Pokemon: A Hot Time at Mount Rai. Chapter 1 Narrator: We join our heroes as the walk down a nice quiet road, headed to Firerock City, but now that come close to Mount Rai. A famous place known for Fire Pokemon. Ash: WOW, look at. Misty: Is that Mount Rai. Brock: Yep, This place is known as "The Fires Zone", because it has a lot of fire Pokemon. Ash: That's all I need to know. We're going to get some new Pokemon here. Right Pikachu. Pikachu: Pika. (Pikachu said nodding) Misty: Do you need some Help? Ash: Why would I need your help. Misty: There are fire Pokemon around here, and water Pokemon are strong against fire. Ash: Yea, Will Squrtle will be able to help me with that. Misty: Well who would want to help.... Brock broke them up. Brock: Hey you two. Cut it out. Now we're here to check out the Pokemon here. Ash may need a new Pokemon or two if he goes up against the Gym leader in Firerock City. Pikachu: PIKA PIKA. (Pikachu pulled on Ash's pants) Ash: What is it Pikachu? Pikachu put his finger up to his mouth, and then headed over to some bushes. Ash, Misty, and Brock quietly followed. They looked over the Bushes to see a Ponyta. Ash: Wow, a Ponyta. I've wanted to catch one since we meet Lori Larabe. Brock: Be careful Ash. This is a wild Ponyta. Ash: I will. Ash turned his hat around and took one of his Pokeballs off his belt. Ash: SQURTLE, I CHOOSE YOU. Squrtle came out and appeared in front of the Ponyta. Ponyta then yelled like a horse and tried to stomp Squrtle, but it dodged. Ash: SQURTLE, WATER GUN NOW. Squrtle blasted water out of his mouth and it hit Ponyta. Ponyta withdrew a bit and tried to strike back with flame-thrower, but Squrtle was able to dodge. Ash: SQURTLE HIT IT WITH YOUR WATER GUN AGAIN! Squrtle: Squrtle. Squrtle hit Ponyta with Water gun and Ponyta backed off. Its Flame was getting low. Ash: Good job Squrtle, One last thing. Pikachu Tundershock!!!! Pikachu then sent out his Tundershock attack at Ponyta. Ponyta then went down to its keels. Ash: Alright, It's my turn. GO POKEBALL!!! Ash though the Pokeball at Ponyta. When it hit it the Fire horse turned into pure energy and entered the Pokeball. The red light on the ball then came on as the ball hit the ground and started to shack. Everyone Stared at the ball till the Light went off and it stopped shacking. Misty: Wow, you did it. Ash: YHAAA, WE DID IT. WE CALT PONYTA. Ash said as he picked up the Pokeball. Pikachu did a victory sign and said: PIKACHU!!!! Squrtle did the same. Chapter 2 Ash: Alright, I got Ponyta. Now Gary's going to have something to worry about. Brock: Good Job Ash. But don't you think we better check on it. It didn't look too good when you calt it. Ash: I guess your right. Ponyta, Come out. The Pokeball opened and Ponyta came lying on the ground. Ash went up to it. Ash: Easy there, It's Ok. No ones going to hurt you now. Ash tried to pet it. It was made his hand very warm but it wasn't like the last time he tried to pet a Ponyta. Ash: Sorry I was a little rough on you, but it's over now. Brock bent down next to Ponyta and tried to check its wounds, but it flared up. Ash: Chill Ponyta, Brock is OK. His just trying to take care of your wounds. Ponyta cooled downed and let Brock take a look. Misty: Is it OK. Brock: It's a little weak and has some electrical burns but with some super potion it will be Ok by Morning. Ash: See, you'll be OK Ponyta. Misty: Yea, thanks to Brock. You should've let Squrtle take another shot at it instead of letting Pikachu shock it. Ash: Hey, I calt it didn't I. Ash said standing up. Ash and Misty went into a Staring contest. Pikachu then went between them. Pikachu: Pika Pika Pi Misty and Ash just turned away from each other. Ash went down next to Ponyta. Later they made camp as the sun began to set. Ash: Feeling better Ponyta. Ponyta nodded with a smile. Misty: Well that's a good thing. Ash tuned he's head to see Misty. Misty then went over to Ponyta. Misty: