of Ginta, seated on a desk, and three boys. One of the boys is holding up an opened letter. Another looks at it over his shoulder.] Ginta: Ahhhh. I definitely get aa TASHIka ni MIKI to wa along well with Miki, and certainly with-Miki (contrast) talk with her often... KI ga Au shi hit-it-off and-besides yoku HANAsu kedo... often talk-with but Ginta: But it's no different from OTOKO TOMODACHI to onnaji de my male friends, and it with-male-friends same is-(and) isn't like I like her at all. ZENZEN SUki to ka so-- yu-- -at-all liking and like-that n ja ne-- kara (neg/explan) that's-why Even though I've received konna TEGAMI moratte-mo a letter like this, I'm this-kind-of-letter even-tho-receive troub... KOMA...... = be-puzzled/troubled 6 door FX: [off] _____ kata_ --------------------------------------------------- p 69 1 [Ginta pauses, eyes grown wide. The other boys stare across the room at Miki, who's framed in the doorway, stunned.] 2 [Ginta leaps off the desk.] Ginta/desk FX: _____ gatan Ginta: M-Miki! mi MIKI_! 3 [View pans in on Miki. Meiko stands behind her, looking surprised. Miki blushes, and looks shell-shocked.] 4 Ginta: [aghast] I'm sorry! I... gomen ore------ --------------------------------------------------- p 70 1 [Miki races away as Meiko and Ginta watch from near the classroom's door.] Meiko: MIKI...! MIKI_... 2 [Miki stands at an intersection, below a pedestrian walk signal. She clasps her schoolbag with both hands.] traffic FX: ________ bu------.. 3 [View pans in. Her eyes are filled with tears, and they roll down her cheeks.] Miki tears FX: ____ ____ ____ boro boro boro --------------------------------------------------- p 71 1 narration: "An ordinary friend." "tada no TOMOdachi" If that's so, then it can't sore nara sore de shikata nai be helped. if-so then can't-be-helped But... ----da kedo is but 2 [She clenches her eyes shut, tears running down her face.] narration: There was no need to pass minna de MAWAshi YOmi shite it around to everyone to to-everyone pass-around reading do-(and) read and make a fool out of me! WARAiMONO ni suru make-a-laughingstock-of-oneself koto nai ja nai! there-is-no-need narration: _________ You're the lowest! saite----! I misjudged you! MIsokonatta! 3 [Miki collapses to her knees, her schoolbag in her lap and arms resting on her schoolbag. She buries her face in her arms.] narration: ________________ GINTA, YOU STUPID JERK!! GINTA no bakayaro--------!! --------------------------------------------------- p 72 1 [View looking up over the tops of some school buildings.] 2 [Miki's pov of a concerned Meiko.] Meiko: Huhhh? Miki. aree? MIKI You didn't change your KAMIGATA KAwatte-na--i hairsty-y-yle. hairstyle aren't-changed 3 [View pans back. Miki, looking very disheveled, stands at her desk, pulling out some books from her schoolbag. Meiko stands at the side of the desk, wearing a happy expression.] Miki: What's that? ...nani sore Meiko: Because, when your heart's datte SHITSUREN shita TOKI wa been broken, the usual because when-brokenhearted (T) thing to do is to have your hair cut, isn't it? KAMI o KIru tte no ga hair (O) cut (quote) (nom) (s) _______ pata--n desho pattern poss-be Miki: ...... ...... What are you saying, so nani yutte n no ureshiso-- ni happily. what saying happily 4 Meiko: [beaming] Because I'm a happy datte atashi wa ureshii mo--n per-r-rson. because I (T) happy person I've been saved from atashi no MIKI o GINTA nanka ni having my Miki taken my-Miki (O) by-Ginta-and-such away by Ginta. torarezu ni sunde saving-me-from-having-taken-away Miki: [sweating] HEY-Y-Y! ano ne~~ 5 Meiko: [wide-eyed] I'm only trying to comfort kore de mo nagusamete-ru no yo you. with-this too are-cheering-up/comforting Meiko: I'm doing my best to act tsutomete AKAruku cheerfully... to-the-best-of-one's-power cheerfully furumatte... act-(and) Miki: [dropping her gaze] Meiko... MEIKO... I'd prefer you comfort atashi motto HOKA no nagusame me in some other way. I more some-other comfort kata ga ii way (S) good 6 [Meiko smiles gently.] Meiko: I thought you'd be ......KYOU YASUmu ka to OMOtta absent today... today be-absent now-thought-that 7 [Miki looks up thoughtfully.] 