POKEBALL Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About PokeBall Z PokeBall Z is a cross between popular animes Pokemon and DragonBall Z. It's about the adventures of an unusually strong Pikachu named Gochu and his friends as they battle against evil and protect Pokemon World, their home planet. If you thought Pokemon were boring, think again! In PokeBall Z, there's action to spare. And now our feature presentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***The World's Stongest*** "Look! There's four of 'em now!" exclaimed Oolongchu. He pointed to four dots on a small circular device which displayed the locations of the magical Pokeballs. Anyone who brought all seven together would be granted a wish by the Eternal Dragonite. Oolongchu was accompanied by Pikahan. Pikahan was the son of Gochu, the strongest fighter in the world. "I knew that something was going on," he told Pikahan. "When I saw Pokeballs gathering together three days ago, I knew more would appear. See? Now there's five!" The two hiked in the Articuno Mountains looking for the balls. It was said that the ice in the mountains could not be melted. "Hey!" exclaimed Pikahan. "There' six. And seven!" A bright light appeared in the distance. Meanwhile, a Bulbasaur named Bulbiccolo who was training in the mountains saw the light and went over to investigate. Large black clouds appeared overhead and Oolongchu and Pikahan saw what appeared to be a Scyther in a futuristic robotic suit. "Arise Eternal Dragonite and grant my request!" The Dragonite slowly phased into view as the two Pikachus looked on. "I am the Eternal Dragonite. I will grant one wish, and whatever it is I will grant it. What is your wish?" "Great Dragonite," said the Scyther. "Dr. Alakazamlo's lab is buried beneath this impenetrable wall of ice. Melt the ice so that he may be free!" The Dragonite's eyes glowed and the ice began to melt. Soon there was a waterfall where there used to be a icy cliff and a lake where there used to be a small valley. Pikahan and Oolongchu watched in amazement as a building arose out of the ice and became surrounded by the small lake. There was a noise behind him and Pikahan turned around. There were four strange cyber-Pokemon standing there, looking ready to fight. One of the Cybermon leaped out at Pikahan. Then he stopped. He had been grabbed by an un- seen hand. It was Bulbiccolo! "Mr. Bulbiccolo?" Pikahan asked. "How ya doin' kid?" said Bulbiccolo in return. The Cybermon attacked Bulbiccolo. They were no match for him, however. Suddenly a ray of light shot out of the building. Bulbiccolo was sucked inside and an explosion sent Pikahan and Oolongchu flying. Later, Oolongchu woke up and saw Pikahan staring at him. "Wha... What happened?" he asked. "Mr. Bulbiccolo saved us," Pikahan said. "Oh, yeah. I remember now. Now, Pikahan. Never tell anyone what happened here, got that?" "Uh, sure. Okay. I promise." "Good, now let's go home," said Oolongchu. Oolongchu was busy in the kitchen attempting to make dinner. "Stupid Bulmachu. Just because she's such a darn lousy cook I have to cook dinner..." "Did you say something?" asked Bulmachu. Oolongchu freaked out. "Oh, I found this in the oven." She held up some vile disgusting burnt thing. "Oh, great," mumbled Oolongchu as the opened the oven. Thick black smoke came out. Master Roshichu came downstairs and began to cough. Smoke filled the house. There was a knock on the door. "Squirtle," called Master Roshichu. "Get that, will you?" Master Roshichu's pet Squirtle opened the door. Four Cybermon stood there. "Is this Master Roshichu's house?" one asked. "Uh, yeah," said Squirtle. "Is Master Roshichu in?" "Uh, yeah. Right again." "Where is Master Roshichu?" The door opened and out he came. "I am Master Roshichu. What do you want?" "Dr. Alakazamlo would like to see you," said a Cybermon. "Don't know him," replied Master Roshichu. "Now go away, it's my naptime." "What's going on?" Bulmachu and Oolongchu had come to the door and saw the Cybermon. Oolongchu hid inside. "Oh, no! It's them again." As Bulmachu watched, the