You'll be better soon. Misty then tried to pet it and almost got burned. Misty: It's OK Ponyta, I'm not going to hurt you. Ponyta turned away from Misty. Ash: Well I guess Ponyta has a good since of judgment. Misty: HMMMM. Brock: Hey guys dinners ready. Ash: Ok Brock. Coming Pikachu. Pikachu: Pika Chu Pika Pi Ash: OK suit yourself. Ash and Misty went over to the fire. Pikachu went up to Ponyta. (Now since we can understand Pokemon, let's activate my new PokeTranslater.) Pikachu: Why did you turn from Misty? Ponyta: She's a Water Trainer. I don't like Water too much. Pikachu: You shouldn't hold that against her. She's very nice. Ponyta: Ash doesn't thank so. Pikachu: Oh, those two have a love hate Relationship. They like each other they just don't want two show it. Just try to give her a chance. Please. Ponyta: OK I'll try. (PokeTranslater Off) Later that Night everyone was asleep. But Ponyta seemed to be having trouble. Ash woke up and saw Ponyta seemed uncomfortable. Ash went over, and checked around Ponyta and saw it was sitting on a stick. Ash pulled it out. Ponyta woke up. Ash: Oh, Sorry Ponyta. Don't Worry I Got rid of that Stick you were sitting on. Ash petted Ponyta with out a bit of heat added. Ash: I'm glad you and me can be friends Ponyta. It's been a while since I calt a new Pokemon. Ash Continued to pet Ponyta. Ponyta then looked over at Misty who it thought was asleep, but woke up when hearing Ash moving. Ash: What's up Ponyta? Ash then saw it was looking a Misty. Ash: Oh. You don't need to worry about Misty, Ponyta. She's Ok. Ash looked over a Misty. Ash: You know, When she isn't running off her mouth she's kind off cool. Ash didn't see it but Misty blushed a bit. Ash then went back to his Sleeping bag. Ash: Good Night Ponyta. See you in the Morning. Night past quietly. Chapter 3 The Morning came and everyone awoke and had breakfast. Later Brock looked at Ponyta. Brock: Well Ponyta, Your all better. I guess you could say you're as health as a Horse. HAHAHAHA. Ash and Misty: OHHHHHH Pikachu: Pika!!!! Ash: I'm glad you're all better Ponyta. How about we have some practice? Ponyta nodded. Misty: I'll battle with you. Brock: I don't think that would be a good idea Misty. It just recovered, and using Water Pokemon would be pushing it. I think it's best if I Battle with Ash. Misty: OK. Misty said with upset. Brock and Ash took their places at opposite ends of a fields. Brock: GO GEODUDE!!! Geodude appeared. Ash: ALRIGHT, PONYTA I CHOOSE YOU. Ponyta went to the Middle of the field with Geodude. Brock: GEODUDE, ROCK TROUGH NOW. Geodude reached down into the ground and pulled out some small boulders and though them at Ponyta. Ash: Ponyta, dodge. Ponyta dodged. Ash: FLAME-THROWER NOW. Ponyta opened its mouth sent a stream of fire at Geodude. It hit one of Geodude's hands. Brock: On no. GEODUDE, DEFENSE CURL. Ash: Uh Oh, I better find out if Ponyta has some better attacks. Ash brought out his PokeDex. Ash: Dexter, What's Ponyta's Special move. Dexter: Ponyta has hooves that are harder than diamond. Its Special attack is Stomp. Ash: That sounds handy. Thanks Dexter. PONYTA, STOMP!! Ponyta rushed up to Geodude and drilled it into the ground with its hooves. Ponyta backed off. Brock ran up to Geodude. Brock: Geodude, are you alright. Geodude: Geo. Ash: Sorry Geodude, I didn't know it would be that hard. Geo: Geo...dude. Brock: I think Geodude understands. Brock took out a Pokeball and recalled Geodude. Misty: Well I have to say that Ponyta's pretty good. Ash: Yea. You are going to be a big help in Firerock City, Ponyta. Ash said patting Ponyta. Chapter 4 They then cleaned up camp. Ash recalled Ponyta. And the group headed to Firerock City. But to get there they had to cross Mount Rai. An hour later Brock spotted something. Brock: Hey look, a Growlithe. Ash: Boy, we've just been lucky lately. The Growlithe then spotted them and started to run away. Ash: Oh no, after it. Ash and