The Pokemon Files #1 The Beginning Andy Light Chapter 1 Michael yelled, "Bye Mom! I'm off to Professor Oak's to get my first Pokemon!" His mom yelled, "Wait! Before you go, I want you to have this!" She handed him a Poke Ball and out popped a little Pikachu. "I'd like you to have Pikachu. He was my best friend." "Pika-chu," added the electric mouse. "Thanks Mom. I've got to go." Mike and Pikachu ran out the door. Mike ran to Professor Oak's lab, which happened to be in his hometown, Pallet Town. When he got in, he found his rival Josh, and his cousin Lisa. Professor Oak called to them all. "Hello, Mike, Josh, Lisa. Mike, you already have a Pokemon so you can choose last." "Yeah," Josh said, "a wimpy little Pikachu." Pikachu took offense. "Pika-Pik!" he yelled at Josh. "I'd like a psychic Pokemon," Lisa told Oak. "I'd like to work at Sabrina's gym." "Well, I have a very rare psychic Pokemon," Professor Oak told her. "It's called Mew." He gave Lisa the Poke ball and a Mew popped out. "It's so adorable,"she said. "Thanks!" Josh said, "I'd like a fire Pokemon." Oak said, "Well, I have a Charmander," Oak suggested. "Ok!" Josh picked up the Charmander. "What do you want, Mike?" Professor Oak asked. "I can't decide," he said, "I might want an electric or a water type Pokemon." "Well," Pro. Oak said, "I have a very rare electric/water Pikablu." "I'll take it!" Mike said. He decided to keep Pikablu out of the Poke ball. Meanwhile, Lisa and Mew were talking to Pikachu and Pikablu. "Hey!" Josh called. "Mike! I challenge you to a fight!" Chapter 2 Josh called, "Go Charmander!" Mike replied, "I choose you! Pikachu!" Charmander tried to use a scratch on Pikachu, but Pikachu dodged and thunder-shocked him. Charmander stood up to Pikachu's thunder shock and used Ember on Pikachu. Pikachu looked like he was going to faint, so Mike pulled him back. Josh said, "Ha! One down and one to go!" Michael replied by calling out Pikablu. "Pikablu! Use Bubblebeam!" Pikablu shot bubbles out of his mouth. The bubbles made Charmander faint. "What?" Josh asked, "Charmander fainted! Here, Mike." He handed Mike 175 P and ran out of the lab. Lisa ran up to Mike. "You were great! Want to travel togther?" Mike answered, "Sure. Why not?" Mike, Pikachu, and Pikablu met Lisa and Mew outside of Pallet Town. While walking to Vridian City, A Rattata popped out. Mew easily beat it with Mega Punch. By the time they got to Vridian City, All three Pokemon were tired. They stopped at the Pokemon Center, and then went to the Poke Mart to buy some Poke Balls. They were walking into Vridian Forest when they heard two voices say, "Prepare for trouble." "Make that double." "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all people in our nation." "To denounce the hates of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" Then a Meowth jumped in and said, "Meowth! That's right!" Mike and Lisa stood there through the whole motto. When they were done, Mike said, "A simple ‘Hi. We're evil idiots.' would be a lot more tasteful." Chapter 3 "What? Insults?" The girl said. "Ekans! Go!" She threw a Poke ball and an Ekans came out. "We'll insult you by taking your Pokemon!" The boy yelled. "Your turn! Koffing!" A Koffing came out of his Poke ball. They both yelled, "Go Meowth!" Lisa yelled, "Lisa call, Mew!" "I choose you two! Pikachu and Pikablu!" The 6 Pokemon began to fight. Mew punched Meowth in the face and did Psybeam on him. Pikablu picked up Koffing and threw him into Ekans, which Pikachu had swung at Koffing. They boy, girl, and Meowth ran away yelling, "You can't escape from Team Rocket!" It was dark by the time they got to Pewter City. The Pokemon they had were, for Mike, Pikachu and Pikablu, a Weedle and a Metapod. Lisa's Pokemon were Mew, a Caterpie, a Kakuna, and a Rattata. The next day the cousins, plus Pikachu, Pikablu, and Mew, went to the Pewter City gym. Mike and Lisa signed up to fight Flint. The receptionist told them that a boy named Josh had already been there. Mike went up to face Flint. "So," Flint said, "You are willing to challenge me? Well, then. Prepare to lose." Flint's Pokemon were a Geodude, Gravler, and an Onix. Mike yelled, "I choose you! Pikablu!" "Go, Geodude!" Pikablu did his Bubblebeam on Geodude, who instantly fainted. The next of Flint's Pokemon was a Gravler. Pikablu's Bubblebeam did it in. Flint's next Pokemon was Onix. "Onix! Use Bide!" Onix