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Slimu's Profile

Of course, I couldn't have done this page if it weren't for some endearing somebodies out there. Why not find out about them? Here's the place that's all about ME! The GLORIOUS Slimu! Creator of PokΘDome! Hoo haa!

Name Slimu Slimeson
Birthdate Janury 4, 1986, Capricorn
Gender I'm of the Male variety
Creature A super-cutie-patootie Slimeball! ~.^
Job Although I'd enjoy being the one who turns people into frogs, I'm just a webmaster...
Marital Status I'm too young for marriage ^.^ But you're never too young... for love.. ^.^ Mmm, I'm vahry fond of Sabrina ^.^ But I'm taken Oddy/Tina ~.^
Occupation Being a somewhat insane Christian slimeball, and a student attending da Viking School (don't ask...)
Systems Owned
  • Game Boy Color Atomic Purple! HA HA!
  • Nintendo 64
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Super Game Boy
  • Bleem! PSX emulator
  • a disgustingly old 1989 Game Boy, complete with cookie crumbs and dirt
  • Pentium !!! 500 Personal Computer (HAA HAA HAA HAA! Da SPEED! Da POWER!)
  • Pentium 120 Personal Computer ^.^()
Favorite Games
  1. PokΘMon (RPG/GB)
  2. Super Mario RPG (RPG/SNES)
  3. Final Fantasy 7 (RPG PSX)
  4. Seiken Densetsu 3 (RPG/Jp SNES)
  5. Earthbound (RPG/SNES)
  6. Harvest Moon (RPG/Sim SNES)
  7. Sailor Moon: Another Story (RPG/Jp SNES)
  8. Super Smash Bros. (Fighting N64)
  9. PokΘMon Pinball (Pinball/GB)
  10. Breath of Fire III (RPG PSX)
Wanted Games
  1. Harvest Moon 64 (RPG/N64)
  2. Super Mario RPG 2 (RPG/N64)
  3. PokΘMon Gold/Silver (RPG/GBC)
  4. Earthbound 64 (RPG/N64)
  5. Project Dolphin (Console)
Hobbies and Interests
  • God
  • Groovy Art
  • Anime
  • Groovy Video Games (RPGs especially)
  • Laughing at other people's misfortunes
  • Pretending I know Japanese (I know SOME! OKAY?!)
  • Music [R & B, Rock, Pop, Dance, J-pop]
  • Writing (silly Haikus or stories)
  • Singing (Lah dee dah...)
  • Being the weird yet cute slimeball of which I am, as well as insanity, and all those other cheese
  • Drawing
  • PokΘMon -^.^-
  • My computer ^.^()
  • The word Groovy
  • Food!!! (I enjoy food because it's impossible for me to gain weight..)
  • Team Rocket!
  • Butterfree
  • Internet
  • My websites ^.^()
  • Last but not least...Sabrina! -^.^- And Oddy/Tina! ~.^
Strange things I've done
  • Walked into da girls' restroom...and then prancing around in it, while singing "Ray of Light" by Madonna ^.^()
  • Crossdressed many times ^.^()
  • Played a Druggie in a Red Ribbon Week play
  • Drew PokΘMon girls in lingerie o.O
Music Artists I Enjoy
  • Madonna
  • Sugar Ray
  • Jewel
  • Will Smith
  • Brandy
Favorite Songs
  1. Ray of Light (Madonna)
  2. Beautiful Stranger (Madonna)
  3. Someday (Sugar Ray)
  4. Smooth (Santana)
  5. Me, myself and I (Vitamin C)
  6. Nyaasu no Uta (Nyaasu, PokΘMon)
  7. Rocket-dan yo Eien ni (Team Rocket, PokΘMon)
  8. Moonlight Revenge (Sailor Moon R movie)
  9. Raibaru (Rika Matsumoto, PokΘMon)
  10. Angel (Sarah Mclachlan)
Music Artists I Despise
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Hanson
  • Metallica
Song(s) that Describe Myself
  • Ironic (Alanis Morisette)
  • Smile (Vitamin C)
  • Kind and Generous (Natalie Merchant)
  • Crazy (Britney Spears)
Favorite Movies
  • Mewtwo Strikes Back
  • Princess Mononoke
  • While You Were Sleeping
  • Hope Floats
  • Castle in the Sky
  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind
  • Rush Hour
  • There's Something About Mary
  • The Truman Show
Favorite Anime/Game Characters
  • Jessie (PokΘMon)
  • James (PokΘMon)
  • Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon)
  • Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
  • Sabrina (PokΘMon)
  • Gary Oak (PokΘMon)
  • Lt. Surge (PokΘMon)
  • Kamon (PokΘMon Silver)
  • Cid (Final Fantasy 7)
  • Tracey (PokΘMon)
Favorite PokΘMon
  1. Butterfree
  2. Raichu
  3. Starmie
  4. Arcanine
  5. Mewtwo
  6. Jigglypuff
  7. Oddish
  8. Victreebel
  9. Meowth
  10. Lugia
Favorite Foods
  • Chicken
  • Brocolli with Cheese
  • Watermelon
  • Grapes
  • Cheesecake
  • Cheese
  • Fishburger
  • Veggieburger
  • Ice Cream
  • Strawberry
  • Milk
  • Orange Juice
  • Dr. Pepper
  • my birthday cakes
Foods I Don't Like
  • This bitter squash thing
  • asparagus
  • egg plant
  • anything rotten, decayed, or otherwise
Favorite PokΘMon Attacks
  • Psybeam (Psychic)
  • Psychic (Psychic)
  • Hydro Pump (Water)
  • Petal Dance (Grass)
  • Mega Drain (Grass)
  • Sing (Normal)
  • Sleep Powder (Grass)
  • Thunder (Electric)
  • Fire Blast (Fire)
  • Ice Beam (Ice)
  • Razor Leaf (Grass)
  • Blizzard (Ice)
Favorite Sailor Senshi Attacks
  • Aqua Mirage! (Sailor Mercury)
  • Love and Beauty Shock! (Sailor Venus)
  • Dead Scream! (Sailor Pluto)
  • Death Reborn Revolution! Silence Wall! (Sailor Saturn)
  • Aqua Rhapsody (Sailor Mercury)
  • Moo ~ a cow
  • "Don't worry! He's still got 8 more lives left!" ~ Jessie
  • "A cat's not a vegetable" ~ Nick
  • "It's a K-Mart; she can't work that kind of miracle" ~ Adam
  • "Psychidelic!" ~ Sillabub
  • "Slimu is loud, Slimu is Quiet,
    Slimu does not need a diet.
    Slimu loves art, Slimu loves food,
    Slimu is not often rude.
    Slimu is a mix of all these things,
    But one thing he really likes is to sing" ~ my Classmate Steph
  • "Now THAT'S one for the scrapbook!" ~ Peach
  • "I'M THE ONLY ONE!" ~ Tigger!
  • "Just me, myself and I." ~ Vitamin C
Philosophy Never Insult A Tree; They're Big and They Can Fall On You

Living on this planet is expensive, but it does include free trips around the sun.

Online Since August 31, 1998

The PokΘDome Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Slime Mansion. All rights reserved. All contents found in the pages of this server are all the property of Slimu and the staff of the Slime Mansion, unless otherwise noted. Stealing images and HTML is strickly prohibited without written permission.

Images composed by Slimu using MS Paint Brush, Paint Shop Pro 4.12, and Corel Photo-Paint 8. This web site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 3+ with an 800 ╫ 600 resolution with 16 bit or above.