Misty started to run after it Brock started after them but was a little behind. Mean while, up ahead. ??: Prepare for trouble ??: Make it double Jessie: To protect the world from devastation James: To unite all peoples within our nation Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love James: To extend our reach to the stars above Jessie: Jessie James: James Jessie: Team rocket! Blast off at the speed of light James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight Meowth: Come on you Two No noes around to hear it. They just ignored Meowth. Jessie: I just know were going to get Pikachu this time. James: I have the same filling. Meowth: What's the plan this time? Jessie and James moved aside and let Meowth see the Plan. Meowth: Not again with the Hole. Haven't you guys leaned your lesson. James: Well as they say 'Third times the Charm'. They then quickly covered the hole as they head something coming. They then hid in some bushes. A Growlithe then went by and then came Ash, Misty, and Pikachu, but when they went by they fell into the trap. Ash: Owww. Misty: I know. You think we can get though one day without falling in a hole. ????:HAHAHAHA Ash: Oh No, Not them. Jessie: See Meowth, We told you it would work. Meowth: Yea, Yea, Now let's Get that Pikachu. Ash held Pikachu tight as Team Rocket started toured them. Brock: Whole it right there. Team Rocket Turned to see Brock. Ash: Hey it's Brock. Misty: Help us Brock. Brock: Let them go. James: And just what are you going to do about it. Brock: THIS. VULPIX, GEODUDE GO Geodude: GEO Vulpix: Vul, Vul, Vul Jessie: GO ARBOK Arbok: Aaarrrbak James: WEEZING, GO. Weezing: Weezing Brock: GEODUDE, SEISMIC TOSS. Jessie: ARBOK, POISON STING. Arbok Headed for Geodude with its fangs out. Geodude dodged and grabbed it's tail and though it in the air. It then landed on Jessie, James and Meowth. James: Oh that's it. WEEZING POISON GAS ATTACK. Brock: VULPIX, FLAME-THROWER!! Vulpix's Flame ignited the gas and exploded Weezing, Team Rocket was then going though the air. Team Rocket: LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN. Brock and his Pokemon than went over to the hole. Ash: Way to go Brock. The Ground then started to shack and the floor of the hole caved in and Ash Misty and Pikachu fill into the hole and slid down a rock tube. Brock: ASH, MISTY, PIKACHU. Chapter 5 Ash, Misty, and Pikachu then landed in a large Cave. Misty landed on top of Ash and Pikachu on Misty. They all awoke. Ash and Misty woke to look into each other's faces. The two then jumped up and away from each other. They both tuned away from each other. Both blushing. Ash then Spotted Pikachu on the ground in a daze. He rushed over to him. Ash: Pikachu, are you alright. Pikachu shock his head to clear it Pikachu: Pikachu. Misty: Ash, where are we? They all looked around. Then the Ground shook again. Back at Brock. Brock: We have to try and get them out. The Ground then Shook and the rock tube collapsed. Brock: Oh no!! Come on guys, we have to see if there's another way in. Brock, Vulpix and Geodude Started looking. Back down in the Cave. Misty: Oh Great, the Tube just caved in. Ash: Now what do we do. Pikachu: Pika Pikachu said, surging is shoulders as he sat on a rock. Suddenly the rock started to get Hot. Pikachu: PIKA Pikachu jumped straight up and Ash calt him. Ash and Misty then saw that Pikachu's Tail was on fire. Ash Blow it out. Ash: Are you alright Pikachu. Pikachu: Pi Chu Misty: What cud have caused that? They both Looked at the Rock as it started to turn to Lava and more started to slowly come out of the floor. Misty: Ash that's not what I think it is. Is it? Ash: Yap, Lava. And if that's lava then that means that this is a... Both of them: VOLCANO Pikachu: PIKA Pikachu perked up his ears. Misty: What do we do? Ash garbed Misty's hand. Ash: Come on we have to try to get out of here. But first Let's try to get to a higher part of the cave. They