Time flies or does it? ------------------------- (Setting:When Ash wasn't born yet,this is to help Ash to know where his father is someday and to solve the mystery of Ash's mom's name.) In a small town called Pallet, there lived a young girl named Lydia(who was later going to be Mrs Ketchum). She was really pretty and had a smile that melted everyone's heart.Lydia was really happy, but her parents wanted her to marry now that she was 17. She didn't care and day after day the same scene kept repeating: Lydia's mom:Lydia you gotta marry someday.Have you seen anyone yet? Lydia:Mom, you know there's no one right now... Mom:Sigh. Dad:Oh,well.He walks away and Lydia goes outside. One day,she did see someone.He was full of hopes and dreams of becoming a Pokemon trainer and she liked him a lot. They decided to get married and move into a little cute house.After a while Ash was born and Ash's dad left to fulfil his lifelong dream of becoming a Pokemon trainer at last.But he didn't return.Mrs Ketchum stopped calling herself Lydia because she was so sad,but she still thought that Ash's dad will someday return. Not even Ash knows her name and people think that she has forgotten it herself.They started making contests for people to win cash or something if they could find out her name. But after a while everyone gave up. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* (Ash has been on his journey for a long time and on his way from Cinnabar Island to Amber Island he's defeated a few Pokemon trainers in battle.) Ash:"Haha!!I'm so cool!I know everything!!See Misty I'm gonna be the best Pokemon master in the world!!Haha!!" Misty:"Huh!So what you won the last battle properly for once but that doesn't make YOU the best.Remember Gary!!Plus I'm here too and YOU seem to have forgotten my bike!! Ash has an exasparated expression on his face "I know I know!!Sheesh!" "And you do not know your mom's name!!Haha!" Ash sits down in frustration."Aaaaawwww.....so?I don't need to know that and someday I'll find my dad too." Pikachu nods in agreement."Pika!" Brock is making jelly donuts and riceballs."Guys we're gonna have dinner then find a place to crash for the night.Tomorrow you can continue your conversation and we'll carry walking to Amber Island." He adds after thinking:"Hey, you guys would be a perfect match.You'd never get bored!!!Haha!!!" Misty kicks him and he falls down. "What!!!I'm never gonna marry Ash even if he was the only guy left on the planet!!!" Ash scrambles away and hugs Pikachu."No way would I marry HER!!She's so obnoxious and whiny.Look she's torturing me about her bike every day!!" "Whatever." says Brock. Later as they're sitting by the fire, Ash thinks about his mom and wonders why his dad never came back.Oh well, he sighs. The next morning Ash wakes up first to see Brock..."Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!Why is a baby lying in Brock's sleeping bag!?" His screaming wakes up Misty and she looks at baby Brock with adoring eyes."Ohhh how cute!!A baby!!Um where's Brock?"Then she sees Ash's face and she starts to laugh. "What are you laughing at!?" "Hahahahah!!!Oh man,Ash!!You're saying THAT is Brock...what the!!It IS Brock!!It's got his eyes!!But how could this have happened?" Ash shrugs his shoulders but then Pikachu motions him to look at a little object he's holding."Pika!" "Pikachu you mean this thing's a timemachine and someone put it there in Brocks...TUNAFISH TIN?????That explains everything...Or nothing..." Misty shakes her head:"Ash this is no time to be silly!We gotta help Brock,even if he IS cuter now...Anyway..." "Well Misty the way I see it is that Brock must have eaten a part of the timemachine and it made him a baby." What our heroes and baby don't know is that Team Rocket is sitting in a tree above them and laughing about their 'wonderful' plan on how to get rich and promoted. "Haha!We've outdone ourselves this time,James!This timemachine is going off in 20 seconds and will take us back in time to when Ash's mommy still had a name!!HAHAHAHA!" "And then we'll enter the contest and get rich!Haha!!Yes,Jesse we ARE the best!! "Then we'll go back further and get some rare Pokemon and the boss will promote us!!" Meowth glares at them and scratches their faces."Will you two quit jabbering and wait for the timemachine??" "I think he's right this time Jesse..." They wait silently... A big flash appears and Ash,Pikachu,Misty holding Togepi and Baby-Brock are sucked into it.They don't notice Team Rocket jumping in after them. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** When the flash disappears, our heroes lie sprawled on the ground in a strange but somehow familiar place. Ash is the first to wake up."Wahhh!!Misty wake up!Pikachu!Huh?Team Rocket??" They all wake up groaning and rubbing sore places. "Hahaha!!Little boy,this time we'll get Pikachu,money and Poke,Pokemon!!And you helped us, the Genius Team Rocket!!"Jesse laughs. They're about to start their motto when they notice two familiar looking teens(?) walking towards them.They all look at them.It's a boy aged about 17 and a girl the same age. The boy and girl come closer then stop and stare at Misty and Ash. Misty points at the girl."Hey why are you dressed like me only you're older?!And why are you walking around with a guy that looks like Ash?? The girl glares at her."For your information,kid,I'm not dressesd like YOU,you're dressed like ME and that IS Ash.He's my husband and we love each other very much." The older Ash looks at Ash and says,"Yeah I married Misty last year.We're a perfect match." "Um, sorry to be interrupting,but what year is this??"asks James. Ash2 glares at him and says "Why're you here?Duh,it's the year 2006." "What?!"Ash jumps back in horror,having thought about what they said before."You mean I'm in the wrong time and when I'm 16 I'll marry Misty??I don't believe it!!This is some dumb prank!! Jesse,James you can stop pretending to be our older selves!!" "Hey!!We're right here!!And we wouldn't dream of dressing up as YOU!!You have no sense of fashion!!And why is this the year 2006,we're supposed to have gone BACK in time so we can win the contest of finding out Mrs Ketchum's name!!...Ooooops!"Jesse blushes."I shouldn't have said that!!" Pikachu jumps forward at having heard this and gives Team Rocket an electric shock, so they fly into the air."Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaiiiin!!" Ash turns back to Misty and sees she's not holding Brock anymore."Um he threw up and I guess the bit of timemachine came out...he's standing behind you.." Brock says:"Hi did I hear something about me eating timemachines?" "It's a long story."Ash grins."I think we went forward in time because you ate part of the time machine.Oh well,I guess I'll never find out mom's name." The older Ash and Misty stare at Brock."Hey Brocko!What are you doing here?Where are your kids and wife?" Brock starts to smile,"You mean I married someone??How many kids??Who was the girl?" Misty2 answers:"Well you married,no actually you'll marry a turquoise haired girl who is very nice and woks as an Officer in the Pewter city police." "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!Officer Jenny!!Yahooo!!" "Well you're glad Brock,"Ash says,"but look at them imitating me and Misty!!They said we'll marry each other when we're 16!!" Ash2 steps close to Ash "Kid, you are gonna marry Misty!!I'm you!! Ash shakes his head and realises he's right next to Misty.They scramble away from each other and Ash even climbs up a tree."I must've gone totally nuts!!I wouldn't marry Misty not even if she was the last girl on the planet!!She is a whiny, bug hater who tortures me about her bike!!She's a conceited carrot hating,pepper killing kid with a carrot for hair!!" Misty starts to get a really mad expression "Well!!He's a stuck-up.....stuck-up....BIKE KILLER!!!Yeah that's what he is!!" "I don't belive we'll marry each other!" Suddenly another flash appears pulling Ash,Misty,Brock and Pikachu into it once more. They regain consciousness on a big field. "Hey!!Where are we?"Ash asks looking around.Pikachu points into the not-so-far distance where two kids aged about 11 and 12 are playing it seems,Pokemon battles. Ash approaches them and gets a shock.They look exactly like Misty and him!!The kids look up and stare at Ash and Misty."Who are you?"the little boy demands."You look like our mom and dad,but they're gone and we don't know where they are!!My dad was the greatest Pokemon Master!!He's Ash Ketchum!!" Ash's mouth hangs open."You mean you are my kids??And Misty's??We did marry?Our older selves weren't kidding??" "What are you babbling about?" asks the girl."My parents aren't YOUNGER than me!!"Her eyes are very green and shine angrily. She has spiky hair and her brother has orange hair."My name's Ashley and this is my brother Misto.Our parents left last year on this weird journey and you can't just come along looking like them!!" She points her finger into Ash's face and Misty's. Brock is watching them very amused."I married Officer Jenny,right?Well as I said Ash, you and Misty won't ever get bored if you marry!!HAHAHA!!Uhoh!I see Misty's foot sailing towards my face..." *BANG*Brock is lying on the ground a couple of teeth missing. Misty says:"I'm starting to belive everything.This is too creepy for words,having so many people look like you." "Ok,so can we do anything to prevent Misty and me from marrying?Or do I go nuts and do marry her and we can't stop it?" The kids exchange glances.Ashley replies:" Well I wouldn't try to prevent fate from playing it's course.i'ts dangerous to change the past, or the future for that matter." Her words make Misty shiver.Ash thinks differently..sort of.."I don't think so!Why do I marry her if she's so obsessed with her bike?" "She means something to you,Ash."replies Misto."And remember,if you guys never marry, we won't exist.Our pals Jessie,Julie,Jamie,Jennifer and Jason,Brock's kids won't have us as friends!!" Ash thinks about this for a long time............................................ "Awww,sheesh,Ash!!C'mon hurry up with your thinking!!"yells Misty. "Ok,then.Fine Ashley and Misto,I won't try to change the future.But how do we get back?" "That's easy,just push that button on the timemachine."Ashley says. Ash pushes it and they stand close to the machine waving to their future kids.Wondering what other things will happen to them in the future. "I still kinda wish I knew my mom's name." Brock smiles at Ash and Misty:"See wasn't I right about you guys being the perfect match?"He ducks to avoid Misty's shoe. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Meanwhile Team rocket is still trapped in the year 2006. "James this is all your fault!!"Jesse whacks him hard."We'll be stuck here for ever!!" Meowth scratches them:" It's BOTH of yous' fault!!We should never have done that stupid timemachine thing!! "Well,"replies Jesse haughtily,"We have to listen to the story writer you know!!" My own opinion: I think this isn't too awful, but a bit confusing, I gotta admit.Oh well,i just hope people will read it and like it. I like the idea of Ash and Misty someday marrying each other. BY *ASH*