8 [She sits down, closes her eyes and rests her cheeks in her hands.] Miki: Sure, I wanted to be sorya YASUmitakatta kedo sa---- absent, but... sure wanted-to-be-absent but I can't very well not ISSHOU GAKKOU KOnai come to school all my all-one's-life school not-come life, so what the heck. wake ni wa ikanai mon HIRAkiNAOtta can't-very-well reason assumed-a- defiant-attitude Meiko: [beaming] a ha ha Just like Miki... MIKI rashi-- --------------------------------------------------- p 73 1 [Meiko playfully tugs at a tuft of Miki's hair.] Meiko: Say, why don't you cut nee yappari KAMI KIttara? your hair, after all? say after-all hair if-cut For a diversion... KIBUN TENKAN ni sa Miki: Are you kidding?! If I JOUDAN! kore IJOU KIttara cut any more, I'll be a jest beyond-this if-cut monk... BOUZU ni na_... = become-a-monk 2 [Miki stops in mid-sentence, surprised by what she sees off-panel.] 3 [The entire class stops and stares off-panel.] crowd FX: zawa_... 4 [Ginta stands at the doorway, hair cropped close and looking glum.] --------------------------------------------------- p 74 1 [Two classmates try to stifle their laughter.] boys: ___ pu_... 2 class: [off] Wah ha ha ha ha! wa ha ha ha ha Mon-n-nk! BOUZU~~~~_ dramatic FX: do_ class: [off] What's this, Ginta? That nan da yo GINTA sono ATAMAa head. what is that-head ____ You look like a monkey-y-y! saru mite----_ monkey seeing ! Ah ha ha ha ha! a ha ha ha ha 3 [Ginta takes his seat without a word.] Ginta seat FX: _____ gatan 4 [Miki stares wide-eyed.] class FX: [off] ____ ____ boso boso classmate: [off] What's this, what's this? nan da nan da classmate: [off] What happened, Ginta...? do-- shita n da yo GINTA... 5 [Meiko looks off-panel.] Meiko: So he cut it...? ...atchi ga KItte-kita ka he (S) went-and-cut (?) I wonder if this is his TSUGUNAi no tsumori kashira apology. atonement (nom) intention I-wonder In his own way... KARE nari no... he become (nom) 6 [Miki's pov of Ginta, who sits at his desk and stares straight ahead, stonily.] --------------------------------------------------- p 75 1 [Back to the present. View across the gymnasium.] whistle FX: _______ pi----_... 2 [Miki closes her eyes.] Miki: (Such memories... (natsukashi-- It really is an old honto ni MUKASHI no HANASHI da naa...) story...) really long-ago 's story is (rhet) Miki FX: shimijimi writing at bottom of panel: _____ While Meiko is playing. MEIKO wa purei-CHUU (T) while-play 3 [A grey panel.] narration: Back then... ----ano TOKI Ginta, who dropped his ME o fusete eyes and was clenching his drop-one's-eyes-(and) teeth... HA o kuishibatte-ru GINTA ga is-clenching-one's-teeth (S) Seemed like he was more nan da ka atashi IJOU ni hurt than I, for some for-some-reason I more-than reason... KIZUtsuite-ru mitai ni MIeta kke... am-getting-hurt like appeared (?) 4 narration: After that, the awkward ano ato GINTA to wa situation with Ginta, where that-remainder with-Ginta (contrast) we didn't say a single word to each other, went on for 1-NEN-HAN IJOU over a year and a half... year-and-a-half over hitokoto mo KUCHI o kikanai KImazui not-say-a-single-word awkward JOUTAI ga TSUZUita kedo situation (S) went-on but But one day, Ginta aru HI TOTSUZEN GINTA ga unexpectedly came and a-certain-day suddenly (S) spoke to me normally, as though nothing had happened. NANIGOTO mo nakatta ka no yo-- ni nothing-happened like FUTSUU ni HANAshi kakete-kita ordinarily came-and-spoke-to n da yo ne (explan) Ginta: Hey. We'll be in the same oi ore-tachi KOUKOU mo class in high school as hey we high-school too well! ______ issho no kurasu da ze together 's class are ! Meiko, too. MEIKO mo issho too together Ginta: It's class B. #B#-GUMI da tte sa group is (quote) 5 narration: And so, even while thinking de atashi mo "do-- shita n da stuff like "what's with and-so I too what's-the-matter this guy?", I also replied ______ normally, as though nothing koitsu?" to ka OMOi-nagara mo had happened... this-guy and-such while-thinking too NANIGOTO mo nakatta ka no yo-- ni nothing-happened like FUTSUU ni HENJI shite... ordinarily reply-(and) Miki: Really? honto? ______ The high school classes KOUKOU no kurasu mou have already been announced? high-school 's class already HAPPYOU ni natta no into-announcement turned-into (?) The bulletin board? I'll KEIJIBAN? MIte-koyo-- go and look. bulletin-board shall-go-and-see 6 [Miki scratches a cheek and looks up at the ceiling, in thought.] narration: And once it turned out ittan sou naru to like that, the number of an-outline when-become-like-that conversations quickly grew... dondon KAIWA no RYOU ga rapidly conversation 's quantity (S) fuete tte---- increasing Miki: (Somehow, before I really (nanka yoku wakaran uchi ni knew it, things were somehow fully before-I-knew-it restored to the way they were before...) motodoori ni natchatte-ta na--) was-restoring-(to-former-state) (rhet) --------------------------------------------------- p 76 1 narration: Well, I don't have feelings maa IMA wa atashi mo aitsu ni of love towards him... well now (T) I too to-that-guy REN'AI KANJOU wa nai shi love feelings (T) not-have and-besides So the fact that our YUUJOU ga FUKKATSU shita no wa friendship has revived friendship (S) revived (nom) (T) is a welcome thing... YOROKObashii koto da kedo------ pleasant/welcome-thing is but girl: [off] KYAAA! MIKI! LOOK OUT!! kyaaa MIKI ABUnai!! 