headed to the other side of the cave, which was higher. Back out side Brock and his Pokemon were trying to find a way into the cave. Geodude Then Stopped. Geodude: GEO GEO-DUDE. Brock came over Brock: What is it Geodude? Did you find a way in? Geodude: Geo It shook No. Brock: Then what is it? Geodude then pointed up. Brock and Vulpix the looked up the see smock coming out of the top of the mountain. Brock: OH NO, your not saying that is a Volcano. Geodude shook yes with a sad face. Brock: Then we have to hurry. Chapter 6 Back in the cave the lava was rising and a few feet away from the ledge of the small cliff Ash, Misty, and Pikachu were on. Misty studded close to Ash against the wall so the popping Lava wouldn't hit her. Ash: I don't see how we're going to get out of this one. I guess I won't be able to pay back your bike. Misty: Oh I didn't care about that bike any way. Misty then put her hand to her Mouth, surprised at what she just said. She just blew her secret. Ash: What do you mean you don't care about your bike. If you Don't... Pikachu: Pika Pika Pikachu. Pikachu said Cheerfully. Ash: What is it Pikachu? Pikachu pointed up to a higher ledge. Ash: Hey That's another cave up there. Misty: Yea, but how do we get up there. Ash looked around and spotted a ledge above them that lead to the cave. Ash: I have an Idea. Ash took off one of his Pokeballs. Ash: Bulbasaur, I choose you. Bulbasaur appeared. It saw all the lava and backed up against the wall. Ash: I know you don't like Fire to much but we need your help to get up to that ledge. Use your Vine Whip to grab hold of that Stalagmite up there. Bulbasaur: Bulba Bulbasaur unlaced its vine whip and grabbed the stalagmite. Ash, Misty, and Pikachu grabbed Bulbasaur and then it pulled them up to the ledge. Ash: Thanks Bulbasaur. Ash returned Bulbasaur to the Pokeball, and Him, Misty and Pikachu headed for the cave. They stopped just out side it. Ash: I better go it first to check, we don't want any more surprises. Misty: Ok but be Careful. Ash and Pikachu then went in. They spotted a hole in the roof that sunlight was coming though. Ash: It seems safe Pikachu. Pikachu: Pika (Pikachu Agreed) Ash: Hey Misty it...... The ground shook again. Ash: On No. Rocks overhead fell in front of the entrance. Chapter 7 After the ground settled Ash and Pikachu went over to the rocks. Ash: MISTY CAN YOU HEAR ME. Misty: YEA, ASH. Ash: HOLD ON I'LL TRY GETTING TO YOU. Ash said trying to move some Rocks. Misty: I THINK YOU SHOULD HURRY ASH THE LAVA LOOKS LIKE IT'S RISING QUICKER. Ash: I'm trying. Ash and Pikachu tried to move them. Ash: There has to be something I can do. Ash thought. Ash: Pikachu, I Have an Idea. I Just hope he will help. Ash took one of his Pokeballs off. Ash: Charizard, Come out. The Large fire Pokemon came out with a roar. Ash: Charizard, I need your help. Misty's trapped behind those rocks. The Fire Pokemon just yond. Ash: Please Charizard, I need your help. Lesson I'm on asking you as your trainer, but as your friend. Pikachu went up to Charizard. Pikachu: Pika Pika Pi Chu ( Please, Help us) Misty: ASH!!!!! Ash went back to trying to move the rocks. Ash: HANG ON MISTY, I'M COMING. Pikachu: PIKA The Two did their best two move the rocks, but they wouldn't move. Charizard just watched as Ash and Pikachu tried to move the Rocks. It then walked over to them, and picked them up and Moved them to the side. Ash: Charizard, what are you doing? Charizard put them down and started to move the boulders like they were pebbles. Ash: Oh Thank You Charizard. I owe you one. MISTY WE'ER COMING. Charizard moved more rocks and a hole opened up. Ash went to it and saw Misty. Ash: Misty Take my hand I'll pull you though. Misty did that and Ash pulled her though. Ash: Charizard, you better close back up the hole to stop the lava. Charizard agreed and closed the hole back. Ash helped Misty down the rocks. Misty: Thank Ash, Ow My Arm. Ash: