Team Rocket in TROUBLES!!! One sunny day, at Team Rocket HQ, Team Rocket members were eating breakfast. James: Hey, Jessie. Do you have any new plan of capturing that Pikachu? Jessie: Not yet, I'm thinking. Meowth: Oh, let's just eat. We'll think about it after. James: Uh....Jessie. Jessie: What is it? James: Did you hear anything? Jessie: No. Meowth: It sounds like a helicopter! Jessie: Let's check it out! Outside of their HQ, they saw a huge helicopter and a rope ladder coming down from it. A familiar voice says: Oh, James darling. I've finally found you. We'll finally be together forever! Team Rocket: Jessiebelle!!! James' father: We won't let you be a fool forever like you are now. James' mother: Yes, and we'll now bring you back home and make a gentleman out of you. James' father: Prepare for trouble. James' mother: Yes dear, and make it double. Jessiebelle: That's right! I'm coming for you James dearest. James: Let's get out of here! Jessie & Meowth: Ahhhhhhhhhh! Hurry! Jessiebelle: You'll never escape from me. Ha ha ha ha! Suddenly, a rocket came out of nowhere, hits directly to the helicopter. James: Hun? Who the......Mother! Father! Jessie: Well well, at least we are safe. And, isn't it great? You'll be rich now! Meowth: That's right, that's right! James: But do you know the feeling of watching your own parents dying in front of you?! Even if they were trying to control me, they are still my parents! Jessie: Oh, sorry James. I've never thought of that. Meowth: Meow, me too.... But hey, who did this? Strange woman's voice: He he he, remember me? Strange man's voice: Because of you, we were in jail! Now, it's pay back time. Strange pokemon's voice: Raticate! Team Rocket: You guys again?! Strange woman & strange man: Prepare for trouble and make it double! Woman: To infect the world with devastation. Man: to blind all people in every nation. Woman: To denounce the goodness of truth and love. Man: to extant our wrath to the stars above. Woman: Cassidy! Man: Butch! Cassidy: We're Team Rocket circling Earth all day and night! Butch: Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight! Cassidy: That's right! Pokemon: Rat'cate! Jessie: Oh, here comes Cassidy the copy cat. Meowth: I guess we told you to think about your own motto! Do I need to have a copyright to make you guys stop copying us? Cassidy: Well, that won't be necessary unless if you want to. Say, who was that I just shoot down? James: It was my parents!!! Jessie: And Jessiebelle. Meowth: That's right, don't forget about her, James. James: Oh shut up you imbeciles! I just don't want to remember that woman. Meowth: Oh yeah! I forgot that Jessiebelle is wild and mad as Jessie. Jessie: OPEN YOUR MOUTH EVEN BIGGER!!! Butch: Hey! What do you think of us, audiences? Jessie: Oh, sorry. You were so quiet and I thought you were gone. Cassidy: Well, but we think that you look more like a bunch of clowns. Neo Team Rocket: Ha ha ha!!! Jessie: Oh shut up! You want to fight with us, then you'll get it! James: Yeah! I'll avenge my parents' death! Meowth: That's right, that's right! Suddenly, 3 people walk out of bushes, they look a little burned but no big deal. Jessiebelle: Oh James dearest. I thought I told you that I won't die until we'll be together forever. Now I'll have you! James' father: Yes, and we won't die either until we make a gentleman out of you. James' mother: Prepare to go home now James. James: Uh....uh....Jessie, Meowth, it looks like there's no reason for us to battle now, can we just get out of here? Jessie: No way! I'll destroy Cassidy's team and defend out honor! Meowth: That's right! We can't quit now! James: But Jessiebelle is here, she will kill me! Cassidy: Hey, doesn't she look like you Jessie? Is she your