Cybermon attacked Master Roshichu. Master Roshichu made short work of them, though, and soon all four were defeated. He head someone clapping. He saw a Cyber- Scyther walk toward him. "That's just what I expected from the great Master Roshichu," he said. "So you're the strongest fighter in the world? Dr. Alakazamlo would love to meet you." "No!" said Master Roshichu. "I already said I didn't want to go." "I think you'd better come with us," said the Cyber-Scyther. "You wouldn't want anything to happen to the girl, would you?" Master Roshichu looked back and he saw that the Cybermon had captured Bulmachu! "Alright, that's enough. I'll go," he said reluctantly. The Cyber-Scyther smiled. "I heard that you were the generous type, and now I've seen it for myself. To think, you, the strongest fighter in the world. Ha ha ha!" A transport came out of the water and took Bulmachu and Master Roshichu away to Dr. Alakazamlo's lab. "So they kidnapped Bulmachu and Master Roshichu?" asked Gochu is disbelief. Oolongchu had gone over to his house immediately to tell him the news. "Yeah," Oolongchu said. "Pikahan," said his mother. "You were hanging out with that Bulbiccolo again? Haven't I told you I don't like him?" "But mom..." "Where'd they take them?" asked Gochu. "I think they went to the Articuno Mountains," said Oolongchu. "Well, I'm going there right now to get them back," said Gochu. He went outside and called for his flying cloud. He hopped on and flew off. All three of them watched as Gochu flew away, and Pikahan began to sneak away quietly. "And where do you think you're going?" asked his mom. "Uh, I gotta go to the bathroom?" "The bathroom's not that way." Master Roshichu and Bulmachu were in a dark room. "Let Bulmachu go," said Master Roshichu. "It's me you want, not her." "Yeah," agreed Bulmachu. "You guys get on with it and I'll just go home..." Suddenly Bulmachu sunk into the floor. Light filled the room and Master Roshichu found himself in an arena of some kind. From a control room, Bulmachu was put in a force field and the Cyber-Scyther spoke into a loudspeaker. "Master Roshichu," he said. "To prove that you're the stongest fighter in the world, I'm issuing a test of sorts. You have to fight and defeat my three finest BioPokemon." Master Roshichu looked to the arena entrance. Three weird figures appeared. "Allow me to introduce you to my creations. There's Artichan, a cross between an Articuno and Hitmonchan; Bulbachume, a cross between a Bulmasaur, Vileplume, and Pikachu; and finally there's my favorite, ahem, Biotuff, a genetically altered Wigglytuff." "Alright, do you really want to see how tough I am?" said Master Roshichu. "BioPokemon, attack!" ordered the Cyber-Scyther. Master Roshichu was able to fend them off at first but was soon overtaken and easily defeated. "I don't believe it," said the Cyber-Scyther. "Master Roshichu is said to be one of the world's strongest fighters. I didn't think my creations would beat him that easily..." "You fool!" yelled Bulmachu. The Cyber-Scyther turned around. "What did you say?" "I said you're an idiot. Master Roshichu was one of the strongest fighters... fifty years ago! I know someone who's way stronger than him," she said. "Who?" said an unknown voice. "Who is this Pokemon you speak of?" "Huh?" she said. "Who's there?" A light shone in the corner of the room. A large machine could be seen, with a brain inside. "What's that?" asked Bulmachu. "That is Dr. Alakazamlo," said the Cyber-Scyther. "And I am his assistant, Dr. Kocyther." "Dr. Alakazamlo? Dr. Kocyther? I know about you two! I learned about you in school. You were responsible for all those controversial biotechnology experiments fifty years ago. Then there was a big blizzard and your lab was buried benearth a thick wall of ice and snow. You should be dead." "You're a smart girl," said Dr. Kocyther. "We should have been killed fifty years ago, but we found a way to survive and thanks to the Pokeballs, we've been given another chance." "But why do you need the strongest fighter in the world?" asked Bulmachu. "Imagine," said