What's wrong? Misty: I was hit by a bit of lava. I don't think it's bad. Ash looked at it. Ash: It doesn't look Bad, but we better do something with it. Ash opened his pack and took one of his spare shirt and ripped off a piece at the bottom. He then rapped it around Misty's burn. They then looked at each other. Misty: You didn't have to do that. Ash: I know, I wanted to. The Ground then shook again. Misty and Ash hugged each other. And Pikachu joined them. Suddenly a rock from above broke loose and headed for them. Charizard then covered them as the rock hit. Charizard then Stumbled Back and fell on the floor. Ash: Oh No, Charizard. Ash, Misty and Pikachu rushed over to it. Ash: Charizard are you OK. Misty: Charizard, Speak to us. Pikachu: Pika. Charizard: Charrrr. It said in a weak voice. Ash: Don't Worry we're going to get you to the PokemonCenter as soon as possible. ????: ASH, MISTY, PIKACHU. They heard. Ash: BROCK WE'RE DOWN HERE. Ash went over the Small hole that the sun was coming though. Ash: BROCK WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE CHARIZARD'S HURT. Brock: OK, UHHH. STAND BACK I'M GOING TO TRY SOMETHING. Up at Brock. Brock: GO ONIX. Onix appeared. Brock: Onix, tunnel down to Ash. Onix then hit the Ground and made a tunnel down to Ash and the others. Onix then reached them. Ash: Way to go Onix. Come on Charizard we're getting you out of here. Charizard returned to the Pokeball. Ash, Misty and Pikachu rushed up the tunnel Onix just made. Onix followed. They then reached the surface. Ash: Boy, I'm glad we're out of that. Brock: It's no over yet. We got to get out of here before this thing blows. Ash: Yea, well we have to get to the PokemonCenter, and I Know How. PONYTA I CHOOSE YOU. Ponyta came out. Ash: Ponyta we need to get to the PokemonCenter fast. Ponyta motioned for him to get on. Ash and Pikachu did just that. Ash: Come on Misty. Misty just stayed still. Ash: Don't Worry Misty Ponyta won't hurt you. Ponyta looked at Misty and then Nodded. Misty then smiled and got on with Ash and Pikachu. Misty: What about you Brock? Brock: Don't worry me and Onix will be right behind you. Brock then recalled Vulpix and Geodude then got on Onix. Ash, Misty, and Pikachu took off on Ponyta and Brock Followed on Onix. As they headed away the Volcano Spat out More Smoke. They pasted Fire trucks and Helicopters on the way to the Firerock City Pokemon Center, that were headed for Mount Rai. Chapter 8 Ash just road into the Pokemon Center on Ponyta up to Nurse Joy at the Front Desk. Joy: Hey now, What's the meaning if this? Ash: We're sorry Nurse Joy, but it's an emergence. My Charizard is badly hurt. Joy: Oh No, Let me see it. Ash called out Charizard. It just laid on the Floor Moaning. Ash: Please, you have to help it. Charizard saved our Lives. He's very important to me. Joy smiled at him. Joy: I'll do my best. She then taped at the computer. Joy: We Need a Stretcher for a large Fire Pokemon, STAT. A few moments later some Chanseys came over with a large stretcher. It took all of them to put Charizard on it. Joy: Get it to Critical Care Now. Chanseys: Chansey, Chansey. Nurse Joy Put on some Rubber Gloves and went into Critical Care. Ash: Be Strong Charizard, I know You'll Be OK. Brock then came Up to them. Ash Recalled Ponyta after thanking him for the Quick Ride. Brock: How's Charizard? Ash: Not to good. It's with Joy in Critical Care. Brock: Then I'm sure it's in good hands. They all the waited in the Waiting Room. All of them worried. After an hour Ash started to pace back and forth on the floor. Pikachu did the same in the Coffee Table (or should that be Koffing Table). Suddenly the Emergence light went off, and Nurse Joy came out with no expression on her face. She looked at Ash and the others and then smiled. Ash and the others smiled too. Joy: Your Charizard is going to be just fine. It went very well and it's now in the recovery room. Ash: Oh thank you