sister or what? Even her acts resemble to yours. Jessiebelle: No no no, you can't compare me to that low class citizen. I live and grow up in a high-class society. Jessie: What-did-you-say? All right! James, Meowth, we will beat them up and see who is the uneducated one! Are you in or are you out? James & Meowth: Ha........aha........Ok...... Jessiebelle: You see? You only know how to use violence. Jessie: Quiet! Arbok go! James: Weezing go! Cassidy: 2 against 1? Well Jessiebelle, will you team up with us to get your James back and make that woman disappear? Jessiebelle: I'll do anything to get him back. Well then, go Vileplume! Get my James dear back! Cassidy: Go Raticate! James: You can't let me down Weezing! Sludge attack now! Weezing sprays sludge on Raticate's eyes and Vileplume was unaffected. Jessie: Go wrap that Raticate Arbok! Be aware of its mouth! Arbok wrapped Raticate and Raticate lose conscious. Jessiebelle: Stun spore now! Paralyze them! James: Poison gas attack now to stop the spore! But Vileplume is way stronger then Weezing, its spore is going to reach them. James: No! I don't want to be paralyze like last time! Jessie: Wait! WE still got one pokemon! Lickitung go! Wrap that Vileplume and Meowth go help him! Meowth: Ok! I know you guys can't win without me! Lickitung wrapped Vileplume with its tongue, and now Vileplume can't move anymore. Meowth (to himself): Finish it with a Fury swipes attack! Meowth (to himself): Right! Here we go! Vileplume got scratched and passed out. Jessiebelle: No. Vileplume! Cassidy: Unbelievable! They actually won! James: I never thought that we are this strong! Now we can beat that boy and get his Pikachu! Meowth: That's right! And I'll be the top cat again! Jessie: Victory for us! Butch: It's not fair! It was 4 against 2! Jessie: Well, all losers say the same thing. Ready James? James: Anytime. James put a bazooka on his shoulder. Jessie: Fire! Ropes were shoot out from the bazooka and wrapped Cassidy, Butch, Raticate, Jessiebelle, Vileplume, James' father and mother. Jessie: Now Meowth! Meowth: Roger! The ropes were attached to a balloon and the balloon flies away. Cassidy: You'll pay for this! Jessiebelle: Don't leave me James! Don't leave me! James: Now, let's get that Pikachu! Jessie: Let's go! Meowth: Count me in! Ash, Misty and Brock are heading toward the Cinnabar Island. Ash: Brock, how far is that place? Brock: Well, we must cross this forest, go over a mountain and surf over the sea. Misty: Oww... I'm exhausted! Can we rest for a while? Brock: Of course! There's a Pokemon Center at the end of this road. Misty: Then let's hurry up! Jessie: Not so fast brats! Ash: Oh! Not that familiar voice again~! Jessie: Prepare for trouble! James: And make it double! Jessie: To protect the world from devastation. James: To unit people within our nation. Jessie: to denounce the evil of truth and love. James: To extant our reach to the stars above. Jessie: Jessie! James: James! Jessie: Team Rocket blasts at the speed of light! James: Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth: Meowth, that's right! James: Now that's a classic! Meowth: Yeah! I'm so moved! Ash: What on Earth are you talking about? Jessie: It's none of your business kid! Hand over that Pikachu of yours and we will spare your life! Ash: In your dream! Pikachu, thunderbolt! Pikachu: Pikachuuuuuuuuu!!! Pikachu unleashes its Thunderbolt attack, but Team Rocket dodges it. Ash: What?!! Pikachu: Pika (how can this be)?!! Brock: Watch out guys, there's something very different about Team Rocket today! Misty: Yeah, they were stupid but today they are fast! Jessie & James: Ha ha ha! Jessie: Of course! We are not the same as we were! Because today is the day where we become the champion