Dr. Alakazamlo's brain. "The scientific genius of my brain combined with the strongest body in the world. That way, I would be unstoppable and the world would be mine to control." "You see," said Dr. Kocyther. "World domination was always our goal. And by creating an army of super BioPokemon, we would have easily taken over the world. However, before our goal could be realized, Dr. Alakazamlo died. But I was able to keep his brain alive using the biotechnology that we had created. While we were doing research in these mountains, ice and snow rained down upon out lab as if heaven itself was jealous of Dr. Alakazamlo's power. Now, our revenge will be taken and the world will be ours!" "You're mad," said Bulmachu. "You dare to insult the greatest scientist this planet has ever known? Why, we could destroy this planet in a second if we wanted to. Just a few days ago, a corner of Viridian Forest mysteriously was turned to wasteland. I'm sure you heard about it." "Yes..." said Bulmachu weakly. "That was us," Dr. Kocyther said. "What happened outside Viridian City the other day was just a small sample of our power. Now, tell us about this fighter you know." "Yes," said Dr. Alakazamlo. "Tell me, who is the strongest fighter in the world?" Bulmachu regained her nerve. "Everyone knows that Gochu is." "Where is this, uh, 'Gochu?'" asked Dr. Kocyther. "Wait," said Dr. Alakazamlo. "I sense a strong life force approaching." Dr. Kocyther turned on a large video screen. On it they saw Gochu speeding toward the lab on his flying cloud. "Well," said Dr. Kocyther. "We'll just see if he's the strongest fighter in the world." Gochu landed in front of the base. He looked for a way in. He shivered. "Man, it's cold up here," he said. "BioPokemon," said Dr. Kocyther. "Go and attack the intruder." The door opened and Gochu walked towards it. Suddenly the ice beneath him cracked and broke as Biotuff broke through the ice. Gochu kicked it hard and it splashed into the water. Gochu ran into the building. Biotuff chased after him. Gochu entered a room. A black ball swooped down from the ceiling and he narrowly avoided being hit. "What now?" he asked. Spikes shot out of the balls. Then they starting dive bombing him. There were dozens of balls. They all missed. Gochu decided to go on the offensive. He fired electric blasts at all the spiky balls. Soon there was nothing but debris littering the floor. Biotuff entered the room. Gochu fired an electric bolt at it. It reflected off of Biotuff and almost hit Gochu. Gochu then went to kick Biotuff's belly. He sank into it. "Gak! He's as soft as a marshmellow!" He was smashed by Biotuff and pounded into the wall. Biotuff began to inflate itself. Gochu decided it was now or never. Powering up, Gochu used Agility and plowed into Biotuff's soft belly. Biotuff stretched out as Gochu kept going. However, it seemed like Gochu was running out of momentum. "Kao Chu!" yelled Gochu. Gaining speed and power, he burst through Biotuff and created a hole. Biotuff was deflated, and defeated. The control room was silent. Gochu entered the next room. Artichan stood before him. Gochu phased out of view and rematerialized in Artichan's face, which Gochu elbowed viciously. Then Bulbachume dove in and disappeared. Gochu made several swipes at it but each time Bulbachume teleported away. "That's no illusion technique," said Gochu. "I couldn't trace his energy when he disappeared." Both Artichan and Bulbachume charged Gochu. They all exchanged punches. However, Gochu was outnumbered and pounded to one side. He rebounded and charged at Artichan. Vine Whips from Bulbachume flew through the air. They wrapped around Gochu and zapped him with a massive dose of electric energy. Gochu fell to the ground. Artichan blew icy breath at Gochu. He put up his arm to block it, and when he looked at it he saw that it was frozen in a block of ice. More icy breath and Gochu began to freeze all over and soon he was trapped in ice. Dr. Kocyther watched from the control room. "There's no escape from Artichan's icy tomb. Finish him off!" Just as the two