Nurse Joy. Thank You. Joy: It was no Problem at all. Brock went up to Nurse Joy in his Crazy over a girl manner. Brock: You mush be a vary talented nurse to help Charizard. There must be some way we can thank you. I know how about I treat you to Dinner. Joy: That's nice of you, but I have other Pokemon to see. She smiled at him and walk away. Brock: It's Ok I can take a Rain Check. Brock said following her. Ash, Misty, and Pikachu went in to the recovery room to see Charizard. Ash: CHARIZARD, You're alright. Ash went up and hug the large Pokemon. Misty stood beside it and Pikachu climbed on its stomach. Misty: We want to thank you for saving us Charizard. Ash: Yea, and I thought you didn't like me anymore. Charizard put its hand on Ash back, and shook its head. Charizard: Char Char Char Pikachu: Pika Pikachu. Ash: What he say Pikachu? Pikachu: Pi Pika Pi Chu Ash: You mean you just ignored me so I would try to become a better Trainer. Charizard Nodded. Misty: See Ash Charizard Cares about you. Ash: I know that now, and don't worry Charizard I'm going to start working Harder to be a good Trainer. Starting with beating the Gym leader here. Later Misty was setting in the Center lounge. Ash came up behind her. Ash: How's your arm? Ash sat down beside her. Misty: It's Better. On the other Said of the Center Pikachu watched them. Then Brock Came up. Brock: Hey Pikachu, Have you seen Ash. I got some Info on the Gym Leader here. Oh there he is. Pikachu: Pika Pika. Brock: What you don't want me to go over there Now. Pikachu: Pika Pikachu Nodded Yes. Back At Misty and Ash. Ash: Uh, Misty. I just wanted to ask you something. Misty: What is it? Ash: Well.... Back in the Cave you said you didn't care about your Bike anymore. So I was wondering, if you don't care about it anymore than why did you keep with me. Misty's face turned a bit red. Then she gave a big shi. She knew her secret was out. Misty: Well Ash, to tell you that I would have to tell you something else. Ash: What? Misty: You Know I'm the Tomboy of the Cerulean Sisters, and back when I live there I wasn't much into boy like my sisters. I just wanted to play and work with my Pokemon. Then I met you, at first I thought of you as a Creep that tore up my bike, but then I got to know you and saw you loved Pokemon just as much as I do. I guess you could say I was starting to like you. Ash just sat there shocked. Misty: I kept up the act about following you to repay for my bike, because I was afraid of what might happen of you knew. I wanted to stay on your journey. Ash didn't say a word for a minute. He then lowed he's head. Ash: I like you too. He said in a soft voice. Misty: What? Ash: I like you Too. Now Misty was Shocked. Ash: I guess I've liked you since we battled in Cerulean City. I thought you were a pretty cool Trainer. I guess I kept up the act of not liking you because I was as scare as you were. I wanted you to stay on the journey too. Misty stood still for a moment. Then she hugged Ash. Misty: Oh Ash, I'm so happy we told each other this. It's lifted a giant worry off of me. Ash was still a little shock at Misty hugging him. Ash: Same Here. Back over at Brock and Pikachu. Pikachu was crying Happily. Brock: I know Pikachu, I'm happy too. He then shook his head to clear he's thoughts. Brock: But you do know what this means don't you? Pikachu look at Brock in a puzzled way. Brock: It's no fair, Ash got a girl friend before me. Brock was in tears. Pikachu fell down with a Teardrop on his head. Ash and Misty then unembarrassed. Misty wiped tears from her eyes. Misty: You Know, I'm glad we told Each other how we felt. Ash: Me too. I fill a lot better knowing you don't hate me. Misty: Same goes for me. Misty finished wiping her eyes. Misty: I'm also glad you omitted that I'm a better trainer then you. Ash: I didn't say that. I just said you were a Cool Trainer. The two continued to argue. Brock: Well Pikachu, It's a Start. Pikachu: Pika Pi (Pikachu Agreed) Chapter 9 They stayed at the Pokemon Center that night and in the morning Charizard was better. Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu headed for the Firerock City Gym. Ash: So, Brock do you know anything about this Gym Leader? Brock: Not much. All I know is his name is Ben and if you beat him you'll get a Steam Badge. They then spotted the Gym. It looked like two mountains put together. A Volcano and a mountain of Snow. They Entered and spotted a young Beautiful lady wearing Tight blue Swimsuit like top and dark blue paints. Brock went into his pretty girl Mode. Ash: Excuse me, do you know were we can find Gym Leader Ben. Lady: Yes, I know. My Name is Cindy. Ben's number one student. Brock went up to her. Brock: Hi.. My name is Brock. And I'd love to hear about your Battle Teachings. Brock had a goofy look on his face. Cindy: That would be nice. But I have a boyfriend. She quickly move away from him. Misty: Look like she saw that coming Brock. Brock: Owwww. Ash: Don't worry, you'll find someone Brock. Cindy: Follow me. They Followed Cindy into the main gym area. There they saw hansom man in a Red shirt and Blue jeans. Cindy: Ben, You have visitors. Cindy walked over next to him. Ben looked at Ash and the other. Ash: I'm Ash Ketchum from the Town of Pallet. I've come to Try and win a Steam Badge. Ben: Ah, Another from Pallet. Ash: Huu, You mean you've battle someone else from Pallet. Was his name Gary. Ben: Yes, that was him. I don't lose much, but he beat me. Although he seemed to lack something in his training. Let's see if you have what it takes. Ash: Alright let's rock. Ready Pikachu. Pikachu: Pika Pikachu said with Sparks coming out of his cheeks. Ash and Ben took their place on the gym floor. Cindy over the Speakers: In this Match Three Pokemon will be used. No time limited. Gentlemen choose your Pokemon. Ben: Ok, POKEBALL GO. The Pokeball landed and out came a Pokemon that Ash as never seen before. He then Brought out his PokeDex and pointed it at the Pokemon. Dexter: Jynx, an Ice/Psychic Pokemon, Very rare. It uses its Lovely Kiss to put its opponent to sleep before using a combination of Ice and Psychic Attacks. Ash put up Dexter. Ash: Well I guess I'll just have to heat up the battle. Right Pikachu. Pikachu: Pika. (Right) Ash turned his hat around and took one of his Pokeballs. Ash: PONYTA, I CHOOSE YOU!!! Ponyta came out. Ben: Good choice Ash. But that's only half the battle. JYNX DOUBLE SLAP. Ash: Oh no. JYNX slapped Ponyta in the face 5 or 6 times then backed off. Ash: Hang in there Ponyta. Ben: I'd say you need to train it a little more. Ash got a little mad. Ben: JYNX, POUND! Ash: PONYTA, AGILTY. Ponyta quickly dodged the Attack. Ben: Better. Ash: PONYTA, STOMP IT. Ben: JYNX, ICE BARRIER. Jynx sent out a beam the made a wall of ice appear in front of it. Ponyta hit it with his hooves and it Shattered. Some large pieces hit Jynx. Ben: Oh No, Jynx. Ash: PONYTA, FLAME-THROWER. Ponyta opened its mouth and flames came out and hit Jynx. Jynx fell back in a daze. Ben: Hu, Jynx.......Return. Jynx went back to its Pokeball and Ben brought out another Pokeball. Ben: Well Ash, you seem to be pretty good. But let's see you handle this. Ben though the ball and out came a Brock: A NINETALES. Ash: Huu. Brock: It's an evolved form of Vulpix. Ash: Well that doesn't scared me. Ben: Just Wait. Ash: PONYTA, STOMP IT. Ponyta headed for Ninetales. It Dodge. Ben: NINETALES, CONFUSE RAY. Ninetales eyes lit up and sent out a beam that hit Ponyta in the eyes. Ponyta started going wild, jumping that hitting the wall. Ash: No Ponyta. PONYTA RETURN. Ash put up Ponyta's ball and took off another one. Ash: SQURTLE, I CHOOSE YOU. Squrtle appeared. Squrtle: Squrtle Squrtle. Ash: SQURTLE, WATER GUN. Ninetales dodged and tried its Confuse ray. Squrtle just dodged it. It then rushed over to Ash and looked though his backpack. Ash: Squrtle, what are