of the Team Rocket Organization! James: And we are now stronger then ever before! Meowth: That's right, meow! Jessie: Now give us your Pikachu if you don't want to get hurt. Ash: Never! I'll never give away my Pikachu! Pikachu: Pika pika (We will never give up)! James: Fool, show them your power Weezing! Smoke screen! Soon, the place is fill of smoke. Ash: Pigeotto, use your gust attack to blow the smoke away! Jessie: I knew that you would do that! Arbok, tackle that Pigeotto, and Lickitung, wrap that Pigeotto from moving around! Ash: Noooo! Brock: Geodude, try to stop them! Misty: Staryu, double edge that Arbok! Jessie: Oh no, Arbok, forget about that Pigeotto, poison sting at that Staryu! James: Weezing, sludge attack on Geodude! Meowth: I'll get that Pikachu! Pikachu you're mine! Pikachu: Pikachu pi pika (I won't let you)! Pi,pika,pikachuuuuu(thunder)!!! Meowth: Ha! It's useless! I already know the way to conduct electricity into the ground. Just give up! Pikachu: Chu (Never)! Ash: Pikachu! Where are you? If you are having a fight then show them whatever you got. Just don't get caught! Pikachu: Pi (I will)! Meowth: Ha, a mouse trying to beat a cat. How amusing! Pikachu runs toward Meowth with Agility and gives him a Quick attack follow by a Tail whip and scratches. Meowth: No, I can't be beaten now! Meowth then shows its nails and fights back. Brock: Damn, the smoke is blocking the view. I have an idea! Vulpix go! Vulpix, use your Fire spin to put away the smoke. Vulpix uses its Fire spin attack and the smoke was clear. James: Oh no! We forgot about that Vulpix! Ash: Pikachu! Bulbusaur I choose you! Wrap Meowth with your vine whip! Meowth: No way! Meowth slashes and Bulbusaur's vine whips were cut into pieces. Ash: What the... Alright then, Squirtle I choose you! Give Meowth a Water gun attack! Meowth: Ha, easy! Meowth jumps up to evade the water gun. Ash: Now Pikachu! Meowth: Oh no!!! Pikachu: Pikachuuuuu!!! Meowth was shocked and he passes out. Ash: That was a tough one! There are still 3 of them left! Misty: Misty call~Starmie! Starmie, spinning tackle Arbok! Jessie: Arbok, dodge it! Misty: Exactly as I thought! Staryu, Starmie, tackle it from both sides! Jessie: What?!! Arbok was then hit by both Staryu and Stamie. Jessie: All right, Lickitung, wrap that Pigeotto harder! Brock: Geodude, try rock throw on Lickitung. Vulpix, flame thrower at Weezing! Ash: Pikachu, give Team Rocket a thunderbolt! Pikachu: Pikachuuuuu!!! Pikachu unleashes his thunderbolt again, but nothing happened. Pikachu: Pika pi chu (what happened to my electricity)?!! Brock: Oh no! Pikachu ran out of electricity! Ash: Pikachu return! Squirtle, skull bash Arbok! Bulbusaur, wrap Weezing and give it a slam! Jessie & James: No! We can't lose now. Not after we defeated Cassidy! Brock: Vulpix, finish them with another fire spin! Vulpix creates a flaming twister and takes Team Rocket away. James: It looks like.... Jessie: The Team Rocket Champion... Team Rocket: Is blasting off againnnnnnnnn~ Ash: Wew, that was a close one! Brock: Yeah, if we didn't combine the powers of our pokemons, we would surely lose the battle! And I have to admit Team Rocket is different this time. I wish they won't become stronger next time, hum ... I mean, Team Rocket. Misty: And we can't always depend on Pikachu to fight them too! Come on, let's hurry to the Pokemon Center. Our pokemons are exhausted! Ash: Right. Brock: Let's go! So Ash and his friends rush to the nearest Pokemon Center. At the same time, Team Rocket hits the ground. But the place they landed was right on top of where Cassidy, Butch, Jessiebell, James' father and mother dropped. So, they are being chased again! The End PS: Of course they will get out of it eventually. I hope!