The day of Pokémon Dissaster Ash and Brock leave misty behind with Nurse Joy for her Pokemon Nurse Training as they go farther down the road. The clouds above look very dark. Brock: Mabe we should find shelter! Ash: Yeah, mabe we should Just then a wild Jolteon pops out of the bushes and ash catches it. Pikachu then starts to knock on the pokeball. The clouds get darker by the minute. Ash, Brock, and Pikachu soon find a Saffari Zone like place, only its called the Pokémon Zone. They walk in to see that it is run by a guy named Lance. Ash then reconizes him as leader of the elite four! Ash talks to him about the pokeemon leauge and brock stares outside so does Pikachu Pikachu looks in the clouds yells in terror and faints. Suddenly the storm siren signs and a Tornado heads twords the building. Ash, Brock, and Lance stare in shock as the Pokemon in the Pokemon Zone are sucked into the twister. The twister heads twords thee building. They run out. The twister slams into the building. Ash stares in shock and then looks on his shoulder and all around to notice someone missing. Ash: PIKACHU!!!!!! ash has a flashback remembering pikachu look out the window and faint. Pikachu had been sucked into the tornado. Lance and Brock grab Ash and run. They run all the way back to the Pokemon Center. Joy runs out and then the twister rams into the building and misty is gone! Joy is injured. The three run for help and soon run into a Forest of Pokemon. The tornado swipes all theem up in one second. The three run and jump into a river soon to be attacked by Goldeen and seaking. The Goldeen and Seaking are sucked into the twister. Ash sees a hurt vaporeon and flareon. He catches them and they run twords Cealdon city! Ash screams that he is all the way back there. Thye city soon is reduced to rubble by thee huge twister. The three run to a near bye city and the tornado stops. The three head back with a ambulance as they take joy to a hospital. A search is on for misty. Ash soon hears Gary also had been sucked up. Ash: Even though he was my rival that is too bad Ash crys then sees three familiar faces. JESSIE, JAMES AND MEOWTH! They lay on the ground barely breathing. The ambulance takes Team Rocket to the hospital. Jenny also is at the hospital. The three run to the Pokemon Zone in hopes of finding Pikachu. They see millions of Pokemon with the life ripped out of them. Suddenly Ash sees Pikachu. Ash: HE'S BARELY BREATHING! WE NEED A POKEMON CENTER! Then on the radio: 7 More deadly tornados are predicted. A siren starts and a twister sucks Ash, Lance, Brock, and the barely alive Pikachu into it. the three are swept away and ash is thrown into a river and over a water fall and twords a ocean. Ash goes over the water fall uncontius and falls twords the jagged rocks below. Narrirator: Is this the end of Ash and the gang? Tune in next time on POKéMON!