Pokémon The Pallet Journeys by: PokeZar Chapter 1 "Gary, Gary, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can!!" The girls yelled. "For the love of god......." I said. "I know. He's not that good. I could take him on!" My best friend, Tarn said. I was looking at the most revolting display of bragging in my life, when a boy came shoving through the crowd. "Excuse me, pardon me!" He was saying. Then he fell right in front of Gary. "Hey, watch where you're going! Well, you must be Ash! Better late than never, I guess. At least you get the chance to meet me!" Gary said with some snickering."Gary?" Ash said. "Mr. Gary to you! Show some respect! Well Ash, you snooze, you lose, and you're way behind right from the start!" At that point I was tired of hearing the conversation. "Come on, lets go." I said."Yeah. I'm getting sick of this too." Tarn said. "We sould go meet Carla at the entrance to Route 1, like we said." And so our journey began. Chapter 2 "Hey, Carla!" Tarn yelled. "Hey guys!" She yelled back. "What pokémon did you choose!?" "You'll have to find out!" "How long do you think it will take us to get to Viridian!?" "Maybe 1 hour!" "Hey guys, I have an idea! Why don't me and Tarn come over there, so we don't have to yell!" I said. "Oh, yeah." Tarn said. When we were relatively close to one another I decided to show off my pokémon. "Ok. Wanna see mine?" I said."Pokéball! Goooooo!!!!!!! With a big flash, a Squirtle appeared. "Wow! You have a Squirtle? Cool! Well, look at mine!" Carla said. "Pokéball, gooo!!!!!!" A Charmander appeared! "Those pokémon look great! Your turn, buddy! Pokéball, gooo!!!!!" Tarn said right before a Bulbasaur came beaming out. "Awesome! Well lets go! Maybe we can get to Viridian before noon!" As we entered the large field, we didn't see any pokémon. "Where are they?" Carla said. "Maybe they are hiding from somthing" Tarn said. "Why? They could defend themselves." I said. "Not against a very powerfull pokémon." Tarn said. "A powerfull pokémon? Lets find it!" I said. So we and our pokémon started to search. "We've searched everywhere!" Carla said."Char,char." her charmander said in agreement. "Not there." Tarn pointed toward a field past a big fence. "Ooooh no, not there. My parents forbid me to go there, they said Pallet field has been off limits to everyone except pokémon league members because it's so dangerous." Carla said. "Well I don't have any other ideas. Let's go!" I said. We jumped over the fence, and started walking. About a quarter of a mile into the field, we started to feel rumbling! "Geez! What is this, an earthquake?!" Tarn yelled. "NO, A POKéMON!!!" I yelled! I pointed toward a large figure running toward us. "RUN!" Carla screamed. "NO, FIGHT!" I yelled. "SQUIRTLE, GOOOO!!!!!!" Out came my Squirtle. "Squirtle, growl, try to scare it down!" "Squirtle!!!! GRRRRRR.....SQUIRT, SQUIRT!!! SQUIRTLE....." I pullled out my pokédex."There is no official data, but occording to descriptions in many mythology books, this pokémon seems to be Donufan. Donufan is said to have a very short temper, and great strength." "WOW, this is a rare pokémon all right!" I said. Just then' Doufan started ramming Squirtle! "Donu!!!!! FAN, FAN!!!" "SQUIRT!!!!!" "SQUIRTLE, NO!!!" "Use water gun!" "SQUIRT!!!!!!" Squirtle started blasting out a large stream of water. "DON!!" "Squirtle, tackle!" "SQUIRTLE!!!!!" Squirtle ran into Donufan, and it started to wobble! "Pokéball, GOOO!!!!!!" The pokéball sucked Donufan in! "bloop,bloop......bloop,bloop........PING!" "YES!!!!!! I CAUGHT A DONUFAN!!!!!" "Squirtle!!"Squirtle said happily. to be continued......