collected energy for his next attack. "Pikablu! Use Agility!" Pikablu ran around Onix in rings. Onix's Bide went off, not damaging Pikablu at all. "Pikablu! Use Bubblebeam!" Onix's HP was almost down. Onix wacked Pikablu and made him faint. "Pikablu return!" "I choose you! Weedle!" Weedle came out of his Poke ball. "Onix, use Bind!" Weedle fainted. Mike looked through the two Pokemon he had left, Pikachu and Metapod. "I choose you! Pikachu!" Onix tried to Bind Pikachu but Pikachu was too fast and Thunder-Shocked him. The move was weak, but it made Onix faint. "Yes!" Mike yelled while Pikachu yelled "Chu- Chu-Pika!." "Here, Mike. It looks like you've proven you self to me. Take the Boulderbadge." Mike pinned the badge to the outside of his shirt. Flint and Mike had healed their Pokemon at the Center, and now Flint was ready to face Lisa. "I choose you! Mew!" Lisa yelled. Pikachu already had his cheerleading costume on and was waving his little fans. Mew came out. Flint yelled, "Go! Gravler!" "Mew!" Lisa yelled, "Use transform!" Mew closed her hands, a little ball shot out, it shot through Gravler, and the ball came back to Mew, transforming her to a Gravler. Mew threw rocks at Gravler, making him faint. Mew changed back into a Mew. Flint stopped the fight saying, "You've already won." He handed Lisa a Boulder Badge. Just then, 3 kids walked in. 1 younger boy with a Pikachu, a older boy, and a girl with a Topegi. The older boy said, "Hi, Dad." "Hi Brock, Ash, Misty." Brock noticed Lisa and his eyes started to turn red. "Ummm, Hi! My name is Brock." Mike walked down into the arena. "Hi. My name is Mike, and this is my cousin Lisa." Ash said, "So, you have a Pikachu too? Want to fight?" Mike replied, "Sure, why not?" Chapter 4 "Pikachu, Go!" Ash yelled. "I choose you! Pikablu!" Mike replied. "Pikablu! Use Water Gun!" Water shot out of Pikablu's mouth. "Hah," Ash said, "A water move? Pikachu, Electric Shock!" Pikachu started the move, but then he shocked himself and fainted. "Pikachu!" Ash scooped him up and ran to the Pokemon Center. "You're a really good trainer, Mike." Ash said. "Want to travel with us?" Brock asked. Mike and Lisa both answered sure, why not. So, as the five travel out of the gym, they are discussing their future. One thing for sure is, they'll all have lots of adventures with each other! The Pokemon Files #2 Pokemon Power Andy Light Chapter 1 This particular story began when Mike, Lisa, Ash, Misty, and Brock were walking away from Saffron City. Mike and Lisa had visited the Fighting Dojo and Mike had gotten a Hitmonchan and Lisa got a Hitmonlee. Their Pokemon, Topegi for Misty, Pikachu for Ash, Pikachu and Pikablu for Mike, and Mew for Lisa were also out on this bright sunny day. Unknown to them, Team Rocket's Jessie, James, and Meowth were also out, and ready for trouble. "James." Jessie whispered, "If we capture these little brats, then their Pokemon will be easy to capture." "Right, Jessie." Later that day, Ash and Mike were walking ahead on the trail, when smoke appeared and they heard three voices say, "To protect the world from devastation," "To unite all people within our nation," "To denounce the evils of truth and love," "To extend our reach to the stars above," "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! That's right!" Ash and Mike steadied themselves, and then Mike yelled, "I choose you! Hitmonchan!" Hitmonchan popped out of his Poke- ball and waited patiently for Team Rocket. Jessie yelled, "Arbok! Go!", while James yelled, "Your turn, Weezing!" Weezing came up to Hitmonchan and tried to do his Toxic attack, but Hitmonchan fired super-fast volleys of punches that sent Weezing flying. Arbok wrapped Hitmonchan up, but then Hitmonchan did a Comet Punch that made Arbok faint. Mike called Hitmonchan back, then did a high-five with Ash. Suddenly, the ground below them broke and they fell into a big pit. Chapter 2 Jessie, James, and Meowth peered over the big pit were Mike and Ash had fell in. "Looks like you've had a nice trip." Jessie said. "See ya next fall." Meowth said. The three of them scooped them up and put them into a big sack. "Now," James said, "For their Pokemon." Pikachu, Pikachu, and Pikablu looked at each other then Ash's Pikachu said, "Pika-Chu Pik Chu-Pika." Then he said, "Pi-ka-chu," and all of them yelled "PIKA!" and did their Thunder-Bolt attacks. Needless to say, the