BioPokemon were about to defeat Gochu, two Pikachu's jumped in and landed next to Gochu. "Pikahan!" Gochu exclaimed. "Hi, daddy," said Pikahan. "Krillinchu!" "Hey, Gochu, why didn't you tell me about this? I thought we were buddies." "What's this?" said Dr. Kocyther. "Get them, now!" Pikahan and Krillinchu didn't put a hit on the two BioPokemon, but Bulbachume weakened them and Artichan froze them both in ice blocks. "Kao Chu!" The two BioPokemon turned around to see Gochu break free of the ice. He charged at Artichan and hit him hard. Artichan smashed into the wall and was defeated. Gochu then anticipated where Bulbachume would show up after using his teleport move and landed a perfect hit. Bulbachume staggered back a few steps then fell down, also defeated. The control room was silent once again. "He's the one," Dr. Alakazamlo declared. "Pikahan? Krillinchu? Are you okay?" asked Gochu. "Get us out of here!" said Krillinchu. "Hurry!" said Pikahan. Gochu, Krillinchu, and Pikahan ran along the corridors of the lab. "I'm still cold!" said Krillinchu. "I'm frozen on the inside," said Pikahan. "Gochu, are you sure Bulmachu and Master Roshichu are down this way?" asked Krillinchu. "Yeah," said Gochu. "They must be at the back of the lab." They reached a large room. There they saw Bulmachu and Master Roshichu trapped in force fields. Gochu ran over to help them but was zapped by the force field and flung backwards. The lights came on and Gochu and the others saw Dr. Alakazamlo's brain in the machine. Dr. Kocyhter stood at a control console nearby. "What is that?" asked Gochu. "They're Dr. Alakazamlo and Dr. Kocyther," said Bulmachu. "Everyone thought they died fifty years ago but they didn't and now they want to take over your body and conquer the world." "Yes, it's quite painless. And you'll be a lot smarter with my brain instead of the one you have now," said Dr. Alakazamlo. "You're crazy if you think you're going to get your hands on my body!" said Gochu. "Finish him off now so we can begin the transfusion," Dr. Alakazamlo told Dr. Kocyther. Dr. Kocyther flicked a button and Gochu was surrounded by an intense wave of energy, weakening him and rendering him helpless. "It's useless to resist," said Dr. Alakazamlo. "Your body belongs to me!" Gochu struggled and broke free. "We'll have to soften him a bit," said Dr. Kocyther. He pressed a button and Bulbiccolo rose out of the floor. "Mr. Bulbiccolo!" said Pikahan. "You came to help us!" He ran over to Bulbiccolo. Bulbiccolo swatted him aside and charged at Gochu. Gochu noticed that there was a strange device attached to the bulb on Bulbiccolo's back. Bulbiccolo hit Gochu with a merciliess onslaught. "You see?" said Dr. Kocyther. "We even have the evil mind of Bulbiccolo on our side." "Mr. Bulbiccolo, stop!" cried Pikahan. Bulbiccolo charged up for a Solarbeam. "Pikahan! Get away!" called Gochu. "He's not the same as he used to be!" He rushed down and fired and electric beam to block Bulbiccolo's from hitting Pikahan. He dove at Bulbiccolo and they continued the fight. Pikahan turned to Dr. Kocyther and Dr. Alakazamlo. "This is all your fault," he said through his teeth. His anger was rising, and so was his power. "What power!" exclaimed Dr. Alakazamlo. "Heh, heh. Hey kid, why don't you go home and sit on your mommy's lap?" teased Dr. Kocyther. "No, Dr. Kocyther," said Dr. Alakazamlo. "Don't make him madder..." "This is all your fault," Pikahan said. "All your fault!" Suddenly a huge crater formed under Pikahan and a huge shockwave rippled outward. The control console was destroyed and a huge crack formed in the wall where the machine was holding Dr. Alakazamlo's brain. The device on Bulbiccolo's bulb stopped working. He stopped attacking Gochu. Dr. Kocyther got up and saw Krillinchu staring at him. "Let Bulmachu and Master Roshichu go right now," he said. Dr. Kocyther grinned and pointed his hand at Krillinchu. It turned into a Mini-Wigglyweapon complete with dozens of rounds of miniture Wigglytuffs! He began firing at Krillinchu. Krillinchu stayed ahead of the deadly Wigglytuffs