Poke Patrol Part one: Reassigned? By Ano Baka (ano_baka@yahoo.com) Once on call, John Roberts decided to check his team's ratings. "Number eight!!!" he Yelled, infuriated! "Why would they give 'Run Team Beta' the eighth call?" He showed some of his teammates. "What?!?" yelled Brandon Pocketto. "Why?" "Noooo!" screamed Elizabeth Ford. "Those Idiots!" agreed Arnold Zechani. "I just don't understand." Said Alanya Veritta. "Wh, What? Why did they do that?" asked Ron Stevenson, the team captain. "I don't know, but we'll find out." I replied. We went to our Segment Leader, Sergeant Ash Maitou, only to find him not there. I decided to try Run Team Command. "I'm sorry. Run Team command has all representatives occupied." The message told me. We decided to ask about it at the next Team Assemble. _____*_____*****_____*_____ "Assemble! Form teams!" yelled Ash. "Prepare for active duty!" I took my place, ready to ask about our ranking. Slowly, the other teams left on assignments. "Sir?" I asked when only my team was remaining. "Yes?" asked Ash. "Well, Sir, our run team was ranked eighth on the chart. Yet, we beat all other teams in this segment. We would like to know why." I told him. "Run Team Command did that on purpose. You see, they noticed you were doing extra well on all your assignments. So, them wanted no one to notice when you left." he said. "You will be given your new assignments later. I'll miss you. Dismissed!" "But sir..." we all said simultaneously. "I said, 'DISSMISSED'" Ash yelled. So I went back to my quarters. _____*_____*****_____*_____ The next day, our team gathered around Ron's quarters. "Have the new orders arrived yet?" asked Alayna. "Yes. Brandon, could you read 'em?" said Ron. "Sure. To Run Team Beta: You are being reassigned to a new team of Pokemon Experts. Your mission will be to help Discover, Protect, Defend, and learn from any new specie found. Report to Area 317 at 07:30 AM for further instructions. Ok..." "What does this mean?" asked Arnold. "We'll soon find out..." I told them. *_*_*_ Part two: Alfa, Bravo, Conturna? _*_*_* "So, what is this all about?" asked Ron. "You'll soon find out." said Dan Douniiru, leader of Poke-Patrol Special Forces. "Your first assignment with P.S.F. is to guard a new, genetically enhanced Pokemon named Conturna." "Where and when?" Arnold asked. "Now. Area 3172. Near the P.S.F.A.S.C. (Poke-Patrol Special Forces Air & Space Command) launch area 1." he said. "Move!" _____*_____*****_____*_____ "Jack, where IS the base?" complained Myuu Meigin. "Anybody have an Idea?" asked Jack Somers. "Right now, we're approaching the Air Base. We should meet up with Conturna soon." I replied. "Good. I'll call us in." said Elisabeth. "Your late, Alfa 3. Report to your stations!" yelled Dan through his Communicator. "Sheesh. He's mad." said Jack. "Maybe we should HURRY to our stations." "Yep." exclaimed Myuu. "Anyone have a picture of Contruna?" I asked. "Sorry. However, I heard it can change its appearance. Maybe even become invisible." said Elizibeth. "We'll find out soon enough." said Jack. _____*_____*****_____*_____ "Everyone here?" asked Ron. "Yep." all the team captins replied. "This is Conturna, eh?" said Arnold. "It doesn't seem to important. Or powerful." "According to this, It can change what it looks like, its size, shape, and attack capabilities." I read. "I see why Team Rocket would want Conturna." "You do eh? Then why not hand him over!" said James. "Prepare for Trouble!" "Make it Double." "To protect the World from devastation!" "To Unite all People within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jesse!" "James." "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" "Meowth, that's right!" "Now hand over Conturna!" yelled Jesse. "Never!" Ron yelled back. "Have it your way. Wheeseing, go!" said James. "Arbok, Lickytonuge, attack!" yelled Jesse. "Charizard, go!" I yelled. "Slash attack!" "Blastiose, go!" Ron yelled. "Hydro Pump!" "Venosaur, go!" Brandon yelled. "Solar Beam!" "Oh yeah? Wheeseing, Smoke screen!" yelled James. "Arbok, Underground. Lickytongue, follow him!" yelled Jesse. "Wanna bet?" yelled Arnold. "Onyx, stop them." "GROONNNIXXXX!!" "Fearow! Blow the Smoke away!" yelled Myuu. "Gloom, Sleep Powder." said Alanya. "NOOOOO!" yelled Meowth, as Team Rocket fell asleep. "Gota Catch 'em All, Team Rocket!" joked Ron after Team Rocket was fast asleep. _____*_____*****_____*_____ "So you caught them, eh?" asked Dan, back at HQ. "Yep." said Ron. "Nice work. We were afraid more than just your team would be required on the next mission." "Which is..." "You will receive orders tomorrow morning." *_*_*_Part three: Airborne_*_*_* "Aren't the orders here yet?!" complained Elizabeth. "Nope." replied Ron. "However, I did receive a note that told me something strange. It seems we're going into Air & Space training with a few others." "Strange, to say the least." I said. Rons Communicator started beeping. "Here they are!"