three Team Rockets, carrying Mike and Ash, yelled "It looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" and ran away. The three Pikas ran back to Brock, Lisa, and Misty. Very nervus, Pikachu told them what had happened. "What?" Lisa asked, "Team Rocket has Mike and Ash?" Pikablu nodded. "Great.' Brock said. "They're probably taking them back to Team Rocket HQ." "Correction." James said, appearing from behind them, "Already taken." "The same we'll do to you." Jessie said, appearing from in front of them. James threw a big net over Brock, Misty, and Lisa, and dragged them away. Jessie went for Pikachu, Pikachu, and Pikablu with an insulative suit on. Suddenly, Mew put her hands togther and summoned her DNA taking sphere. Suddenly, Mew transformed into Jessie. "Huh?" Jessie yelled. "All right!" Mew yelled. "Arbok! Go!" Jessie yelled. "Meowth!" Mew yelled in a perfect imitation of Jessie, "Get the imposter!" While Meowth was attacking Jessie, The five Pokemon slipped away. Chapter 3 Pikachu was worried. The five Pokemon had gotten back to Saffron by nightfall, were they told Nurse Joy what had happened. They needed a plan. "Pika-Pik-Chu, Chu-Pika Pik Pika." Pikablu replied by saying, "Blu-Pika. Pikablu Pika Blu." They started making a plan. The motorcycle roared, as a lone figure rid towards Team Rocket HQ. He was carrying a backpack. The Team Rocket Guard let him into the building. The Team Rocket member walked a couple of steps, then transformed back into Mew. Mew unzipped the backpack and let Pikachu, Pikachu, Pikablu, and Topegi out. They went into a room with a computer. Mew tried a computer search, but it wouldn't work. Mew grabbed a Poke ball from the backpack, tossed it out, and a Porygon appeared. The Porygon, borrowed from the center, accessed into cyberspace and started searching for the quintet. The answers appeared on the screen. Floor 11, Room A. Mew called back the Porygon, and told the two Pikachus the results. The two Pikachus then left on their mission. Mew pulled out a different Poke ball. Pikablu and Topegi did the same. The Pikachus ran up to the eleventh floor and waited for the signal. In room A, Giovanni was laughing at Ash, Lisa, Mike, Misty and Brock in their cell, saying that they would never get out. Then, suddenly he got a call at the phone. "Yes? Oh.. My.. A mad Gyrados, Onix, and Tentacruel? I'll be right down." He ran out of the room. Just then, the 2 Pikachus ran in. "Pikachus!" They all yelled. "Help!" Chapter 4 Mike's Pikachu turned to Mike and said, "Pika-Chu-Pik- Chun!" Then he did a pretty good imitation of Hitmonchan. "Right," Mike said. He pulled out Hitmonchan's Poke ball, rolled it to Pikachu, who picked it up and dropped on the floor. Hitmonchan came out of the Poke ball. "Hitmonchan!" Mike yelled, "Punch the lock off!" Hitmonchan drew his arm back, and threw the punch. The lock was history. Ash, Misty, Mike, Brock, and Lisa arrived to the scene to see the end. Onix, Gyrados, and Tentacruel were tearing the building apart. They pulled back the trio, then puled back their own Pokemon. "How are we going to get out of hear?"Ash shouted." Mike pointed to the motorcycle shed."That way." Mike and Lisa hopped onto one motorcycle, and Ash, Brock, and Misty hopped onto the other. Togther they sped into the night. The next day, they thought they were lucky the were alive. In fact, they were very lucky. To get out safely took a lot of Pokemon power! The Pokemon Files #3 Vermillion Vows Andy Light Chapter 1 Mike was alone, walking in the woods. He liked it that way. Lisa and Brock were with his 2 Pokemon, Pikachu and Pikablu, Ash was out catching Pokemon, and Misty was fishing. He was alone, the way he liked it. He hummed the "Da-da-daaaaa, da-da-da-da-da-da-da da-da- da-da-da-da." song. Suddenly, he was caught in a small fire. It was from a Ponyta! Mike muttered, "Great. I walk in careless and come to a Pokemon I want." Sighing, he grabbed one of his Poke-balls and yelled, "Beedrill! I choose you!" Beedrill came out of his Poke-ball and flew over Ponyta. "Beedrill! Use your Twinneddle attack! Beedrill shot needles out of his drills, and damaged Ponyta. "Poke-ball! Go!" The ball caught Ponyta, and Mike had a new Pokemon! While Mike was walking back to Vermillion, were Brock and Lisa were, he heard three, very familiar voices saying, "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all