========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/kimi.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== Kimishika Iranai - Chapter 8 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon Mascot Comics] At the hospital, Akane meets the doctor. She asks if he will really retire from the hospital. He smiles, he's happy she's worried about him. She says he made fun of her. He says he might soon be sent to another place for his work (for a chemical company) Akane asks if she must return him money. He says it's a misunderstanding, he's innocent and he'll find proof. Perhaps won't he be allowed to do medecine anymore. He's dishonored. Akane says he isn't. He says at first he was very angry, but then he understood it was of no use. He also thought that being far from her, his feelings could lessen... but they didn't... anyway, that's unreasonable. The day after, at school, Atsumu is congratulated by his friends because of his success with Akane. But when she comes, she doesn't notice him... but she immediately apologizes. From now on, he'll see her everyday. The evening, Moe is at Atsumu's home and shouts on him because Akane and him had a fight. He doesn't understand. They think it's strange. Outside the room, Motomu thinks of a strategy to impressionate Moe, but when he wants to try it, Moe had left the room. Atsumu aks him if he loves Moe. Surprised and ashamed, he says he don't like that "ugly woman"... just when Moe came back from the toilet. Motomu feels very bad. Moe leaves. On the way home, she wonders what's up with her sister. Akane is on the phone, with Hiroto. He says she has to support his brother. The day after, Atsumu and his friends suggest going to bowling, playing in couple teams. But Akane refuses to come, she explains a part of the situation to him. He tries to retain her, but it only makes her angry. She leaves. The evening, at the doctor's home, he's surprised to see her. They have a drink, and he continues to talk about their relation. Akane finally says she want to return living with him. End of chapter 8 [I think the doctor thinks he'll be moved to another place... but at first I thought he was suspected of something he didn't do... and was being fired... If anybody could clarify the situation... thanks]