... "Wh, what?"..."How dare they!" "Whats up?" asked Arnold. "They're splitting us up. Most of us stay here. John, Brandon, Myuu, and Alanya are being assigned to a Space Force!" "We had better report to our new assignments soon." I said. "We don't want to get off on the wrong foot." "Alright, your four. We'll miss you!" _____*_____*****_____*_____ "So, why are we here?" I asked. "You all have exceeded your workmates. You have been chosen to participate in a new Space Force." "Meaning..." asked Myuu. "You will get accelerated learning courses, and later go on a New Explorer Craft into Deep Space." "Wow. When and where does our training begin?" asked Brandon. "Here and Now." _____*_____*****_____*_____ After 2 years of training, we were ready. The launch clock read: 0030 Min, So we would wait 1/2 of an hour. LAUNCH!!! "Entering orbit. I can see the Station." I said into my Mic. "Roger Alpha 2. All systems tracking." "Entering docking zone. I see the grid." said Brandon. "Roger, You have docking clearance Alpha 2." "I have a visual on tower. Direction Correct." said Myuu. "Roger. 10 Sec. to docking." "Confirm Docking." said Alayna "Confirmed. Welcome to Space-Station Watchdog!" _____*_____*****_____*_____ "Well, where's our ship?" asked Myuu. "You are being assigned a new Explorer class vessel. Your assignments are as follows: John Roberts, Commander. Myuu Meigin, Pilot. Brandon Pocketto, Researcher. Alanya Veritta, Pokemon Care Specialist." "What's the name of our Explorer?" Alanya asked. "You need to name it." "I think it should be named Researcher 1." said Brandon. "Ok." I agreed. "Prepare for your new assignment!" _____*_____*****_____*_____ "Well, she is nice looking. Will she fly?" asked Myuu. "Yep. She has all the standard equipment as well as a few other attachments..." said Ace Ronnton. "Such as...?" I prompted. "Well, an increased Hyper-Motivator, an acceleration Dampener, an External Tracker, type 009435, as well as a few other rarities." said Ace. "Alright. Lets see if she flies." interrupted Myuu. "Ok. But, lets keep it slow." I said. "Brandon, keep an eye on Radar. It might malfunction this close to the ship." "No problem!" said Brandon. "Alanya, will you give me a hand?" "Sure. What do you need?" responded Alanya. So the preparations begin... *_*_*_Part four: Sky-a-Way_*_*_* "Where are we now?" I asked. "One light year from home." Responded Myuu. "Do you wish to stop? "Yeah. Brandon, get a reading." "Nothing unusual... Wait a sec.... Wh, Whats that?" "Put it on-screen." It looks like a moving cloud of every color. "It is alive. Do we fire a probe?" "Yeah" The round probe is launched. ... ... "Any reading yet?" I asked. "I had a reading for a split Second, but then the probe was DESTROYED!!" "WHAT?!?" yelled everyone but Brandon. "How?" "The cloud is moving. It destroyed the probe and is now after us!" replied Brandon. "What is the cloud?" Alanya asked. "It seems to be a cloud of a new specie of Pokemon. What are the orders?" "Everyone suit up. Max Suits. We'll catch a couple of new Pokemon." ... ... ... ... "Everyone ready?" I asked. "Yeah" everyone replied. "Open the doors!" ... ... ... ... "Let's slow them down. Alanya, use the Sleep Beam." BZZZT! "It failed!" yelled Alanya. "The new Pokemon are too strong for it!" "Alright, let' use our speciality Pokemon. Go Arcanine!" "Right. Go Onyx!" yelled Myuu. "Go Flareon!" yelled Brandon. "Go Hypno!" yelled Alanya. "Sleep Beam!" "Master Ball, go!" I yelled as one of the new specie fell asleep. "We Got One!" everyone yelled as the ball closed. ... ... ... ... "We had better get back home. Myuu, lets go back." I said. *_*_*_Part five: Return_*_*_* "Well, It's been fun." I said. "We caught a new specie, saved another, and did much more that the other run teams didn't. I don't know about you all, but I'll miss this assignment." "So will I." said Myuu. "So will I. I didn't even have much of a chance to do research!" said Brandon. "Me too." said Alanya. So here's where we are now... Myuu went on to be an elite Pokemon Master. He now leads the Elite Five. Brandon Went on to become a great Scientist, unlocking secrets of Pokemon for many years. Alanya went on to become a Doctor who helps seriously injured Pokemon. Arnold went on to become a Pokemon trainer, one of the most well-known in hiss class. Elisabeth became a pilot for the Air & Space command. Ron became a General in the ranks of the Poke Patrol. I later became a Pokemon Master, leading Intergalactic Research & Discovery Teams.