people within out nation!" "To denounce the hates of truth and love!" "To extend out reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! That's right!" Suddenly the three Team Rockets noticed that a boxing glove was close to Jessie's head, and Mike yelled, "Hitmonchan! Comet Punch!" "The three flew into the sky yelling, "It looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Mike walked into his uncle's house where Brock and Lisa were, telling them, "I got a Ponyta!" "Cool," was the only response Brock offered. Lisa came down carrying Mew saying, "I traded my Raticate for a Kadabra and my Hitmonlee for a Hypno. Pikachu and Pikablu found a Chansey." "Sii." The Chansey came down and hugged Mike's legs. "Pikachu says it's abandoned." Brock said. "Poor thing." Mike picked up Chansey and said, "There's a Pokemon race coming up. I say we go." Brock brightened up. "I could ride Onix." Lisa jumped up. "Oooh! Oooh! Can I ride too?" "Sure." Brock said. Pikablu ran up to Mike. "Blue Pika- Blu Blu-Blu-Blu Pika-Blu." Chansey and Pikachu nodded. "Pikablu and Pikachu want to ride Chansey?" Lisa asked. The three Pokemon nodded. "And you are letting them?" Lisa shrilled. The four of them nodded. "You're insane." Chapter 2 The five trainers were discussing the race when a shadow appeared over them. "So," Gary said, "You five wimps are going to the race too?" Mike looked at Ash and said, "Who's this loser?" Ash rolled his eyes and said, "You'll see." "Sorry." Gary said, "I haven't introduced myself. I am the great Gary Oak. You must be Dork-Face from Wimpsville." Mike said, "You must come from Ego City. Pleased to meet you. Even more pleased to have not of." "What? I challenge you to a match!" "Fine." Gary stood in the ring and yelled, "Charizard! Go!" Mike waited and yelled, "Pikablu! Get'em!" Pikablu ran in-between Charizard's legs, then did his Water Gun attack from behind him. Charizard yelled and turned around, but Pikablu was already behind him again. Pikablu Water Gunned Charizard so many times that Charizard finally fainted. Gary yelled, "Huh?" Then, "Electrabuzz! Go!" Mike said, "Hitmonchan! I choose you!" Electrabuzz tried to shock Hitmonchan, but it withstood the shock and punched Electrabuzz into the sky. Gary yelled "What?" and stomped into his car saying, "See you losers at the race!" Mike on his Ponyta, Pikablu and Pikachu on Chansey, and Brock and Lisa on Onix moved into the starting position. They were next to Gary on his Arcanine and Josh on his Taruos. Mike steaded himself on Ponyta, and the race started! Mike was next to Josh, and then moved ahead. He got pushed behind by a girl on a Rapidash. Brock and Lisa moved ahead by jumping over a Ryhorn, then tackling a boy on a Beedrill. Chansey ran as fast as he could, and the trio ducked under another Arcanine. Mike was catching up to Gary (Gary was in the lead,) and moved up along side him. "There's Gary Oak and Mike Smith side by side, and behind there Brock and Lisa Smith are catching up! And there are Mike's Pokemon catching up to their owner!" Gary smirked, and rammed Mike into the side of the track. Mike flew off of Ponyta and hit the boards. Chansey, seeing his new owner hurt like that, yelled "Sii!" and caught up to Gary. Gary prepared to hit the trio into the boards, but they ducked under him and Pikachu shocked Arcanine's underbelly. Arcanine was sizzled, but kept running. The two Pokemon were head and head. The end was near! Mike poked his head up, yelled, "Pikablu! Tail Whip!" Pikachu ducked when Pikablu swung his tail round and round, and whipped it towards the finish line. It came past it and the three Pokemon won! Three medals were presented to the three Pokemon, and they were very happy for themselves. Chapter 3 Mike was walking towards the place were Misty was fishing. He had been thinking about this topic for a long time, and he was ready to do what he was going to do. He walked to the lake, and he yelled, "Hey Misty!" "Yeah?" He started to say, "Well, um, well, you know." Misty turned around and asked, "What?" "Well, you know, um, well, I was thinking, that, um, well, you know," Suddenly, the area around the lake was getting fogged up and the two heard, "Allow us to reintroduce ourselves." "To protect the world from devastation," "To unite all people within-" WACK! WACK! WACK! Misty was staring at Team Rocket while Mike was wacking his head on a nearby tree.