2 [Miki turns to look...] Miki: Huh? e 3 [...just as an incoming basketball arrives.] ball/Miki's face FX: ban 4 [Yuu and Ginta turn to look at the commotion.] girls: [off] Kyaaaa! kya------_ 5 [Several students rush to Miki, who lies on her back, face red and out cold.] girl: MIKI!! MIKI!! --------------------------------------------------- p 77 1 sign: Health Room HOKEN SHITSU 2 [Miki's pov from her position lying on the bed of a concerned Meiko, who bends over to look at her.] Meiko: How do you feel? KIBUN dou? 3 [Miki touches her forehead.] Miki: Hm. n Miki: Much better... daibu yoku natta... very good became 4 [View pans back. Miki lies under the covers of a bed.] Meiko: _____ Then I'll go get your ja KIgae to kaban clothes and schoolbag, then change-of-clothes and bag 'kay? tottekuru wa ne go-and-fetch (rhet) Miki: Okay. Thank you... un arigato... 5 [Miki closes her eyes and lets out a sigh.] door FX: [off] ____ _____ gara gara_ narration: It's because I was lost bo--tto OMOiDE ni fukette-ta in my memories... blankly in-memory was-absorbed-in kara da... that's-why is narration: Ahhhh. How pathetic. a---- nasakenai --------------------------------------------------- p 78 1 [Miki's eyes pop open...] Meiko: [off] Oh, Matsuura-kun. ara MATSUURA-kun 2 [...and she bolts up in bed. She searches about the room.] narration: Arg!! Yuu?! ge_!! YUU?! Miki FX: ata futa Yuu: [off] How's Miki? MIKI wa? Meiko: [off] She seems much better now. mou daibu ii mitai now very good seem I'm going to go get her KIgae to ka clothes and stuff. change-of-clothing and-such tori ni Itte-kuru wa to-get going-to-go narration: Oh no, oh no. ya da ya da ____ I bet he'll make fun of mata ZETTAI baka ni sareru_ me again! again absoluteness be-made-fun-of 3 imaginary Yuu: [arms crossed] How disgraceful. You mittomone---- donkuse---- doofus. disgraceful foolish/doofus 4 [Sweating, Miki thinks hard...] Miki: There's no way out... NIgeBA ga nai... an-escape (S) there-isn't 5 [With an irritated look, she closes her eyes and plops her head back down on the pillow. She pulls up the covers to her chin.] narration: Oh jeez. i--ya mou narration: ______ I'll pretend to be tanuki NEIri shichae_ asleep! Miki: (Even he wouldn't force a (ikura nan demo BYOUNIN o patient to wake up, no no-matter-what a-patient (O) matter what. ________ muriyari Okosu-mai by-force not-wake-up Oh no. Maybe he would... iya yarikanenai ka mo...) ) no not-hesitate-to-do maybe imaginary Yuu: ___ Hey, get up! ora okiro_ [A kicking leg appears in her thought bubble.] 6 [Yuu pulls aside the curtain to Miki's side of the room.] curtain FX: ____ sha_ Yuu: Miki. MIKI Yuu: Huh...?! ...are_ --------------------------------------------------- p 79 1 [View pulls back. Miki pretends to sleep as Yuu stands at her bedside.] Yuu: Miki... Are you asleep? ...NEte n no? MIKI...... 2 [Closeup of her peaceful face.] 3 [Closeup of Yuu's face as he studies hers.] --------------------------------------------------- p 80 1 [Leaning over her, he places a gentle kiss on her lips.] 2 [He pulls back slightly, pausing to study her face once more.] 3 [Standing, he touches a hand to his own lips, and looks thoughtful.] Yuu: ......... ......... 4 [Pulling the curtain aside, he exits.] curtain FX: ____ sha_ 5 door FX: [off] ________ ______ garagara... pishan 6 [A white panel.] --------------------------------------------------- p 81 1 [Eyes wide, Miki bolts up in bed.] Miki sit-up FX: gaba_ 2 [Sweating and face turning red, she claps both hands over her lips.] narration: Wha... na...... Miki dramatic FX: ka~~~~ 3 [A swirling panel.] Miki: [off] (Wha-wha-wha--) (na na na) 4 [Profile of Miki sitting up in bed, hands still clasped over her mouth.] Miki: (WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT (nan na no yo IMA no--------!!) JUST NOW-W-W-W!!) what is (nom) now 's ---------------------------------------------------