you doing? Squrtle then Brought out his Sun Glasses that he used to ware when he was part of the Squrtle Squad. Ash: Good Idea Squrtle. Ben: Giving up Ash. Ash: Not a chance. Squrtle go. Squrtle put on the glasses and headed back out. Ninetales tried to use Confuse Ray again, but the Sun Glasses blocked it. Ash: SQURTLE, WATER GUN. It then hit Ninetales. Misty and Brock on the Said lines. Misty: Ash is doing Good. Could he win. Brock: Well, Ben seems to use Ice and Fire Pokemon. So if he keeps choosing his Pokemon and attacks wisely, I think he'll win. Misty looked at Ash and smiled. Ash: SQURTLE, TACKLE. Squrtle tackled Ninetales and took it out. Ben recalled Ninetales. Ben: I think I miss read you Ash. But you still have one to go. GO ARTICUNO!!!! The large Blue bird appeared. Brock: UHHH. HE HAS A ARTICUNO!!!!!!! Ash: An Articuno. What's that? Ash brought back out Dexter. Dexter: Articuno, one of three rare legendary birds. Articuno is the legendary bird of Ice. Ash: So it's a Ice and a Flying Pokemon. Well I thank Squrtle can handle it. SQURTLE BUBBLE. Squrtle shot Bubbles at Articuno, but it flew up and dodge. Ben: ARTICUNO, ICE BEAM. Articuno opened its beak and shot a Beam of cold at Squrtle. Squrtle's body was then in a block of ice. Squrtle: Squr...tle. Misty: OH NO, SQURTLE. Ash rushed over to Squrtle with Pikachu. Ash: Squrtle, are you OK. Pikachu: Pika. Squrtle: Squr...tle Ash: Don't worry. We'll get it for you. Ash and Pika pulled Squrtle back off the Field. Articuno went back to Ban and Landed on his Arm. Ben: Do you give? Ash: No way. He then whispered. Ash: What do I do now? Pikachu: Pika Pika CHU. Ash: I guess it's worth a shot. CHARIZARD, I CHOOSE YOU. Charizard came out. Ash: Charizard I need your help. That Articuno's tough. Look what it's done to Squrtle. Charizard looked at Squrtle in a block of Ice. It then turned to Ben and Articuno. Charizard: Char. Ash: Alright. Ben: ARTICUNO, FLY. Articuno flew up and dived-bombed Charizard. It fell back, but then got back up. Ben: ARTICUNO, BLIZZARD!!! Articuno started flapping its wings and snow and ice was headed for Charizard. Ice formed on Charizard's wings. Ash Looked worried. He then thought. Ash: CHARIZARD, FIRE BLAST NOW. Charizard then released it's most powerful Attack. A Large Fire Stream came out of its mouth and Hit Articuno. When the fired cleared Articuno fell to the Ground. Ben: NO, ARTICUNO. Ben had a Worried look on his face. Charizard then picked up the weakened Articuno and was about to blast it Again. Ash: No Charizard. Charizard ignored him. Ash: Don't do it Charizard. You wanted me to be a good trainer, well a good trainer knows when they've won and should stop. Charizard just looked at Ash then walked over to Ben and handed him Articuno. Ben: Thank you. Don't worry Articuno, we'll have you better in no time. He recalled it to its Pokeball. Ben: Will I have to say you handle your Pokemon well. As well as teach them good ethics. Ben walked up to Ash and then nodded to Cindy. She brought over a Needle. Ben took it. Ben: This is Ice Heal. It will help your Squrtle. Ben injected it into the ice around Squrtle and the ice then thawed. Ben: You are very good Ash. You have a lot more talent then Gary doses; and it's with great pleasure that I Give you this Steam Badge. Ben opened his hand and Ash and the others saw a badge that look like a piece of ice with red and blue swilled in it. Ash: Alright, We did it. Pikachu: PIKA, PIKA. Brock: Congratulations Ash. Misty: I knew you could do it. Misty rushed up to Ash and Hugged him. Everyone smiled, including Charizard. Narrator: Later Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu waved good bye to Ben and Cindy. They then continued their journey, with many things learned. Ash and Misty learned they liked each other, and Ash learned that Pokemon Training maybe fun, but there are time you have to work hard to get what you want. ...What Will Be Next?