========================================================== This synopsis was made by Benoit Socias ( bsocia@ulb.ac.be ), comments and corrections are welcome. Find the other synopsis of the same manga by the same person at: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/yo/kimi.html Enjoy! ^^ ========================================================== Kimishika Iranai - Chapter 7 [by Wataru Yoshimizu - Ribon Mascot Comics] Akane is in a snack with Hiroto. He says it was because he was jealous. He apologizes to Akane. In his room, Atsumu looks at the old picture of Akane. Motomu opens the door with his foot : Moe wants to see him. Their mother doesn't understand why Motomu's classmate comes to visit Atsumu. It will soon be summer vacations and Moe has planned something new. At a feast during summer, Akane and Moe wearing kimonos meet Atsumu and Motomu. Moe takes Motomu away. Motomu says Akane is a beautiful girl. Motomu dones't want to be seen with Moe by his classmates. Moe meets older boys she knows and goes away with them. Motomu stays alone. Akane and Atsumu are walking together. Akane talks about her manicure done by Kimika. Atsumu can't stand it anymore, he grabs Akane's hand and tries to embrace her. She rejects him, she says they're just friends. He says he really loves her, but she runs away. At Akane's house, she tells this to Kimika. She says it wasn't disagreeable. Doushiyou ? Moe comes and says that "heart-things and body-things are different ones" said a book. "Which book ?" shouts Akane. Moe phones Atsumu and tells him he must act first (to apologize). Akane receives an excuse letter from Atsumu. He fixes a rendez-vous at the station. She meets him there. She thanks him again. And then they are friend again... At Akane's house, Moe receives presents from AquaMuseum offered by Atsumu. She's happy it worked. The phone rings, it's Hiroto, he asks her to come to help his brother. End of chapter 7 (I really begin to think that a synopsis for this series doesn't mean anything. The real interresting things is dialogs : how do they separate, how do they go together again,... because just saying : they split then they join then they split then... hasn't much sense. But I'm not good enough to properly translate sentences. Perhaps later will I be able to do a nice translation, but that time is still to come.)