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Credits ò Dome Talk

Credits! JigglyJen's Profile

Of course, I couldn't have done this page if it weren't for some endearing somebodies out there. Why not find out about them?

Name Jennifer Jiggly
Birthdate November 2, 1987
Gender Female
Creature A Jigglypuff!
Job Pokedome's #1 (and only) reporter!
Marital Status MARRIED? *laughs* SureàmarriedàrightàI don't even think anyone likes me! WellàIn my state at leastà ^_~
Occupation Student
Systems Owned
  • Game Boy Pocket (SILVER!)
  • Pokemon Blue Version
  • Pokemon Pinball
  • A VERY,VERY old Packard Belle with an extra small screen!
Favorite Games
  1. Pokemon Yellow
  2. Pokemon Gold/Silver
  • Drawing! Everything and Anything!
  • Video Games
  • Acting strange
  • Food
  • Laughing for no reason
  • Writing (silly Haikus or stories)
  • Singing
  • Thwaking my strange but nice friends
Music Artists I despise
  • Spice Girls
  • Hanson
  • Backstreet Boys
  • N'sync
Favorite Songs (BEWARE! These are ALL PokΘMon songs!)
  • Double Trouble
  • 2BA Master
  • What kind of PokΘMon are you?
  • Together Forever
  • Viridian City
Favorite Movies
  • October Skies
  • Star Wars: the Phantom Menace
  • Armageddon (It's good but so sad! *sobs*)
  • Apollo 13
  • Men in Black
  • Water Boy
Favorite Foods
  • Chicken
  • Grapes
  • Fish
  • Milk
  • Apple Juice
  • Pepsi
  • 7 Up
  • Cake w/o Strawberry
  • Choco Chip Cookies
  • Chips
  • Donuts
  • Pizza
  • Bread! I love bread!
Quotes "I guess that makes you two an item!~ Linda

*THWACK* ~ Jen, Path to Pokemon League

"Oh! Poor Psyduck!" ~ My mom

"To protect the world from devastation!" ~ Jessie

"To unite...*pause*...Does my hair really look THAT bad?" ~ James

"Groovy!" ~ Slimu

"That was REALLY disturbing..." ~ Brock

"I was right! You ARE obsessed!" ~ My friend, Eustice

The world has over a billion people. Just remember if you have a bad day that someone else on this planet probably did too.

Agreeing is not always the best thing. Especially when the person is being sarcastic.

Online Since August 31, 1998

The PokΘDome Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Slime Mansion. All rights reserved. All contents found in the pages of this server are all the property of Slimu and the staff of the Slime Mansion, unless otherwise noted. THAT INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIMATED GIF!!! THAT IS MY MOST PRIZED POSESSION! I MADE THAT FROM SCRATCH!!! Stealing images and HTML, or editting them, (that INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIGIF TOO) is strickly prohibited without written permission.

Images composed by Slimu using MS Paint Brush, Paint Shop Pro 4.12, and Corel Photo-Paint 8. This web site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 3+ with an 800 ╫ 600 resolution with 16 bit or above.

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