which exploded on impact. One of them ruptured the s force field that kept Bulmachu and Master Roshichu trapped. They all ran to avoid getting blasted. There was a huge noise. They all looked and saw the machine with Dr. Alakazamlo's brain come out of the wall. It was an android complete with robotic arms, legs, body, and head that held Dr. Alakazamlo's brain. He took one step towards Gochu and the others and accidentally squished Dr. Kocyther. He didn't know that, though. "Let's go!" called Master Roshichu. "Thunderbolts!" Gochu, Krillinchu, and Master Roshichu powered up. "Piiiiiii, Kaaaaaaaa, Chuuuuuu!" Three huge bolts of electricity hit the android at full strength. When the smoke cleared Dr. Alakazamlo stood there without a scratch. "Argh!" said Gochu. "It didn't work!" "So he's the one who was controlling me?" said Bulbiccolo. "He's gonna pay!" Bulbiccolo charged at the android but was swatted aside like a fly. After several attacks, it looked like Dr. Alakazamlo was going to crush them all. Gochu had to take matters into his own hands. He flew at the android and with a mighty karate chop he severed one of the robotic limbs. Gochu landed and powered up. "Piiiiiii, Kaaaaaaaa, Chuuuuu!" He fired a huge Thunderbolt at the android. "Kao Chu attack! Times 3!" Gochu was hit with a massive upsurge of energy and his power tripled. The android was struck with the ultra powerful electric bolt and got shot into orbit. The others walked over to Gochu. "Whoa, looks like you beat him!" said Krillinchu. "Nope," said Gochu. "I know he's still alive." "You mean after all that?" "Yeah. You guys get out of here, and I'll wait for a chance to whack him with the Mega Electrobomb." Krillinchu, Pikahan, and Bulbiccolo flew up to hold off Dr. Alakazamlo while Gochu gathered energy for the Mega Electrobomb. Bulmachu and Master Roshichu ran to safety in the mountains. Before Krillinchu, Pikahan, and Bulbiccolo could reach Dr. Alakazamlo, he used the weaponry on the android to pummel the area around his lab with intense rays of energy. Gochu had finally finished powering up and was about to launch the Mega Electrobomb when the laser blasts fired from the android destroyed the base. "Gochu is too strong," said Alakazamlo. "I'll have to find a body on another planet. But first I'll destroy this one and Gochu along with it!" Bulbiccolo and Pikahan charged at the android. "Use all your power to stop him," said Bulbiccolo. Bulbiccolo and Pikahan managed to hit the android and delay his planet destructo beam, but Krillinchu got whacked. "Why does this always happen to me?" he asked himself. "You fools!" yelled Dr. Alakazamlo. "I'll destroy you and your precious planet!" He fired the planet destructo beam. Pikahan and the others looked on helplessly. Gochu had since recovered and saw the red beam coming toward the planet. "Hai!" He tossed the Mega Electrobomb into the air and it sped towards it target. It succeeded in slicing through the red beam. The Mega Electrobomb neared the android. Pikahan, Krillinchu, and Bulbiccolo got out of the way as the Mega Electrobomb his Dr. Alakazamlo. He screamed and the android exploded. Gochu lay in the snow, weakened. The others rushed up to him. "Are you okay?" asked Bulmachu. "You did it Gochu!" said Krillinchu. "Yay, daddy!" said Pikahan. While everyone celebrated, Bulbiccolo walked away. Gochu sat up and called to him. "Hey, Bulbiccolo! We did it!" "Pikahan," said Bulbiccolo. "Deserves all the credit." He walked away into the mountains. "Well, there was one thing I like about Dr. Alakazamlo," said Master Roshichu. "What's that?" Gochu asked. "He thought I was the strongest man in the world!" "I guess no one told him you were a dirty old Pokemon," said Bulmachu. Everyone laughed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That does it for "The World's Strongest." Hungry for more PokeBall Z? Surf over to Team Rocket's Pokemon Database at http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/teamrocket/index.html for more of Gochu's adventures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------